Has this witch of thousands of transformations discovered that there is a flaw in her disguise technique?

Belmode's calf has tinted cream, which turns the skin color of the yellow race, but the thigh is still the white skin of the white race.

Now there are two sections of color on the whole leg, as long as she lowers her head, she can find it, but the panic-stricken Belmore didn't notice it at all.

Mori Kogoro said, "Xiao Azusa, you really can't help boasting, don't you listen to your master?"

"It seems that next time I have to put on a collar and necklace for you and take you to the park!"

Hearing this, Belmore took a deep breath, and a picture appeared in his mind instantly: Isn't that similar to a bitch!

This is too gentlemanly, don’t you want to donate to the sacral Valley Huan? /p>

However, Belmord quickly thought of an excuse, and his soft and delicate body leaned against Mori Kogoro's arms again, with his small hands on his chest, and used his hand to donate his hands. /p>

"Master, I'll listen to you next time, and you can play however you want, but I'm not feeling well today."

"Master, my one is here."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, and he said directly, "I don't mind."

What the hell? ? ?

Belmore's eyes widened in an instant, you don't mind me!

No way, is this gentleman so cruel?Do you donate to the scorpion?/p>

Looking at the bewildered Belmode, Mori Kogoro hugged her slender waist, kissed her pink lips lightly, and breathed softly into her ears: "Actually, I prefer the old-hearted little Azusa!"

The voice was ambiguous and seductive, and the warm breath hit Belmode's earlobe, causing his body to tremble and his heart to tremble.

But as a young bird, Belmode couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all, and only felt that it was very evil.

But she didn't dare to ask Mori Kogoro what he meant by that, after all, in her mind, it's not a big deal?

"Just now I said that I want to reward Xiaozi, and I will do it."

Mori Kogoro took another breath on Belmode's lips, and his hands swam uncontrollably.

His master-level kissing skills were displayed, and with one kiss, he kissed the thousand-changing witch in this dark organization until he didn't know where he was.

Belmode didn't know what would happen next, and Belmode, who was a little confused, obediently cooperated with Kogoro Mori's movements.

"Oh shit!"

Soon, a stirring English movement sounded from this compartment.

In the themed restaurant outside, Fusha was sitting in Kogoro Mori's position, talking with Xiaolan and Curacao beside her.

She looked very gentle, but facing the table, Hui Yuan, who was hiding among the children, felt a little cold in his body, and couldn't help but lower his head.

Fushahui sat at the dining table for more than ten minutes. At Xiaolan's request, she signed her name on her handbag, and then said goodbye to everyone and left the dining table.

Xiaolan didn't suspect that Fushahui was a bad person at all, and she still smiled brightly: "I didn't expect Ms. Fushahui to be so approachable, exactly the same as ten years ago."

"If you tell Yuanzi that I have Fushahui's signature bag, she will definitely envy me."

Yukiko had just poured a portion of vermicelli scallops into Ayumi's bowl, looked around the table, and saw that Mori Kogoro hadn't come back yet, so she couldn't help complaining.

"Xiao Wulang is really, he hasn't been seen since he came out to play all day, and Xiao Zi is also gone. The two of them won't run away to be alone?"

The jealous words quickly aroused suspicion from Xiaolan and Conan, and Yukiko suddenly felt a little flustered.

But she pretended to be generous instead: "Xiao Lan, why are you looking at me like this? I'm talking about your playful dad. He was angry and left again, and finally made peace with them."

"I didn't say that, Xiao Lan, as a daughter, you should take good care of your father."

On the contrary, Xiaolan dispelled her suspicions, and smiled lightly to help Mouri Kogoro.

"Auntie Youxizi, you think too much. My father has his own problems. He not only wants to play with us, but also has to deal with other things."

After saying this, Xiaolan deliberately made a hint and glanced at Curacao beside her.

Yukiko and Conan instantly realized that there was something hidden here.

It's a pity that Mori Kogoro has let down his daughter's help to excuse him. What he is doing now is exactly the same as what Yukiko complained about.

It's just that Curacao next to them didn't listen to them at all.

Under the dining table, his fingers kept stroking the business card left by Fusha.

There are countless raised dots on the back of the business card, which is Braille. ,

This is the notification method that Rum especially likes to use, and Curacao is very familiar with this method.

She took the business card, and her fingertips kept perceiving the braille.

Inexplicably, pictures flashed in her mind, and her sky-blue pupils couldn't help trembling, as if countless data flowed through them.

Outside the themed restaurant, Fushahui put on a black windbreaker again.

Acquavit, an undercover agent from Canada, was at his side.

Akwawit couldn't help asking: "Marshala, how is the situation in Curacao?"

Fusha, who was peering through the window of the restaurant with a binoculars, made no sound, as if she was waiting for something.

Soon, the figure of Curacao appeared in his telescope, Fusha painted a smile on the corner of his mouth, and threw the telescope in his hand to Acquavit.

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