The strong wind lingered around his body, and the sporadic sparks on his back shirt turned into flames, but they couldn't hurt Mori Kogoro who was displaying his domineering body.

Then Mori Kogoro picked up the unconscious Curacao, drove the strong wind, and flew directly out of the high-altitude cockpit.

The situation was urgent, and he didn't care about setting up a hidden enchantment for himself.

But fortunately, everyone's eyes were attracted by the explosion on the central axis, and the light was not enough, so they thought it was something blown up, and didn't notice them.

Mori Kogoro hangs in mid-air with Curacao in his arms, seeing the scene where Fusha paints their helicopter has an accident and then retreats, he can't help but feel sorry for himself.

And Fusang, who was secretly protecting Xiaolan and his party in the theme restaurant of the aquarium, came anxiously.

Fusang put a witch mark on Mori Kogoro, so he can be found easily at any time.

As soon as the little shikigami appeared, she patted the flame on Mori Kogoro's back with her small hand, and she was relieved when the flame went out.

"Kogoro, are you not injured?"

Mori Kogoro said, "I'm fine, Fusang, please help me take her back to the shrine first."

"Then why don't I continue to protect other people here?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "No need, the crisis has been resolved."

The little Shikigami obediently obeyed, took over Curacao, and flew away towards the shrine using the witch power.

And Mori Kogoro landed quietly to the ground. The surrounding area was pitch black when the power went out, and there was only fire near the Ferris wheel, so he flew to a place outside and landed so that no one else could see him.

But as soon as Mori Kogoro landed, he saw the Ferris wheel explode again in the distance, and the flames were monstrous, like a giant hot wheel.

After that, the entire huge circular steel frame moved after landing, and the direction was clearly heading towards the aquarium.

You know that Xiaolan and the others are dining on the second floor of the aquarium, Mouri Kogoro didn't care about changing clothes, so he immediately ran towards the Ferris wheel, trying to prevent this big guy with a height of tens of meters from crashing into the aquarium.

By the time Mori Kogoro ran near the Ferris wheel, the Ferris wheel had turned a long distance slowly and firmly, and came near the parking lot.

At this time, Mori Kogoro saw a forklift speeding past.

This forklift seems to want to stand in front of the track of the Ferris wheel and prevent it from continuing to press forward.

Mori Kogoro took a closer look, and saw Belmode in the driver's seat of the forklift, who was crying. He couldn't help shouting: "What the hell are you doing?"

Belmode, who was already in despair, heard the familiar voice, his eyes lit up, and he slammed on the brakes, and the forklift drew a dark brake mark on the ground.

Belmore turned his head cautiously, and saw Moori Kogoro running towards him like a cheetah.

The figure's speed was obviously extremely fast, but in Belmode's eyes, it seemed to be in slow motion.

Seeing this familiar figure, she couldn't help laughing through tears, and her vision was blurred.

Mori Kogoro climbed onto the forklift in no time, with an eager look on his face.

The muscles in his left hand were knotted, and he directly pulled at the seam of the forklift door, and the door flew away.

"Bitch, can't you let me rest easy?"

He cursed angrily, reached out and hugged Belmode's slender waist, violently pulled it out, jumped out of the car, and dragged it back to the safe area.

Mori Kogoro was afraid for a while. If he came a few seconds late, Belmode might end up like Curacao in the theatrical version, being crushed into black charcoal by this huge Ferris wheel.

He couldn't help getting angry, and while holding Belmore, he pumped his plump buttocks heavily with his big hands, making waves of flesh: "What are you doing? Don't you know that you will die if you do this? Is it your turn to be a hero?" ? Damn, I knew I would have fucked you just now!"

Belmore's body trembled uncontrollably, his eyes couldn't stop shedding, and he pointed to the theme restaurant behind as if he wanted to explain: "I... you die... and they..." She wanted to save Xiaolan and the others.

But she couldn't speak anymore, and finally cried out with a "wow", feeling extremely wronged.

"You're not dead, bastard, I told you not to go, I told you not to go..."

His little hands couldn't help beating Mori Kogoro's back, using all his strength every time.

Mori Kogoro understood what she meant, this stinky bitch thought she was dead, wanted to save Xiaolan and the others, and wanted to die for love, so she did it!

He cupped his small face and kissed it deeply.

Belmode responded frantically, and the force with which he beat Mori Kogoro gradually weakened, and finally he hugged his waist tightly.

Amuro Toru, who was on the side, looked at the two people who were obsessed with each other, and was completely dumbfounded. His mouth was wide open, as if it was dislocated.

WTF! ! !

What kind of fairy tale is this?what's up?How is Belmode and Mori Kogoro reunited with their lover?What kind of divine unfolding is this?Are they together?

Eh!No, this ferris wheel is almost crushing, why are you still kissing, romance is not romantic at this time!

Amuro couldn't help but said: "Hey, stop, I'm almost dead!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro let go of Belmode's small mouth, then twitched his buttocks before releasing her, and said viciously: "I'll teach you a lesson when I'm done."

Amuro asked: "Detective Mori, can you stop this big guy?"

"There are a lot of tourists in the aquarium at the back, and there are only front and rear exits, so it's not so easy to evacuate, and once the large pool inside is crushed, and the water flowing back into the glass path, I'm afraid many people will drown!"

Hearing what Toru Amuro said was so terrifying and serious, Mori Kogoro shook his head disdainfully: "Just watch."

He glanced left and right, the parking lot was next to it, and police cars with the word "米花" on top were lined up in a row.

Mori Kogoro ripped off the tattered shirt on his body, revealing his muscular upper body.

Then he ran directly behind the police car, pushed the empty police car, and displayed all his strange strength.

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