Mori Kogoro put one hand on her head directly, and then kissed her lips domineeringly.

Belmor was stunned for a moment, and the green eyes behind the black contact lenses shrank sharply, completely unbelievable.

Mori Kogoro looked into Belmode's eyes jokingly, and then displayed his master-level kissing skills, greedily asking for everything, including his hands.

This scene is really hot, and the female guest who passed by suddenly saw the two kissing, and couldn't help but blushed and walked quickly.

Two or three minutes later, as if Belmord had come to his senses, he wrapped his small arms around Kogoro Mori's waist, and responded slowly.

At this moment, she didn't want to pay attention to anything, and left everything behind. She just wanted to enjoy the first kiss in her life.

After more than ten minutes, the lips of the two separated, as if a ray of crystal flashed.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Belmode's slender waist, and smirked: "Xiao Azusa has become very active now, do you want a reward from the master?"

But Belmord had been dazed for a long time, his head nodding unconsciously.

After reacting, she couldn't help but panic.

What the hell?What kind of reward, wouldn't it be the reward when it exploded on the Ferris wheel?

No!I have to go on a mission and take Curacao away!

Mori Kogoro didn't care what Belmord thought. Seeing her nod, he pulled her wrist forcefully and walked towards the men's room.

Belmode, unable to break free, was dragged into the innermost compartment of the men's toilet.

On the other side, all the children in the restaurant were still feasting, only the silver-haired Curacao looked around, as if looking for the trace of Mori Kogoro.

When Xiaolan saw it, she said to her: "Sister Xiaobai, you can eat too. When Dad answers the phone, it is possible that some policeman encountered a case and came to ask Dad. He won't come back so soon, so leave him alone." .”

Only then did Curacao nodded, and then they ate together.

Just then, a woman in a hat and a gray suit came over.

Standing beside Curaçao, she couldn't help but speak to him.

"Wow, little sister, you look so good-looking, you have a good figure, full of wildness, are you interested in being a model for my brand clothing?"

When Xiaolan saw a stranger approaching Curacao, she was very vigilant in her heart.

But after recognizing who the woman was, Xiao Lan let go of her vigilance and turned to look adored.

This is the founder of the brand bag that Xiaolan and Yuanzi went to buy yesterday, Ms. Fushahui.

"Ms. Fushahui, how did you appear here, what a coincidence."

"Do you remember me? I met you outside Didan Primary School ten years ago, and then you gave me the umbrella, and you made an agreement with me to go to your brand store to buy bags in ten years' time."

"No, I went to buy it yesterday. This bag is a new product that came out yesterday."

Hearing this, Fushahui was also taken aback for a moment, with a look of nostalgia on her face.

After recalling for a while, I finally remembered this past event from ten years ago.

"It turned out to be you. I didn't expect you to grow up so big. If you didn't mention it, I wouldn't remember it."

Xiaolan smiled embarrassedly: "But Ms. Fushahui really hasn't changed at all from ten years ago."

"Oh, by the way, are you looking for Sister Xiaobai as a model?"

Ayumi on the side couldn't help but interjected: "I also think that Sister Xiaobai has a good figure, almost like a model."

When Fushahui heard that there was a 'Little Sister Bai', a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She said again: "Are you called Xiaobai? Why don't we go to the side and talk about it in detail, I think your temperament is very suitable for the brand of Fushahui."

At this time, You Xizi interjected: "Ms. Fushahui, I'm sorry, this child was in an accident before, his head was hit, and he was injured. It's really not suitable to talk about work."

"Why don't you let her contact you after she recovers."

"That's it,"

Fushahui took a look at Curaçao's expression, so she took out the business card from her handbag and stuffed it into Curaçao's little hand.

She patted Curacao on the shoulder, meeting his eyes.

"This is my business card. You should keep it well. If you recover it, you can call me at any time."

Saying this, Fushahui seemed to have an inexplicable look in her eyes.

Chapter 0202

In the men's toilet compartment, Belmode was dealing with Mori Kogoro with a panicked face.

"Daba, absolutely not, master, let me go!"

She was almost going crazy, why did she lose her mind and tease this guy just now, why did she nod her head?

This pervert acted recklessly, completely disregarding the occasion when he got interested, and now he doesn't know how to get away.

Damn Curacao, it's okay to lose your memory!

Belmode complained about Curacao again.

Mori Kogoro had a smirk on his face, and his right hand rested on Belmode's beautiful leg.

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