It's been so long since they got back together, yet it's funny that Eri still blushes so easily.

Mori Kogoro bent his head, breathing on his red earlobe.

He whispered to Eri, and Eri immediately frowned, with a look of reluctance in her eyes.

However, at Kogoro Mori's insistence, she half bit her lip and gave him a look, and finally got up obediently, and began to help Kogoro Mouri take a bath.

Moli Kogoro moved a little bit, and the bathing technique was exactly the same as Xiaolan's.

The mother-daughter pair Yingli and Xiaolan are really blessed, and this feeling is very similar.

Mori Kogoro closed his eyes, enjoying the gentle service of the concubine's barrister, and completely forgot what happened at the Toto Aquarium just now.

After a while, the coke on Kogoro Mori's body was washed away with the water flow, revealing his muscular figure inside.

Then he opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his eyes.

Then Mori Kogoro dragged Eri into the bathtub, and the sound of the water also stirred up.

And in the cafe downstairs, Yuxiko stood at the front desk, looking at Mo Donao while holding her chin?/p>

She couldn't help but said, "Xiao Zi, every time I see you, I always feel that we should have known each other for a long time. It's such a strange feeling."

"Xiao Zi, do you feel the same way?"

Belmode couldn't help but pause, feeling a little guilty.

She didn't dare to look at You Xizi, for fear of being recognized by her old friend.

"How is it possible? If I had seen a celebrity like Miss Yukiko before, I would definitely remember it. You must have made a mistake."

You Xizi covered her mouth and laughed lightly: "That's true."

But soon there was a sly look in his eyes, and he suddenly asked: "Xiao Zi, were you and Kogoro comfortable in the toilet just now?"

Hearing this, Belmore's hand pouring the coffee was unsteady, and the coffee poured out of the table, his eyes were full of panic.

"Miss Yukiko, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand, I, how could I go to the toilet with the Maori detective, he went to the men's toilet, and mine is the women's toilet."

Although it was semi-forced by Mori Kogoro just now, and it was another way, it also caused the established fact of stealing.

Belmode knew that Mori Kogoro and Yukiko were together, and she already felt a little sorry for Yukiko for doing this with Mori Kogoro.

Now that my good friend asked such a pressing question, Belmore, who seemed to be caught, was naturally panicked.

Seeing her appearance, You Xizi stopped teasing her, and instead said, "It's just a joke, Xiao Zi, relax, my sister won't bully you."

In fact, Yukiko did not recognize that she was disguised by Belmore.

She just knew that this was another woman of Mori Kogoro, who came here to recognize a younger sister, and she felt the same way she treated Jinghua and Tomoko before.

However, Belmode was a little bit like an enemy, and his reaction was too intense.

You Xizi thought she was thin-skinned, so she didn't continue.

At this time, Toru Amuro walked in from the outside, sort of helping Belmore out of the siege.

Amuro Toru has received a message from his subordinate Kazami Yuya.

Sure enough, the police searched the entire aquarium, but could not find any trace of Curacao.

Even though there were people guarding the north and south gates, nothing was guarded in the end, as if the world had evaporated.

Toru Amuro was not surprised when he learned the result. After he and his boss reported what happened today, he turned and went into the cafe to help make drinks for the children.Seeing two people at the front desk, Yuxiko didn't stay, and went back to the sofa booth to talk to Huiyuan.

Belmode asked: "How? Does the Maori detective know where Curacao is?"

Toru Amuro shook his head, Belmord felt a little uncomfortable seeing this answer.

In other words, as strong as Mori Kogoro, there is no way to defy the will of the organization and save Curacao?

Why! ! !

At the same time, in the base of the dark organization, Fushahui, Chianti, and Stout were all treating their wounds.

All three were in a bit of a panic, with Stout being the most seriously injured, followed by Chianti, and even Fushahui was slightly injured.

There was something wrong with the forced landing of the helicopter just now. It hit the container at the dock and exploded. The three of them were lucky to be able to escape.

Fushahui's face was very ugly, and she couldn't help calling Rum.

"Rum, can you tell me why the reinforcement you sent, Aquavit, was also an undercover agent? The members almost fell into it."

"Why are there so many traitors in the Japanese area you are in charge of? I doubt your leadership ability. I will report this matter to the boss in detail."

"...Hehe, you asked me how to deal with it, how can I deal with traitors, my marksmanship has always been very accurate."

"But your beloved Curacao can't come back, it was blown to pieces."

"...Rum, I'm afraid you will have to come out and preside over the overall situation in the future. If you hide like this, the remaining two or three kittens will not be able to accomplish anything."

"If the situation in Japan continues to deteriorate like this, I will suggest that the boss cancel the Japanese operation area, and you should also find a leisurely job to retire and enjoy the rest of your life."

Fushahui didn't give Rum any face, and hung up the phone directly after she finished speaking.

Stout and Chianti on the side didn't dare to meet their eyes.

Fu Shahui didn't care about the two of them, she got up directly, changed her clothes and boarded the base's private jet, not knowing where she was going.

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