Chapter 0205 magnanimous Curacao

Thinking so, Curacao instantly relaxed, his sky blue eyes could not help but glared at Mori Kogoro.

Hmph, for the sake of the white dolphin pendant you gave me; for the sake of having so much fun with me in the afternoon, and for the sake of protecting and taking care of me; and for the sake of those children;

For the excessive things you did to me, I will forgive you for the time being.

Thinking of this, Curacao's mouth curled up.

Then his little head rubbed against Mori Kogoro's arm, his eyes full of nostalgia.

In fact, in the organization, although Rum regards Kura as his confidant, he is still very afraid of her.

After all, Curaçao's brain area is different from that of ordinary people, possesses super memory ability, and his physical fitness tends to the limit of the human body.

She is like a double-edged sword, if she is not controlled properly, she may hurt herself.

Therefore, after Rum rescued Curacao from the execution platform, he brainwashed and controlled him very strictly.

Not only did he painstakingly establish the unique connection and key between his left eye and brain, but he also tightly controlled his life.

It can be said that Curacao spends the rest of the time training in the base except for leaving the base for missions to kill people, and has no time for himself at all.

Over the past ten years, Curacao has already been trained to be an emotionless killing machine.

If it continues on its trajectory, it is impossible for her to change in any way in her life.

After all, it is almost impossible to persuade an emotionless killer to put down his butcher knife.

But who made her fail this mission, was hit on the head, and lost her memory.

Curacao becomes a blank slate, encountering people and things again.

When she met the children and Kogoro Mori, she felt inexplicable and beautiful feelings.

This is an emotion that, as a killer, she will never feel!

At this moment, Curacao still remembers the comfort of his body when he was caressed by Mori Kogoro;

the joy of receiving a gift for the first time;

Increased heart rate during first kiss;

Nodding in a ignorant manner being fooled;

The inexplicable shame of being stimulated by that evil hand;

The thrill of riding the wind and waves standing on the white whale;

The peace of mind and comfort in the arms of Mori Kogoro;

The joy of being surrounded by a group of white arctic foxes;

Looking at a man guarding in front of her is full of security;

There are too many, these are emotions that Curacao has never experienced, or has long been forgotten.

If the world of Curaçao was black and white before, then today it is colorful and colorful for her, just like the light refracted by the fountain.

Curacao grabbed Kogoro Mori.

For the first time, she felt that she was a human being, not a machine.

Having never experienced the light, she could have endured the darkness.

But after experiencing the light, she instinctively hated the dark and killed people!

Curacao didn't want to go back to that organization, let alone return to Rum's side to continue killing for him.

She could have chosen to run away alone, but because she fell in love with Mori Kogoro, she couldn't make such a selfish decision.

No matter who made Marsala appear, although Curacao was sure to escape with his own strength, the people in the organization must have known that Maori and his party had contacted him.

If he ran away by himself, Mori Kogoro and the others would definitely be purged by the organization.

That's why Curacao chose to respond to the organization's signal, and according to the instructions on the business card, he took the Ferris wheel to the top at seven o'clock, waiting for the organization's response.Curacao glanced at Mori Kogoro's face, but she had only met for a day, but she had already sunk, and she really didn't want to leave this man.

She silently said to herself: Maybe, this is the so-called love.

The fireworks show outside started, and gorgeous fireworks bloomed in front of the two of them, lighting up the whole world.

"Xiaobai, look, the fireworks show has started."

Hearing this pet-like address, Curacao was speechless for a while.

But the appointed time was coming soon, so she didn't say much, and instead said: "Mao Li-jun, can you kiss me again?"

When parting, Curacao wanted to kiss Mouri Kogoro goodbye.

Unexpectedly, Kogoro Moori frowned suspiciously, and said in a suspicious tone again: "Xiaobai, have you recovered your memory?"

Curacao was speechless for a while, suppressing the rising anger.

Fortunately, she remembered the scene in the treatment room before, organized her words, and said again: "No, Maori-kun, my mouth seems to be injured, can you help me heal it."

At this time, Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief as if he was relieved, then held Curacao's small face in his hands, and breathed it down.

Curacao stood on tiptoe, put his arms around Mori Kogoro's waist, and couldn't help but respond.

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