On the other side, the power supply of the Dongdu Aquarium was restored, each area lit up, and it was full of amusement in an instant.

Soon, screams suddenly sounded!

Only then did everyone realize that there was a dead body on the ground, which had been smashed into mud, and it was extremely difficult to distinguish its face.

This is the undercover agent of the Canadian Federal Bureau of Investigation, Acquavit, who was purged by Fusha.

More than half an hour later, the bathroom door opened, and Mori Kogoro walked out refreshed.

He was still holding Eri, who was completely weak and wrapped in a bathrobe.

Mori Kogoro carried Eri onto the bed in his bedroom, Eri's beautiful legs rested on the folded quilt, and he didn't want to move anymore, he could only vent his anger.

Mori Kogoro took a sip of her, and then laughed badly, she was so angry that she could beat her!

He changed into a loose casual outfit, then walked out of the house and went downstairs.

As soon as I came to the entrance of the Polo Cafe, I saw Belmore's Yi Rongcheng's donating money.

Xiaolan and Yukiko sent the children home, while Amuro Toru received a message from the police saying that a corpse was found in the Toto Aquarium, so he hurried over, so Belmord was the only one left.

Chapter 0211 also said no, color uncle!

When Belmorde saw him, he couldn't help but panic flashed across his eyes.

Her butt is still hurting now, and she has to rush back to explain to Rum, so naturally she can't get entangled with Mori Kogoro.

And Mouri Kogoro went forward without hesitation, wrapped his arms around his slender waist, and directly kissed his lips.

Belmode had no intention of resisting at all.

The kiss was instant, and under the street lamp, Mouri Kogoro had a wicked smile on his face: "Xiao Azusa, it's time to call it a day, and today you are quite frightened."

"Let's go, I know there is a hot spring nearby, I will treat you to a hot spring tonight."

Belmore panicked instantly, which meant that he must take off his clothes and be honest.

What if the figure is seen to be different?

Eh, no, the difference in skin color should have been seen in the toilet just now.

Shouldn't you expose yourself?Shouldn't he recognize me?

Belmode finally remembered this episode, and instantly lost his composure.

It is one's own ability to do whatever one wants in the face of others.

But it would be too embarrassing to be seen through by others, to be teased by pretending not to know, and to be bullied unnecessarily.

But even if she had doubts in her heart, she still couldn't show half of it on her face, so she could only act firmly.

"Master, no way, my mother and I made an appointment to meet tonight, so I can't accompany you to the hot spring, and it's inconvenient for others, don't you know that too."

Mori Kogoro leaned over with a chuckle: "But I just said that I will punish you severely after the work is over. How can you escape? Isn't this causing the master to lose his integrity?"

Hearing this, Belmore panicked even more.

The rewards and punishments that Kogoro Mouri said were reversed. The rewards just mentioned are the ones in the toilet, so what the hell is the punishment?

Bundle?field? SM? ...

In an instant, countless unhealthy words flashed through Belmor's mind.

At this moment, a girl's voice sounded behind the two.

"Uncle Molly, what are you doing here?"

This is Sera and Marie returning home. The mother and daughter look at Kogoro Mori and Sole Sole, who are hugging each other in front of them.

Mary came back, Mori Kogoro remembered the treatment appointment with her, so he stopped teasing Belmode.

Belmode broke away from Mori Kogoro's arms. She looked at Sera Masumi and Mary, and suddenly felt that they were a little familiar.

Mary frowned as if in response.

Mori Kogoro turned his head sideways, and whispered to Belmord: "Okay, I'll let you off tonight, I will remember this punishment for you, and I will punish you together next time."

Then Mori Kogoro laughed badly, blew on him, and said softly: "However, I really like Xiao Azusa's little silver hair today!"

After saying this, he turned and walked towards Mary.

And Belmode's pupils contracted after a while, full of disbelief.

Is this exposed?

Her face froze, her mouth opened, and she wanted to ask Mori Kogoro to find out more impulsively, but she still didn't dare.

At this moment, the small face under the disguise mask was full of doubts, and his brows were tightly frowned.

Belmode just stayed where he was, watching Mori Kogoro and the other two girls go upstairs without any reaction.

She stood there blankly for a while before remembering the business of the organization. She glanced at the Maoli Office with hatred, and hurriedly left.

Whether it has been recognized or not can only be checked later.

And in the stairwell climbing to the third floor, Sera Masumi couldn't help but speak.

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