"Uncle Mao Li, you can't do this. Don't you have a wife? How can you provoke sister Xiaozi? Aren't you afraid that Aunt Yingli will be angry?"

Mary on the side couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mori with disdainful eyes: "The last time I said it was treatment, and you did such an excessive thing to me!"

The thick-skinned Kogoro Mori didn't care about the mother and daughter's words and eyes at all. Instead, he stretched out his hand and gently stroked Mary's short blonde hair, and defended himself.

"Shiliang, what are you talking about? Xiao Azusa almost fell down just now, I just reached out and hugged her, and then just happened to be seen by you."

"It's because your ability to associate is too strong that you can come up with so many plots. I'm not that kind of person."

So much just right?

Naturally, Shiliang and Mary didn't believe it at all, and mother and daughter showed dead fish eyes in sync.

Just when the three of them walked to the next door, the door opened directly, and it was Mira who opened the door.

"I heard a voice just now, but I didn't see anyone, Xiao Wulang, you are too bad, how could you leave me alone at home today?"

Saying this, Mira in silk pajamas embraced Kogoro Mori with a full face of attachment, and her body was almost hanging on him, which was a great touch!

Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but rolled his eyes: He still said no, Uncle Sex!

Mary seemed a little angry, and Xiaomeng's face was puffy.

As soon as she got home, she felt a little upset when she saw two women and Kogoro Mori courting her.

Mori Kogoro rubbed Mila's head with a light smile, and said, "I wanted to take you to the aquarium, but you can't wake up this little lazy pig no matter how you bark, there is nothing you can do."

"And I remember that there was a government meeting in Visbania today, and you have to pay attention to this remotely, so I didn't take you out with me."

"But didn't I prepare three meals, fruits, drinks, and snacks for you? You won't be so hungry, you little lazy pig."

Mira stood on tiptoe, kissed Kogoro Mori's cheek secretly, and said, "Hmph, I'm sorry, oh, by the way, Earl Keith also faxed me more than a dozen documents to be signed and fingerprinted." Woolen cloth."

"Xiao Wulang, why doesn't the robot you give have the function of copying fingerprints? This is really a big shortcoming, so I have to go back to my room and continue working."

kingdom?robot?Maori detective still has so many cards?

Mary Biyan looked at Kogoro Mori in surprise.

And Mira, who was in a hurry, ran to the room with her beautiful legs.

Mori Kogoro turned his head and saw the contemptuous gazes of Sera and Marie again.

He still defended cheekily: "Mila and Xiaolan look so similar, I just treat her like a daughter, don't get me wrong."

"Ha ha!"

Shiliang Zhenchun said with a fake smile: "Uncle, do you think I will believe this excuse?"

Mary on the side fought back more directly, turned her head to one side, and said coldly: "Pervert!"

It's so strange, this little loli with a childlike face and big breasts calls herself perverted, which is inexplicably exciting.

Kogoro Mori saw that he couldn't fool the mother and daughter, so he didn't plan to continue.

Anyway, they live in this house, sooner or later they will know.

"Okay, okay, Mary, we have to start another round of therapy."

Hearing this, Mary's little face was blushed.

And Shiliang said: "Then please uncle, I'll take a shower first."

Shiliang turned around and walked to his room, while Mori Kogoro took Little Lolita's little hand and walked to her room

Chapter 0212 will die

The little blond loli in a gray T-shirt and beige shorts was standing in front of the closet.

She folded her hands on her chest, with an angry expression on her face, and she really had a strange sense of excitement.

Mary threatened: "You help me treat this time, don't do those strange things like the previous two times, do you understand?"

But Kogoro Moori reached out and closed the door, pretending to be stupid, and said, "Mary, what are you talking about? How could uncle have done anything strange to you?"

Little Lolita's eyes widened immediately: Don't you admit it after eating it all?

Massage and suck during the first treatment;

The second time it was even more extreme, let me bite and push, and even grabbed myself to take a bath together;

How can it be, those are very important memories, have they all been forgotten, then what do you take yourself for?

Originally, Mary was a little annoyed when she saw the flirtatious Moori Kogoro, but now she is even more annoyed.

Little Lolita's blue eyes became cold, she turned her head to look out the window, she didn't want to talk to Kogoro Mori, it seemed that she didn't even want to cooperate with the treatment.

Mori Kogoro stepped forward, stroking little Lolita's blond hair with his big warm hands, and patted her head to kill her.

He spoke in a coaxing tone, his voice was very gentle and magnetic.

"Those are not strange things, it's all because Mary is so cute, making uncle can't help doing those things."

"Uncle felt very guilty afterwards, can little Mary forgive uncle?"

Hearing these words, little Lolita felt very useful, and was a little proud of her own charm.

The corner of his mouth turned away couldn't help raising a curve.

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