Even if the face she bears is not her own, is it a donated face? /p>

The man at the washbasin was completely dumbfounded when he saw the man and woman coming out.

The middle-aged man next to the old driver gave Mouri Kogoro a thumbs up, Mouri Kogoro raised his eyebrows proudly, then left quickly with his arms around Belmore.

After walking out of the corridor, the two separated into one front and one back, and soon came to the dining table.

Huibara glanced at Mori Kogoro, and then glanced at the man who followed him not far behind. Я申敫龆锡∈BaoHuan Yanzhong, Huang Yuji, poke play, abduction, Qiao Shang, Jianjun?/p>

Huiyuan naturally suspected that the two of them were tricky.

But who made Belmore's face wear a disguise mask, so there wouldn't be too many expressions.

Huiyuan and the others couldn't judge easily.

And Xiaolan couldn't help but said: "Dad, we met Ms. Fushahui just now, and she even signed my bag!"

Hearing the name of 'Fushahui', Belmode's eyes instantly woke up, and the face under the mask changed.

Fushahui, isn’t that Marsala?People in the organization!

Did the organization find it here?

Mori Kogoro looked around the dining table, but he didn't see any trace of Curacao, so he couldn't help asking, "Where did Xiaobai go?"

You Xizi replied: "She just said that she went to the bathroom, but it's been a long time."

But the little loli Ayumi shook her head: "No, I went to the bathroom with Sister Xiaobai just now, but she didn't go in."

"I asked her where she was going? She said she was going to ride the Ferris wheel again secretly, and told me not to tell everyone, but I didn't see her afterwards!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

Mori Kogoro quickly said, "Then I'll just go find Xiaobai. Listen, all of you, and continue eating here obediently. I'll come back when I find her."

Youxizi and the others also wanted to help search together, but before they could speak, Mori Kogoro interrupted: "Xiao Lan, watch the children and don't let them run around. I don't want to look for the children later."

After saying that, he turned around and walked outside the restaurant, and Belmord quickly followed.

The boys of the Detective Boys want to follow along to help.

Seeing this, Xiaolan said directly: "No one is allowed to leave their seats, please be obedient!"

She smiled softly, but her little hand bent the table knife, and the little ones became extremely cute in an instant.

After all, Mori Kogoro had told Xiaolan about something before.

The tacit understanding of Xiaolan naturally knows what to do: protect the child and leave the matter to the father.

Chapter 0204

Mori Kogoro ran out quickly, heading towards the Ferris wheel.

He never expected that Curacao left by himself. Could it be that his memory has recovered?

In fact, Mori Kogoro had already made an arrangement. As long as Curacao and Xiaolan stayed together, they would be safe, and no one could hurt them.

But I didn't expect Curacao to leave the safe zone by himself.

Belmore trotted out along the way. The more she ran, the more she felt throbbing pains in her buttocks, as if she had just been injured.

She frowned, resisting the pain and kept following.

Mori Kogoro, who stopped, stood under the Ferris wheel, looked up, and saw the double-track Ferris wheel in motion.

A notice was posted in the afternoon that the Ferris wheel was about to be repaired, but now it is running again, no doubt it was the handiwork of the organization.

Looking around, you can see plainclothes police officers not far away, and the parking lot further away is full of police cars.

What a great handwriting!

At this time, Bellmord caught up with Mori Kogoro from behind, hugged him from behind, and dribbled into the ball, which was really unstoppable.

"Xiao Wulang, don't go, okay? I'm worried about you, I don't want you to leave me!"

She really didn't want Kogoro Mori to be involved in the organization's actions.

Based on Belmode's analysis, Marsala appeared and talked with Curacao.

After that, Curacao left alone again, and must have returned to the organization.

If Mori Kogoro goes to Curacao, he will naturally be in danger, and maybe Xiaolan and the others will be implicated in the future.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself, maybe what she experienced on the Ferris wheel and in the toilet cubicle today made her change.

Belmode just didn't want Kogoro Mori to encounter any danger.

And at this moment, Kogoro Mori doesn't care about it, it is also the best state for her, the two are irrelevant, and her own task can be completed.

Mori Kogoro turned around and hugged Belmode. He saw the worry and anxiety in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

Caressing Belmode's soft back with his big hand, he said softly, "Since you have agreed to be my obedient little slave girl, you must obey the master's words from now on."

"Xiaobai must be in danger. Look at those police officers who are looking for her. How can I ignore it?"

While talking, Mori Kogoro revealed the police to Belmore.

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