"It's nothing, she's fine, let's go, we have to retreat before the police surround this place."

"How about trying the power of the big guy purchased from the United States this time? It was originally prepared for Gin's team, but I didn't expect that guy to betray the organization, ha ha!"

Fusha turned around and disappeared into the shadows. Acquavit picked up the binoculars and looked at the window of the restaurant, but he didn't see Curacao.

A murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but he soon restrained himself, and followed Fushahui to leave Dongdu Aquarium quickly.

Just as the two left, the sound of a police car from the public security force sounded, and the front and rear exits were quickly blocked.

Rows of police cars drove into the parking lot of the Dongdu Aquarium with a great momentum, attracting the attention of tourists

Chapter 0203 Treatment Belmode

Seeing that Belmode was still pretending tenaciously, uttering a few swear words in his native language from time to time, and then quickly switching to Japanese mode, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but want to laugh.

This picture is so funny!

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but patted his buttocks, then turned his head sideways and kissed Belmode's lips.

And at this moment, Belmore has the heart to kill people, Maori Kogoro, you bastard, when did my old lady suffer such humiliation!

You are so gentle to other women, you can take them to ride beluga whales, watch dolphins, and see the scenery, and bring them to the toilet for me, the toilet environment is so bad, why can you treat me like this, I can’t compare to that Kura Suo, I must kill you!

These thoughts frantically flashed through Belmore's mind, and a cold light flashed in his eyes from time to time.

But when Mori Kogoro kissed him, she didn't dare to resist at all, instead she cooperated obediently.

Mori Kogoro, who is a master of expressions, saw Belmode's inner voice in his eyes, but he didn't care at all.

His fiery hands gently penetrated along the hem of Belmode's clothes, and soon touched his tight abdomen and the hideous scar on it.

There are three strips in total, each of which is about thirty or forty centimeters long and five or six centimeters wide, running horizontally and vertically.

This is Belmode's nightmare. Every time she takes a shower and sees these three scars, she will think of that desperate basement.

But at this moment, Belmore was really mad, and he didn't even notice Kogoro Mori's movements.

Otherwise, she must know that her identity has been exposed.

After all, donate money and replace it with money?/p>

Mori Kogoro caressed the mark he had left on Belmode, raised his eyebrows, then pulled his hands away, and directly cast the rejuvenation technique.

Countless spirit power surged in its body, gathering countless extremely cool spirits of plants and trees from the void.

Mori Kogoro's rejuvenation technique was cast on Belmode.

In an instant, Belmode felt a sense of coolness pouring into his body, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

Her breath became heavy, her body arched, and her eyes gradually rolled up.

The pain was washed away by the mint-like coolness, and there was a burst of numbness from the lower back to the spine.

It's as if the whole nerve has been massaged, and then it's completely stretched out. It's so cool, it's refreshing to the soul!

Belmore couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said inexplicable particles in his mouth, and the whole person was confused.

She seems to have come to the forest, surrounded by countless vitality, and she is lying in the sea of ​​flowers, smelling the fragrance, and gradually blooming with the buds.

The torrent of vegetation spirit gathered by the rejuvenation technique poured into Belmode's body and gradually dissipated.

They began to repair many old wounds on Belmode's body, including the wounds from failed missions, the gunshot wounds hunted down by Akai in New York, and the three scars on his abdomen that had been haunted by Beng Jin.

Under the action of the Spirit of Plants and Trees, Belmode's originally healed scars began a new round of self-healing, and scabs began to form again.

Congested blood was forced out of the body, seeped from the pores, and clotted together.

The heavy blood scab thickened, solidified, and turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then fell off by itself, shortening what would take more than two weeks to a few seconds.

After the blood scab fell off, the delicate and flawless snow muscle was revealed inside, which was no different from the skin next to it.

Mori Kogoro shook the hem of his clothes, and he could hear the sound of blood scabs falling.

And his big hand covered Belmode's slender waist again, and the feel was exceptionally good. The skin was smooth and delicate, and there was no visible injury at all.

Belmore had done such an exaggerated thing to Eri and Xiaolan before, Moori Kogoro really wanted to kill her.

But now the killing intent has dissipated and turned into other emotions, but it still has an impact after all.

This may be one of the reasons why Mori Kogoro treated Belmode so roughly.

Soon, Mori Kogoro let go of Belmode's lips.

Belmode couldn't help breathing with his mouth.But his red eyes looked at Mori Kogoro full of love.

Immediately afterwards, Belmore regained his composure, and turned to kiss Mouri Kogoro back on his own initiative. This reaction was unexpected.

A wicked smile flashed across the corners of Mori Kogoro's mouth, and he raised his hands, attacking more and more brazenly.

Anyway, there is still the spirit of vegetation in Belmode's body, even if she is injured again, she can be cured, so there is no need to stop her.

As a result, the extremely ferocious fighting method was launched, and all the sounds disappeared between the lips and teeth of the two!

More than half an hour later, it was already half past six, and the sun outside had completely set.

Mori Kogoro walked out of the toilet cubicle with his arms around Belmode's slender waist.

At this moment, Belmor was like a little woman, leaning against Mori Kogoro, her head buried in his arms, full of shyness, unable to lift her head at all.

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