After saying that, Yukiko helped Eri and walked to the next door

Chapter 0213 The little girl who was played badly

What Yingli said is true, she will really be 'dead'!

Mori Kogoro practiced lightning protection whenever he had free time these days.

With his aptitude far beyond that of ordinary people, coupled with the almost endless spiritual power in his body, the progress of the Thunder Control Technique is naturally progressing at a rapid pace.

Mori Kogoro practiced it in a subtle way, able to control small electric currents to attach to the whole body without hurting himself.

Moreover, lightning entering the body also has the effect of exercising oneself.

Mori Kogoro has been using the Thunder Control Technique on himself for only two or three days.

The four-dimensional, which had already reached the limit of the human body, quietly broke through, and is still rising.

At the moment his fourth dimension is:

[Physique: 58 (You have stepped into the category of non-human beings!)

Force: 53 (You have stepped into the category of non-human!)

Intelligence: 49 (Max)

Speed: 54 (You have stepped into the category of non-human beings!)]

As for the newly developed Thunder Blue Dragon by Mori Kogoro, the first opponent is Eri.

Naturally, Eri is not an opponent of this move. He retreats at the first touch and is in a defeated posture, which is why he becomes so weak.

Yukiko helped Eri back to her room, and Eri fell asleep on the bed.

And on the second floor below, in little Loli Marie's room, the treatment was still going on.

Kogoro Mori's big hand is still attached to the gunshot wound on Marie's body.

Little Loli lying on the bed exuded astonishing heat all over her body, raising the temperature of the room by several degrees, and her body that was originally white was dyed red.

The little loli has a short body of one meter and three meters, like a red-hot prawn.

Xiaomeng's face was flushed, all the pores on her body were opened, and the sweat kept oozing out, which wet the bed sheet underneath.

His short blond hair was stained on his forehead, and his blue eyes were full of water, and he looked at Kogoro Mori puzzled.

Why is the qigong of this treatment different from the last time, why it seems like there is an electric current, this feeling is so strange!

Mary couldn't help but speak: "Uncle~"

Little Lolita's "uncle" was really cute and cute, and Mori Kogoro's body was a little numb from being called.

Mori Kogoro pressed her soft body with both hands, and began to massage the acupuncture points.

This time the electric current stimulated even more, Mary arched her body, her little white feet were tightly clutching the sheet underneath, her green eyes rolled up, almost rolled out of her eyes.

Mori Kogoro dialed Mary gently, and said with a light smile, "Don't be afraid, this is a breakthrough in the qigong practiced by uncle, and the energy has become more domineering. It's normal to have a bigger reaction."

Then Mori Kogoro smirked, and took a sip of the little loli who had no ability to resist: "But if little Mary can't help it, it doesn't matter if she just screams!"

Hearing this, Mary couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mori: It doesn't matter what you call it?I don't want to lose face!If Shiliang outside heard about it, he would think I was doing some shameful hooking up inside!

Little Loli pursed her mouth and didn't say a word, only the heavy breathing from Qiong's nose.

Mori Kogoro smirked and increased the contact area of ​​his hands and instilled energy.

Mary gasped suddenly, her little hand couldn't help grabbing Kogoro Mouri's big hand, her eyes were full of panic and begging for mercy.

Then she couldn't take it anymore, quickly brought the pillow next to her with her little hand, and bit her silver teeth on it.

"Hmph! Um! Um!"

Little Lolita only felt her head buzzing, as if thousands of giant bells were ringing, her soul was about to come out of her body.

Seeing the gray magazine continuously oozing from the pores of the little loli in front of him, Kogoro Mori couldn't help being a little surprised.

Could it be that lightning enters the body and the I Ching washes the marrow?

Is it because I continued to treat Mary for dozens of minutes, which led to this situation?

This trick developed due to sexual interest has such effects?

Mori Kogoro was a little pleasantly surprised, and quickly felt Mary's body carefully, fearing that something abnormal would happen, and he would spoil the little blond loli!

Its healing technique is also ready at any time, and it will be used immediately if there is any adverse reaction.

However, the treatment shows that Mary's state has always been [very healthy].

Smelling the smell emanating from Mary's body, it was the same as the first time I Jing washed the marrow in my impression.

Indeed! ! !

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, and he also got a Yijing marrow washing elixir in the novice task, and the system did not reward him with this elixir after that.

After that, there was no exchange for things with the same function in the system mall.

I didn't expect that now that the will is dark and the flowers are bright, I used the variant of the Thunder Control Technique to have the same effect. It was really a surprise.

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