It is very clear, like a newborn baby.

Then Mori Kogoro invaded Curacao's left eye with spiritual power with both hands, and began to observe carefully.

As soon as the contact lens was taken off, Curacao suddenly felt that the world in front of him lit up, and then he could see it more clearly, and he couldn't help being full of surprise.

Curacao was not born with heterochromatic pupils, and his transparent left eye was caused by an injury he suffered when he was a child.

Although this kind of injury is quite old, Mori Kogoro can also be healed with rejuvenation.

Through the perception of spiritual power, Mori Kogoro also knew that once he healed Curacao's injury, Curacao would be free again, and Rum could no longer control her.

Just like the Hydra brainwashing tool obtained by Mori Kogoro, after successful brainwashing, Chianti can be completely transformed into another person with only one code and obey his own orders.

And Rum's key to control Kura is the five colors that her transparent left eye sees.

As long as the transparent left eye is stimulated by the five colors, Curacao will become another person, an emotionless killer who only knows how to kill, and become the murderous weapon in Rum's hands.

So you just need to heal Curacao's left eye and turn the pupil back to blue.

She will no longer be able to see five colors with her transparent left eye, and she will never become that brainwashed killer.

After Mori Kogoro understood, he was ready to help him heal the old injury of his left eye, but looking at the eyes, he suddenly felt a little pity, so he couldn't help but speak.

"Xiaobai, your left eye is very beautiful, can I kiss it?"

Hearing this, Curacao's cheeks turned pink instantly, and she didn't know why she blushed, and she didn't even know what kissing meant.

But looking at Mori Kogoro's cheek, Curacao couldn't say no, so he nodded slowly.

Mori Kogoro bowed his head and spoke directly.

Looking at the face that was getting closer, Curacao suddenly realized what he wanted to do, and closed his eyes in a panic.

Mori Kogoro kissed lightly on the trembling eyelids.

As if an electric current passed by, Curacao trembled, his hands gripped the sheets uneasily, and his heart beat like a heavy drum.

Fortunately, Mori Kogoro didn't kiss for long, and left soon.

Then the hands full of the spirit of plants and trees lightly placed around the left eye, poured the cool spirit of plants and trees into it, and began to heal his left eye.

Curacao opened his eyes, and Mori Kogoro could see that the color of his eyes changed every time he opened them.

It gradually changed from transparent and colorless to blue, and finally became the same sky blue as the right eye.


Mori Kogoro picked up the mirror next to him and showed Curacao himself.

Looking at himself in the mirror with sky-blue eyes on the left and right, Curacao felt strange and familiar, and always felt that something was wrong.

But the eyes of the same color are indeed pretty, so she didn't care about it, and asked instead: "Maori-kun, have you recovered from the treatment?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head with a chuckle, bent his head and kissed Curacao's thick lips, and his big hand directly covered the soft place

Chapter 0195 can be more comfortable

Wow, this elasticity is no one else!

Mori Kogoro kissed Curacao's lips, looked at the completely stunned girl, and launched an offensive.

Master-level kissing skills were displayed, and Curacao's sky-blue eyes trembled sharply.

She didn't know what Mori Kogoro was doing, but her subconscious mind told her that it was wrong to do so.

Curacao's little hand clutching the bed sheet couldn't help but push Kogoro Mori's chest, trying to push it away.

But even if she has a physical fitness close to the limit of the human body, the strength of men and women is still not in the same order of magnitude.

Curacao's strength was much lower than Mori Kogoro's, so naturally he couldn't push it away.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro flicked his ten fingers, as if there was an electric current that turned sharply.

Curacao's nose flared, and he couldn't help but gasped.

The strength of the little hand was reduced by half immediately, and it fell directly onto the hospital bed.

Mori Kogoro's fiery hands controlled everything, and Curacao had no room to resist.

He enjoyed this kiss to the fullest, and he kissed passionately for nearly ten minutes before letting go of his mouth.

At this moment, Curacao's head was buzzing, his face was flushed, his body was soft, and he felt ashamed and at a loss.

She wanted to control her breath and heartbeat, but she couldn't.

She just felt that she was getting weirder and weirder.

Her voice also became very delicate, and she couldn't help asking: "Maoli-san, what are you doing?"

Mori Kogoro shamelessly began to fool around: "I'm treating Xiaobai's mouth, doesn't it feel comfortable?"

The dazed Curacao nodded obediently.

"That's right, then it proves that there is nothing wrong with the treatment."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro became more and more angry with his hands.

With a 'whimper', Curacao pursed his lips and was speechless.

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