"You disguised yourself as a donator to donate a piece of paper to correct the ring ⑾ Zhongfei [-] Sang Jun?/p>

As soon as Belmore heard this question, he scolded his mother in his heart: My old lady endured the humiliation, and was taken advantage of by that big pervert, and even helped the big pervert bite, how could she be discovered again!

She couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "You don't know my disguise?"

"I'll help you hold Mori Kogoro in later, you find a way to take Curaçao away alone, and I'll get away by myself."

This plan is also what Toru Amuro wants. If he can take Curacao away, he will take her back to the public security headquarters directly.

Afterwards, pretending that he was seriously injured by Fu, he could do anything wrong, and he could even pass the blame on to Shuichi Akai of the FBI.

Toru Amuro quickly figured out a plan, and planned to send a text message to his subordinates for cooperation later.

Then he continued to ask Belmord for details: "How do you plan to restrain the Maori detective later?"

【contain!What else can be used to restrain it?You can only endure the humiliation and use the beauty trick again, brother, you will kill the sky sooner or later if you chat like this. 】

Belmore stared at Toru Amuro unkindly: "Don't worry about it, just play it by ear in the meeting."

In the treatment room, looking at Curacao with a small face, red neck, and rippling eyes, Kogoro Mori chuckled softly, "Xiaobai, you are amazing!"

Hearing the praise, Curacao laughed, his brows and eyes were curved, and his small expression was quite proud.

This girl didn't even know what she was proud of.

"One, two, three, four times, a total of four times, the radiotherapy is over, you see if you are all wet, now the toxins in your body have been emptied, don't you feel very relaxed?"

"Hmm!" A soft voice sounded: "I feel so light, as if I'm going to float."

Kogoro Moori nodded his nose with his finger: "Okay, the treatment I gave you is over, we should go out."

Curacao immediately pulled down his small face, looking unhappy, as if he was a little nostalgic.

Mori Kogoro turned and walked to the window. Curacao's suit skirt and shirt could no longer be worn, and there was a dress sent by the Ant-Man robot by the window.

He helped Curacao change into this white dress.

Once put on, Curacao looks like a Nordic girl, coupled with ignorant sky blue eyes, the whole temperament has changed, full of girlishness.

But she couldn't stand up a little, her legs were weak, and she stood up only with the support of Mori Kogoro.

But as soon as she got up, she immediately went back to the old clothes on the hospital bed, took off the white dolphin hanging on the skirt, held it in the palm of her hand, and then left with Kogoro Mouri in peace.

The door of the treatment room opened, Toru Amuro and Belmode in the corridor were stunned, they couldn't recognize Curacao for a while.

Mori Kogoro spotted Toru Amuro at a glance: "Hey, Amuro, why are you here? Didn't you say go home for the funeral?"

"Haha, I just returned to Tokyo, but I heard from Xiao Azusa that the store is closed today. She is at the aquarium, and she is free anyway, so I came here. Hey, who is this?" Curacao said by himself. Seeing Toru Amuro tensed up, seeing him looking over, subconsciously told her to take action.

A silver-white body rushed up instantly, with a vigorous posture, and punched Amuro Toru's head.

Toru Amuro immediately stretched out his hand to block, but was hit by the punch and slid back three or four meters.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little surprised, just now Curacao had undergone radiotherapy several times, and his feet were soft when he came out.

It's really amazing that he can still display such a powerful force now.

But in this situation, he naturally had to stop it, and rushed forward: "Xiaobai, stop quickly, how can you hit someone?"

Mori Kogoro hugged Curacao's slender waist from behind, and Belmode thought he was going to be elbowed by Curacao.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand, Curacao fell into his arms like a boneless body, and his face was even more blushing.

Belmore felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

At this time, You Xizi, Xiaolan and the others also heard the sound and rushed out.

"what happened?"

Maori Kogoro also asked: "Xiaobai, what's wrong with you, why did you hit someone?"

Curacao frowned, hesitated before speaking: "He, the enemy?"

Xiaolan hurriedly said, "How could Mr. Anshi be an enemy? He is a waiter in our coffee shop downstairs, and he works in the same coffee shop as sister Xiao Zi. Xiaobai, are you sure you're mistaken?"

Conan couldn't help asking: "Sister Xiaobai, do you remember something?"

Curacao's face showed reminiscence, and finally shook his head dejectedly.

Then she backed away and hid behind Mori Kogoro with her arm around him, still looking at Toru Amuro warily.

Yuan Tai couldn't help but said: "Brother Anshi must be too fierce, and he scared sister Xiaobai."

Mitsuhiko also echoed: "That's right, Sister Xiaobai is such a good person, she was injured just now to save Yuanta, and she looks so beautiful, maybe Mr. Amuro wants to do something bad to Sister Xiaobai!"

Hearing the little boy's repeated openings, the back of Amuro's head was sweating profusely, and he quickly waved his hands and said, "How is it possible, I just saw your little white sister for the first time, how could she do something bad?"

Mori Kogoro said: "It seems to be a misunderstanding, Amuro, don't take it to heart."

Toru Amuro laughed lightly and replied, "How could that be!"

Then Mori Kogoro said: "Okay, it's almost noon, I'll treat you to lunch, and let's go to the aquarium in the afternoon, okay?"

Hearing that there was food, everyone cheered.

Yuan Tai kept shouting: "Eel rice!" "Eel rice!"

Ayumi hurried forward, took Curacao's hand and ran out.

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