Good guy, with a big round head, black eyes, and white body, it is the white whale!

It saw Mori Kogoro swinging his fins constantly, as if begging for food.

The staff member said: "You can put your face closer, Dabai will give you a kiss, but correspondingly, if you kiss, you have to give him a fish to eat, otherwise he will be unhappy."

Hearing this, Curacao poked his head curiously.

Sure enough, the chubby head of the white whale really leaned over and kissed Curacao.

Curacao hugged Mori Kogoro's arm and jumped up on the spot like a little girl, laughing like silver bells.

Seeing this, Belmore's face was full of jealousy, and his breath became thicker.

Little bitch, she's so good at seducing people at such a young age!

Kogoro Mouri asked the staff, "Dabai is so wide, can he take people around for a swim?"

The staff replied: "Whales and dolphins have high IQs, and they can do it after training, but ordinary people can't do it. They must be breeders who get along with them day and night."

"This kind of manned parade is a very advanced performance skill. The only thing we can do in our aquarium is two or three breeders. Dabai hasn't been trained yet...Hey, this guest, what are you doing, hurry up Come down!"

Taking advantage of the breeder's inattention, Mori Kogoro directly pulled Curacao onto Dabai's back.

The white whale immediately speeded up and swam forward with the two of them having fun.

However, driven by the Beast Master Technique, it kept its back above the water, and Kogoro Mori and Curacao standing on its back didn't even get their shoes wet.

Perceiving the galloping speed, Curacao's eyes were full of excitement, and his face was filled with a smile.

But she was not afraid at all, because behind her was Kogoro Mori's generous chest.

When the guests in the stands saw this scene, they thought it was a performance, so they couldn't help but exclaimed and applauded.

Mori Kogoro's animal-monitoring technique was once again displayed.

The dolphins at the bottom of the pool swam up one by one as if they had heard the order, and cruised behind the white whale like soldiers defending the king.

The queue is neat and looks extraordinary.

Then the dolphins kept jumping out of the swimming pool, leaping in beautiful arcs, splashing waves of water, and there were waves of climaxes in the stands.

Seeing this scene on the water, Belmore's eyes widened, and he couldn't help pinching the arm around Xiaolan: Damn it, why isn't the person on the top me!

Chapter 0198 Healing Screen

Xiaolan couldn't help turning her head to the side, and looked at Belmode with big eyes in surprise: "Sister Zi, do you like my father too?"

"No!" "I didn't!" "Don't talk nonsense!"

Belmord, who was a little flustered, immediately came up with a three-way denial.

Little Langton felt that she was a little suspicious.

At this time, another change appeared in the swimming pool.

The dolphins actually started to cross and jump up, two by two, and the curved arcs actually formed hearts one by one in mid-air.

The silver-haired Curacao turned around in surprise, looked up and saw Mori Kogoro with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help but throw himself into his arms, hugging him tightly.

The audience in the stands couldn't help clapping and cheering when they saw this scene.

Belmore couldn't bear to see the scene of Mori Kogoro and Curacao embracing each other through the hearts of dolphins.

An unknown nasal sound came out of her nose, and she couldn't help pinching Xiaolan's arm with both hands, the jealousy in her eyes was almost real.

Xiaolan felt that her arm was pinched red, and she instantly confirmed that she was not squatting.

And the staff in this large performance swimming pool were all in a mess, shouting for Mori Kogoro to stop, for fear of any accidents.

Mori Kogoro, who was holding Curacao, ignored them and turned a big corner directly to the seal performance area in the side hall.

The little loli Ayumi cheered in surprise: "Aunt Yukiko, look quickly, Uncle Mori and Sister Xiaobai are standing on top of the big fish, hey, Uncle Mori, we are here!"

Hearing Ayumi's loli voice, Mori Kogoro drove the white whale to swim over, and waved in response.

But soon Mori Kogoro saw Conan the Kid who was feeding fish to the seals.

When the bad taste came together, Kogoro Mori activated the beast control technique again.

The docile seal in front of Conan suddenly jumped up and lay on Conan's body, and began to slap the little devil's head with its fins.

Conan suddenly looked confused, and his face was slapped several times before he realized it. He wanted to struggle, but the physique of a child was no match for this adult seal.

The breeder next to him kept blowing his whistle, trying to stop the seal, but unfortunately he failed.

After more than twenty chins, Conan, who was wet all over and had a red and swollen face, was finally rescued from under the seal.

He immediately scrambled and fled to the upper stand, never daring to approach this ferocious animal again.

Seeing Conan's terrified expression, Mori Kogoro felt relieved for a while.

But after glancing at the gradually frantic staff on the shore, he finally drove Dabai to the shore.

Amuro Toru and Akai Hideichi, who had been watching the performance from the stands, couldn't help but change their expressions, and immediately acted.

Because Kogoro Mori landed on the other side of the large performance swimming pool, I don't know how many detours to catch up with.

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