Caught off guard, both Stout and Chianti were shot.

But Fushahui was unscathed.

Her reaction speed was astonishing, as if she had an instinctive premonition of danger, she turned sideways to avoid the incoming bullet.

Then he leaned back, kicked Akwawitt's face upside down with his long legs, and kicked Akwawit back two or three steps.

Fusha's face was serious, and others couldn't see the movements of her hand, and there was an extra silver pistol in her hand for no reason.

Bang bang bang!

Aquavit didn't have the ability to avoid bullets, and all three shots fell on him, making him scream.

But Akwavit did not give up resistance, and pressed the remote control button that he had been holding with his right hand again.


The hatch of the fighter jet was blown out, and the strong wind rushed in.

The fighter plane lost its balance all of a sudden, and everyone hurriedly lowered their bodies to avoid being blown out.

Akwavit took this opportunity to jump out of the plane directly.The sniper rifle in the guitar bag he was carrying had already been replaced by a parachute.

Fushahui shouted coldly: "Chianti, stabilize the plane for me!"

Chianti, who suffered a shoulder injury, resisted the pain and reached out to control the steering wheel.

Fusha slid directly to the hatch, stuck her feet on the hatch frame, and then leaned out.

There was a power outage downstairs, and it was getting dark. The whole world was pitch black, and Acquavit could not be seen at all.

Fushahui seemed to be using her body to sense the wind speed, and the silver pistol fired directly in one direction, emptying the magazine.

There were bursts of screams in the darkness.

There was a sneer on the corner of Fusha's mouth, and then she returned to the cabin.

The whole process took only four or five seconds.

Fushahui, who returned to the cabin, yelled at Stout: "I want to see where Curacao is now?"

Stout, who fell to the ground, endured the gunshot wound in his abdomen, stood up again, picked up the computer, and began to operate for a while.

Soon, the thermal imaging detection screen appeared.

The aftermath of the explosion at the central axis of the cabin is still red, but there is no human body temperature response in the cockpit suspended around it.

Stout said: "Just now Curacao sat on the Ferris wheel. With the power of the C4 bomb, the temperature imaging of the human body was not detected. I'm afraid he was killed."

Fushahui's face instantly became extremely ugly: "Damn traitor!"

Chianti couldn't help but said, "Marsala, the wing propellers have been blown up, and the plane probably won't last long."

Hearing this, Fushahui couldn't further confirm the news of Curaçao's death, so she could only say bitterly: "Retreat, find a place to land first!"

But when he saw an explosion from inside the ferris wheel in the dark, Belmode was stunned underneath, his pupils trembling, full of disbelief.

The aftermath of the bomb dissipated to the ground, pushing Belmode to the ground.

Then countless shards of glass poured down.

How could Kogoro Mori, who had just run to the inside of the Ferris wheel, be spared such a powerful explosion!

Sadness swept through Belmore's mind in an instant, the expression under the mask had long been out of control, and tears blurred the contact lenses.

how is this possible?How could he just die like this?

Bastard, you just finished bullying me, how could you die like this, I haven't taken revenge on you yet, how can you die!

I told you not to go, I told you not to go, why didn't you listen to me!

At this moment, Belmore couldn't control himself at all, and couldn't help walking forward, wanting to see for himself what was going on.

She completely ignored that the double-track Ferris wheel was about to fall to the ground and collapse.

And Toru Amuro, who had just chased to the boarding hatch, finally escaped, extremely embarrassed.

He dodged the falling iron frame left and right, and seeing Belmor rushing desperately under the Ferris wheel, he immediately grabbed his wrist and dragged him back to a safe area.

"You are crazy, you are not afraid of death!"

The out-of-control Belmode directly overturned Toru Amuro: "Leave me alone!"

But at this moment, the ferris wheel on the south side fell several meters and made a loud noise. It was obvious that the central axis of the support was broken.

Another round of explosions was triggered inside the ferris wheel, and the whole thing burned up, like a large hot wheel.

The ferris wheel made a tooth-piercing strange sound, and then the ferris wheel that fell to the ground did not stop, but slowly turned as if it had been given an extra kinetic energy.

Toru Amuro's pupils trembled, and the big guy turned in the direction of Toto Aquarium.

Trouble, Dongdu Aquarium has the most guests, and there is no way to evacuate.

Chapter 0207

Mori Kogoro left the cockpit long before the Ferris wheel exploded for the second time.

He kicked open the deformed cockpit door, and then pinched out the handprint of Yufengshu with both hands.

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