Mori Kogoro asked with a chuckle, "Isn't this quite comfortable?"

Curacao, who lost his memory, didn't know if it was wrong, so he could only follow his heart and nod his head obediently.

Mori Kogoro smirked: "It can be more comfortable!"

After saying this, he loosened his hands, pinched a seal, and cast the Thunder Control Technique,

Immediately, his hands were filled with tiny electric currents.

Then he started again, and as soon as he touched his body, Curacao couldn't help shaking three times, this time it was a real electric current.

"From now on, it will be electric current therapy, which can heal Xiaobai's internal injuries. Xiaobai can just enjoy it easily."

Kogoro Mori started to do whatever he wanted while fooling the amnesiac woman.

However, at most, he has used the hand of God, and there is nothing more extreme.

On the other side, in Dongdu Park, a black Lincoln was waiting under the cherry blossom trees.

Not long after, another black Ford sedan drove up, and the window was cut down.

The people sitting inside are the two undercover agents of the organization, the undercover agent of the MI6 (MI[-]), the blond man with Chinese characters, Stout; and the undercover agent of the Canadian Federal Bureau of Investigation (CSIS), who came to Japan for reinforcements last night, Bearded man Acquavit.

The two men came here to wait for Rum's further instructions.

At this time, the window of the black Lincoln fell down, revealing a pure and beautiful face.

He has short blond hair, a black round hat, and a black windbreaker.

Surprisingly, it is the Japanese-English mixed race that Mori Kogoro had seen before, and Dr. Ari's dream lover Fusae.

Stout's eyes were also full of surprise, and he couldn't help but said, "Marshala, it's you!"

Others may not know it, but Stout, who has been in Japan and Britain, naturally understands who Marsala is.

Its status is close to the number three of the organization, but it is the agent under the sun.

Marsala owns a well-known fashion brand named after herself - Fushahui.

Using fashion and capital as sharp weapons, she wandered in the international high society and won over many dignitaries and dignitaries.

She once had dinner with the Queen of England, was a good friend with the French President, had a stronger friendship with the royal family of the Middle East, and was fascinated by the leader of the Islamic rebels.

Such a woman, even if the CMI[-] had the evidence of her crime, they would not dare to arrest her easily.

There is no way, the consequences of arresting Marsala are too serious, maybe the Queen of England will come to plead for her, and the missiles of the rebels directly fell on the territory of the Eagle Country.

Not to mention that Marsala has always acted cautiously and never left behind.

Fushahui opened her mouth, her gentle temperament changed, and her voice was very cold: "Originally, I was just going back to China for vacation, but Lang Mu asked me to help, so I will be in charge of this operation."

"Last night, Curacao sneaked into the police station of the Japanese Public Security Bureau to steal the global undercover spy information collected by the Japanese Public Security Bureau, but was discovered by the police when the operation retreated."

Hearing this, Stout and Akwavit's heart trembled, they were undercover agents.

Aquavit couldn't help asking: "Then Curacao has already obtained the information, or was he discovered without the information?"

Fushahui glanced at Aquavit, and said, "Of course the information has been obtained, but the situation in Curacao is special, and you don't have permission to know it yet."

"Later, Curacao was caught up by the Japanese police at the Kinoshita Viaduct, fell into the river and fled, and has been out of contact since [-] o'clock last night."

"In addition, Belmode, who responded to her, also lost contact at nine o'clock in the morning, and the last signal transmission location of her disappearance was in the Dongdu Aquarium."

"And our goal is to retrieve Curacao and Belmode, and the priority is Curacao."

"In addition, Curacao's identity is very sensitive. According to Rum's order, if Curacao cannot be brought back and is controlled by the police, the operation will be changed to cleansing. Do you understand?"

Fushahui glanced at the two of them, and they immediately nodded in shock.

"Let's go, and Chianti will meet us."

After all, the windows of the extended Lincoln were closed, the car started and headed towards Dongdu Aquarium, and the Ford behind quickly followed.

Acquavert, the passenger seat in the Ford, lit a cigarette, and the smoke enveloped his downcast eyes.

Now that Curacao has sneaked into the police station to obtain information, if the undercover information in the intelligence has his own name, it will be his own death when he rescues Curacao.

You must know that the intelligence gathering capabilities of the Japanese public security are also extremely strong.

If you can't save her, you have to kill her!

A flash of murderous intent flashed in Akwavit's eyes, and Stout next to him seemed to be aware of it, and the hairs on his arms stood on end.

But Stout's ideas coincided with Acquavit's. He also wanted Curacao to shut up forever, but he was so sophisticated that he didn't show any abnormalities at all.

Chapter 0196

In the corridor outside the medical room, Toru Amuro finally rushed over and reconciled with Belmode. He quickly asked in a low voice: "How is it? What's the situation now?"

Belmode opened his mouth and said: "Curacao was pulled into this quiet room by the Maori detective for treatment. Maori Kogoro is very difficult to deal with, and I dare not get too close."

"However, her amnesia is quite serious. She forgot everything. It doesn't seem so easy to recover."

Hearing this, Amuro breathed a sigh of relief.

If he still had memory, Toru Amuro would have to run away immediately, and call the public security forces to arrest them instead.

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