Amuro and Akai are afraid that Mori Kogoro will take Curacao and dump them, so it will be difficult.

Back on shore, the staff complained about the daring Maori duo.

Mori Kogoro apologized to them, then took Curacao's little hand and left.

The path they take is the backyard of the aquarium.

The so-called back field is a place where tourists are not allowed to enter, and only farmers and staff can enter.

The backyard is much simpler than the aquarium, mostly with cement walls and water pipes, but it is also much more convenient. You can get in close contact with the animals and feed the animals in the backyard.

Mori Kogoro had already dispatched the thousand paper cranes sent by the psychic to investigate, and he knew the terrain like the back of his hand.

Curacao followed him obediently, his sky blue eyes curiously looked at everything in front of him.

Soon, the two pushed open a door, the temperature dropped suddenly, and the white ice surface came into view, and Curacao's eyes lit up instantly.

The two stepped onto the freezing ice, which belongs to the polar animal area in the aquarium that is closed due to maintenance.

Because the polar region is not open, there are no tourists on the sightseeing corridor, and there are no staff in the backyard, only animals living in the polar region.A dozen or so white arctic wolves on the iceberg in the distance looked at the two of them with serious eyes, and the group of arctic foxes in the nearby cave also poked their heads from time to time, all looking at them from predators.

Curacao seemed to sense the murderous intent, and his little face became more serious in an instant.

Kogoro Mori's mouth curled up, and the beast control technique was used again.

With the sound of 'whimpering', the wolf king on the iceberg suddenly crouched down and trembled, while the white foxes on the other side also retreated into the cave.

Mori Kogoro took Curacao's little hand and strolled across the ice.

Amuro Toru and Akai Hideichi, who followed them, searched for a long time, and finally found the glass path in the Polar Sightseeing Area.

Through the glass, they finally saw that Mori Kogoro and Curacao were in the polar animal area.

The two agents also followed one after the other, destroying the gate to the back field, crossing the back field and entering the polar animal area.

However, as Akai Shuyi entered the ice surface one by one, he could no longer hide his figure, and was spotted by Toru Amuro in front.

He is very conspicuous on the ice in a black shirt.

Seeing the appearance of the enemy of his life, Toru Amuro couldn't help but sneered: "FBI, will you just follow my ass and eat farts like a mouse?"

Akai Shuichi remained silent, his green eyes scanned the surroundings, and his heart became more and more vigilant.

He knew that Mori Kogoro was difficult to deal with, but he had no choice but to take Curacao away.

Seeing Akai Shuichi ignoring him, Amuro became more and more angry.

If it weren't for the fact that the spy information stolen by Curaçao was too important, he would definitely have dealt with Hideo Akai first, but now finding and taking Curaçao away is his most important task.


At this moment, the howling of wolves sounded.

Behind the iceberg, more than a dozen white arctic wolves surrounded by the wolf king.

Amuro Toru and Akai Hideichi's complexion changed immediately, and both moved in the same way, drawing their pistols.

But after a little thought, both of them gave up shooting.

The gunshots were too loud, and this is a closed polar animal area. If tourists and staff are attracted, they will not be able to leave this place for a while, and it will be troublesome if they are seen by everyone.

So the two were chased away by the wolves and ran forward for their lives.

At the end of the polar region, Mori Kogoro caressed Curacao's silver hair leisurely.

Curacao is sitting on an ice chair, quiet and beautiful like a girl, this picture is like an oil painting.

She held petite and lovely arctic foxes in her arms, and there were arctic foxes rubbing against her long legs on the ground, which made Curacao chuckle from time to time, which was so healing.

The white arctic foxes are as well-behaved as cats. Curacao has shown them off to Kogoro Mori from time to time, and seems to be very proud of his affinity.

This girl didn't even know that it was Mori Kogoro's beast control skills that made these foxes so obedient.

Mori Kogoro gently scratched Curacao's smooth little face with his fingers, smiling at the corner of his mouth, obediently making an exclamation expression, and Curacao felt great satisfaction in his heart.

On the other hand, Toru Amuro and Shuichi Akai were not having such a happy time.

The trousers of both of them were bitten by the pursuing arctic wolf, their legs and feet were bleeding, and their buttocks suffered even more.

You must know that wolves, dogs, and lions are all very good at one hunting skill, which is anal digging!

Fortunately, the two of them ran fast, and they both had to explain here if they were caught.

But after the two ran over the iceberg for two to three hundred meters, the arctic wolf stopped chasing them and just watched them from afar.

Amuro and Akai breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when they saw the huge monster crawling up from the icy water, their faces froze.

This is the overlord of nature, the largest predator in the bear family, an adult polar bear!

Chapter 0199 Xiaobai I covered

After waiting for a long time, Kogoro Mori thought that Toru Amuro and Shuichi Akai had been played to death by the polar bear, and was planning to send a psychic paper crane to investigate.

At this time, the figures of these two people finally appeared at the block.

The two are not in a mess.

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