Hey, it seems to be a bit different from the morning one!

But Curacao quickly put this idea behind him and threw himself into the kiss.

With countless fireworks blooming, the Ferris wheel is constantly turning, and a man and a woman are leaning against the window and kissing deeply.

Time passed extremely slowly, yet seemed to pass extremely fast.

The lost Curacao gradually came back to his senses, and there was a tear stain in the corner of his eyes at some point.

And his little hand was slowly lifted up, forming a knife posture.

She gently parted Mori Kogoro's lips, and then said softly: ".~There is that, I will come back to see you in the future!"

This is the same as what she said to Little White Fox before, but when she said it to Mouri Kogoro, she felt inexplicably heartbroken.

Then the hand knife swung down, chopping on the back of Mori Kogoro's neck.

Curacao wants to put Kogoro Mori down by himself, and then leave quietly.

Unexpectedly, Kogoro Moori didn't react at all after receiving this hand knife with far more strength than ordinary people, and he still had time to say: "Xiaobai, why are you hitting me? Say goodbye?"

Curacao's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

At this moment, darkness suddenly struck.

The main power switch of the Dongdu Aquarium was directly turned off, and the entire playground on the small island was darkened. Only the rebuilt aquarium uses another circuit, so it still has electricity.

The fireworks stopped abruptly, and the running Ferris wheel also stopped.

An anxious look flashed in Belmord's eyes below, this must be the means of the organization.

The police officers who were searching also stopped, and a trace of anxiety flashed in Amuro Toru's eyes. He also knew that this was an organized action.

Soon, Toru Amuro seemed to have figured something out, and turned around and ran towards the Ferris wheel.

On the pitch-black cockpit, Mori Kogoro put his arms around Curacao's slender waist, stabilized his body, and said, "Xiaobai, don't be afraid, I have everything."

He couldn't help looking up, waiting for the Falcon fighter to fly down.

Mori Kogoro intends to board the fighter jet and get rid of all those guys on it, and it is best to arrest them all.

Especially the leader, Fushahui, who was caught back to her base and given a good lesson.

Chapter 0206 of the collapse of Belmode

Even if Fusae is Dr. Ari's dream lover, but she stands on the opposite side of her, Mori Kogoro will never let her go.

That's why he stayed in this cabin for so long, because he wanted to wait for the helicopter to stretch out its mechanical arm, to counterattack and kill everyone on the fighter plane.

But what happened next was beyond Maori Kogoro's expectations.

Boom! ! !

It takes a monstrous bang to erupt from the central axis of the Ferris wheel.

The C4 bomb at the central axis exploded, and flames and shock waves spread out, sweeping the entire Ferris wheel.

The cockpit glass where Mori Kogoro was located was shattered directly, and the two people inside were blown away.

At the critical moment, Mori Kogoro pulled Curacao directly and protected him into his arms.

And its hegemony skill is activated instantly!

His whole body exuded a faint golden light, ignoring any attack.

The shirt on his back was directly shattered by the aftermath of the explosion.

The two of them slammed into the wall of the cockpit heavily, making a sound of gold and iron.

Fortunately, Mori Kogoro hit the wall with both hands first, which buffered the aftermath, and then used his body to block the shock wave of the explosion for Curacao, so she was not seriously injured.

But even so, she passed out in the explosion.

If it weren't for this domineering skill, Kogoro Mori might have explained it here.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori was in a daze.

what's the situation?Isn't Gin all accused of defecting?Why are there still people planting bombs?

At this time, internal strife broke out among the members of the organization on the Falcon fighter jet.

The bomb was naturally installed by the Canadian agent Akwavit.

When he tampered with the power supply of the amusement park under Fusha's order, he understood Fusha's plan.

Intending to kill Curacao, he took advantage of the opportunity to install a bomb on the central axis of the Ferris wheel.

When the entire amusement park was powered off, it was also when the plane landed to meet Curacao, and Acquavit knew he couldn't wait any longer.

So he pressed the detonation button of the bomb, and at the same time violently wounded people.

As soon as the bomb exploded, Acquavit's identity was naturally exposed.

Aquavit wanted to take advantage of the situation to subdue the people in the operation team, and captured all three people in front of him, which is also considered a credit.

It's just that he was too greedy and shot at the three of them, distracting his attention and underestimating Fushahui.

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