As long as Curacao does not return to the organization, everything can be restored.

Belmode held his chin up, looking at the Lexus in front of him inexplicably.

After a long time, she spoke again: "Bourbon, my mission has failed."

"I hope you can help hide the actions that helped me today, lest Rum blame you, and I can report to Rum myself."

Belmore knew that it was very suspicious for him to act alone today and to cut off contact with Rum.

If Bourbon gets involved again, and he cooperates with Bourbon without telling Rum, Rum will definitely doubt his loyalty.

She wanted to put the blame on the police, all she needed to do was to say that when she responded last night, she was seen and pursued by the police so far, so she couldn't contact the organization, so she could be picked out.

But the premise is to have a good confession with Toru Amuro.

Toshi Amuro thought for a moment, then nodded, and Belmode breathed a sigh of relief.

Toru Amuro also felt that it would be better for him to stay out of the matter. It would be terrible if Rum and the others connected him with the police.

While the two were talking, the Mori Detective Agency arrived.

Toru Amuro said, "I'll give you the key to the cafe. Later, you will bring the rest of the people into the cafe and invite them to eat. I'll test the Maori detective to see if he has any information about Curacao."

Belmode nodded, and when she got out of the car, she pretended to come out to donate money?/p>

"Children, Sister Azusa treats you to a cake tonight, Xiaolan, Miss Youxizi, and Maori Detective, you all come and try my newly developed cake!"

Hearing that there was something to eat, all the little ones naturally agreed.

And Xiaolan said: "Dad, you have to go up and change your clothes first, it's too indecent to be naked."

Mori Kogoro glanced at Belmode and Amuro Toru, nodded, then turned and walked towards the stairwell.

The rest of the people follow Belmode's disguised donating beards, silk skirts, and skirts.

But when Toru Amuro turned to the stairwell, he saw Mori Kogoro looking down at him from a height.

Coupled with the bleak light in the stairwell, the upper body covered with charcoal dust is really scary.

"Police, what are you doing here?"

Amuro swallowed deeply, raised his head and asked.

"Detective Maori, you are not an enemy, are you?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro laughed. It seems that Conan asked Amuro Toru this sentence in the original book, and today he asked himself the other way around.

"Heh, Amuro-kun, you are so old, and you still speak so humorously!"

"However, this question is quite complicated. Different situations have different answers. After all, Amuro-kun, don't you have three identities? Bourbon, Fuguya, and Amuro, this is a bit difficult to answer."

Toru Amuro seemed to hear hope, and continued to ask: "Detective Maori, are our enemies the same?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled again, turned around and walked upstairs: "If not, I'm afraid you've already fed the polar bear in the aquarium today."

Hearing this, Toru Amuro was overjoyed.

Such a powerful existence that can be called non-human is actually from one's own camp, which is a great support.

This gain more than offsets today's other losses.

Toru Amuro hurriedly followed: "Mori-kun, what's going on in Curaçao?"

"She has the spy information stolen from our public security department, not only the undercover information of the dark organization, but also the undercover information of other terrorist organizations in the world. Once it is leaked, it may cause countless turmoil."

"Maori-kun, is Curacao dead?"

Mori Kogoro stopped in his tracks: "Amuro-kun, you just need to know that the information leak you are worried about will never happen, and you don't need to worry about the rest, understand?"

"Okay, I'm going back to take a shower, so let's stop your temptation here, let's go downstairs and make cakes!"

Hearing this, Toru Amuro's pupils contracted: Could it be that the car was bugged by Maori detectives?impossible?How does he seem to hear me talking to Belmode?

Watching Kogoro Mori enter the house to take a bath, Toru Amuro stood where he was, thinking for a long time before he understood Kogoro Mori's words.

Sure enough, he was saved!

Are you still taking people away under the eyes of our police?

Ha ha!What a dreadful character, Maori detective!


And when Mori Kogoro returned home and opened the bathroom door, he saw a beautiful leg sticking out of the bathtub full of bubbles.

It turned out that Eri came here to take a bath while no one was at home!

Eri's screams rang out: "Ah, Kogoro, didn't you know you were going to knock when you came in?"

"Hey, no, the bathroom door is closed, I don't know if someone is inside, why come in?"

"Also, what the hell are you doing, why is your body so dirty? Wu, why are you taking off your clothes?"

"It's an old couple, why are you shy?"

Chapter 0210 tease Belmode

Mori Kogoro looked at Eri who was blushing in front of him with a smirk, put his arms around his waist, and made his body close to him, feeling very happy immediately.

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