Surrounded by the children, Curacao also had a smile on his lips, and put Amuro Toru's threat behind him.

Mori Kogoro and his party followed behind.

Xiaolan hugged Mouri Kogoro's arm affectionately, and Mouri Kogoro instructed him softly.

After listening to her father's words, Xiao Lan wanted to turn her head in surprise, but her little hand was pinched, so she stopped her movements without showing any flaws.

Chapter 0197 Jealous Belmode

After lunch, the group headed towards Toto Aquarium.

Huiyuan took Curacao by the hand, and couldn't help asking: "Sister Xiaobai, if you can't recover your memory and remember your origin, what are you going to do in the future?"

Curacao suddenly looked distressed.

Just now when Curacao sacrificed his life to save Yuanta, Huiyuan thought she was not a bad person.

In particular, her amnesiac appearance is exactly the same as when she defected to Mori Kogoro, Huiyuan couldn't help but want to help her.

"How about you, like me, live in Uncle Maoli's house first, let him treat you for you, and make plans after recovering your memory?"

Hearing the word treatment, Curacao recalled the happy feeling just now, and nodded with a chuckle, agreeing.

Conan, the little devil on the side, repeatedly retorted: "It can't be like this, Sister Xiaobai's family may also be looking for her, we can't keep her at home, we should seek help from the police to find her family."

Hearing the word police, panic appeared on Curacao Qiao's face.

Mori Kogoro hit Conan on the forehead with a chestnut iron fist.

"Little ghost, is it your turn to talk in this family?"

"Xiaobai's situation is exactly the same as last year's Xiaoai, why can't you be considerate of her?"

"I found that you kid is really getting more and more selfish, so what if you let Xiaobai stay here for a while?"

All the pisses on the side followed Mori Kogoro to attack Conan.

Yuan Tai said: "Conan, if you treat my savior like this again, I will kick you out of the Boy Detective Team."

Mitsuhiko then said: "Conan, you are too stingy, Sister Xiaobai is so nice, how can you have the heart to hand her over to the police?"

Ayumi also couldn't help but said: "And Sister Xiaobai is very beautiful, I still hope to see Sister Xiaobai in the future."

Curacao chuckled and rubbed Ayumi's little head.

Conan, who was attacked by everyone, suddenly ran away with his head in his arms.

On the side, Amuro was sweating behind his ears. Fortunately, he didn't say that he had a friend who was a policeman who could help with this matter, otherwise the ending might be the same as this little devil.

While talking, everyone entered the aquarium, where countless glass giant tanks filled with fish of various colors.

As soon as I came in, I saw hundreds of red coral fish opening their mouths and spitting out air bubbles.

Seeing this scene, the children immediately cheered and ran to the glass tank.

Yukiko hurriedly followed up to take care of the children, and explained these strange and beautiful fish to them.

Curacao didn't go there, but followed Mori Kogoro step by step.

Since she came out of the treatment room, she has become very clingy to Kogoro, and she had to sit next to Kogoro Mori for lunch just now.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his arms to him, Curacao hugged him obediently, and his pretty face smiled unconsciously.

Xiaolan on the side was not jealous either, she thought her father was protecting sister Xiaobai.

Xiaolan glanced at Toru Amuro behind him from time to time, and a hint of secret vigilance flashed in her eyes.

Just now Kogoro Mori had already whispered to her that Xiao Bai might be in danger.

If Mori Kogoro is not by her side, she will protect her personally, especially against Toru Amuro who suddenly appears.

Although Mori Kogoro didn't explain the reason clearly, Xiaolan, who has always been obedient, would naturally follow suit.

Xiaolan held Belmode's arm and watched Toru Amuro closely, but there was no abnormality on her face.

From time to time, she said: "Sister Zi, I heard that this aquarium has a polar area, where you can see arctic wolves, polar bears, and many little penguins. Let's go and have a look."

This Dongdu Aquarium costs a lot of money, covers a huge area, and has a lot of creatures in it.

Soon, Zhongxiao took Youxizi and ran away.

But this aquarium only has one exit and one entrance, so they don't want them to get lost.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the shadow behind him, and Akai Shuichi followed him.

There are more and more people, which is interesting.

He and Curacao were walking in front. Seeing that the two were so close, Amuro couldn't help but feel a little troubled. He turned his head to see what Belmord was paying attention to, but only saw her staring at the two in front with a jealous look on her face. Can't help but have some doubts.

Belmord noticed Bourbon's gaze, and quickly changed his expression, pretending to be nonchalant.

Soon, Maori and his group came to the large swimming pool performance area. There were many tourists sitting in the stands, waiting for the dolphin performance to be held later.

A staff member in a diving suit stood by the water and asked through a loudspeaker: "Which audience below wants to interact with the warm Dabai in our aquarium?"

Kogoro Mori saw Curacao's curious face, so he dragged her down the stairs and came to the water's edge.

As soon as the staff's whistle sounded, a big guy five or six meters long emerged from the bottom of the water.

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