The muscles of his upper body swelled up and knotted, like a god descending from the earth.

Under the disbelieving eyes of Belmode, Toru Amuro and many onlookers, the police car was really pushed.

And it wasn't just one, one hit another, and three police cars were pushed by Mori Kogoro to the track of the Ferris wheel.

Everyone around was dumbfounded, this scene can only be seen in movies.

And Toru Amuro's mouth was really dislocated this time.

Mori Kogoro ignored the gazes of others. He stood in front of the Ferris wheel like a giant Hot Wheels, lifted the rear of the police car with both hands, and turned the police car towards the Ferris wheel.

A more horrific picture appeared. The police car flipped crazily towards the Ferris wheel as if it had been hit by a [-]-mile truck.

In the end, the entire police car stood and inserted into the gap between the iron frame of the Ferris wheel without any mistakes.

Naturally, a small police car couldn't stop the kinetic energy of the giant Ferris wheel, but two police cars behind it also flipped forward.

The three cars were piled up steadily to form a stable triangular structure.

The three police cars were all crushed by the giant Ferris wheel. There was an explosion and tongues of flame.

In the end, on the blackened wreckage of the police car, the giant Ferris wheel finally stopped, and there were endless cheers and applause in the audience

Chapter 0208 Oh, I'm good at acting, right?


Toru Amuro couldn't close his mouth, his eyes were full of shock.

What kind of monster is this? The car is like a toy in his hands.

At the thought of being his enemy, Toru Amuro couldn't help shivering.

At this time, Belmord trotted up, and asked with concern: "Xiao Goro, are you okay? You won't be hurt anywhere, right?"

Seeing Belmore's appearance as a little woman, Toru Amuro's head became even more dizzy: What happened to this world?Why can't I understand it all of a sudden!

Soon, Xiaolan and Yuxizi rushed over from the restaurant with all the children, and surrounded Mouri Kogoro.

There was a power outage outside, another Ferris wheel hit, so many things happened, Xiaolan couldn't sit still, and naturally found them all.

As soon as they left the restaurant, they all saw the scene of Mori Kogoro setting off a car in the parking lot.

Everyone was also stunned for a while, and hurried over.

Like Belmode, Xiaolan and Yukiko surrounded Mouri Kogoro and asked him if he was injured.

Pairs of small soft hands groped Mouri Kogoro's dark body to make sure there were no wounds, and the girls breathed a sigh of relief.

And the little loli Ayumi looked left and right, but didn't see Curacao's figure, so she couldn't help asking: "Uncle, where is little sister Bai?"

Hearing this question, Toru Amuro and Belmode looked over with concern.

Mori Kogoro started acting.

A gloomy look flickered in his eyes at first, and then he seemed to realize that there were too many children beside him, so he couldn't tell the truth, and a fake smile with a forced smile appeared on his face.

"Your little sister Bai recovered her memory and was reunited with her family. She didn't get on the Ferris wheel, and left with her family after saying goodbye."

"She also said it was a great time with you guys and she will never forget this day."

Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko were easily fooled.

Ayumi breathed a sigh of relief, and patted her chest: "Fortunately, sister Xiaobai didn't sit on it, otherwise she would be dead."

Yuan Tai couldn't help but said: "How could you just leave like this, really, my parents even said they would thank her face to face!"

Children can't hear Kogoro Mori's tone, but adults can understand what Kogoro Mori means.

You Xizi, Xiaolan, Huiyuan, and Conan all had a look of sadness in their eyes, and they couldn't help feeling sad when they looked at the messy Ferris wheel.

However, Toru Amuro and Belmode still had some doubts, but they didn't ask any more questions in front of the children.

The onlookers still want to gather around to see clearly which fierce man it is.

At this time, the plainclothes police officers from the Public Security Bureau appeared and dispersed the surrounding crowd.

This group of plainclothes police officers surrounded Kogoro Mori, and the leader was Toru Amuro's subordinate, Yuya Kazami.

Kazami Yuya is still a bit discerning, knowing that the public cannot recognize Toru Amuro.

He directly said coldly: "Detective Maori, I finally found you, and the police want you to assist in the investigation!"

Hearing this, You Xizi, Xiaolan, and Belmode all had hostility in their eyes.

You Xizi even said: "What did Xiao Wulang do? Why did you ask him to assist in the investigation? He was saving lives just now. Could it be that there is a problem because he is stronger?"

"I can't tell the reason, tell me your police number, and I will definitely sue you." On the side, Amuro was sweating from his forehead: This strength is more than a little bit stronger!

But Fengjian Yuya looked like he was not willing to accept anything, and said in a cold voice: "This is a public security secret, I have no comment. I also invite Maori detectives to assist in the investigation."

Yukiko still wanted to explode, but Kogoro Mori stretched out his hand to stop her.

Mori Kogoro stood two steps forward, and then an inexplicable momentum overwhelmed him.

Kazami Yu couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Mori Kogoro sneered: "Police!"

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