In this way, all his women can benefit.

Mori Kogoro didn't feel that the little loli was buried. Although the smell was not good, it was the same as the taste in his impression, so he was very happy.

His hands with electric current wandered around Mary's body, and never pulled back. Little Lolita's body kept trembling.

When little loli no longer exuded impurities, the pores closed again.

Only then did Kogoro Mori retract his hands, and carried the little girl who couldn't fight to the bathroom.

Fortunately, Sera Masumi had already showered and returned to the room, and there was no one in the bathroom.

Mori Kogoro removed the trousers that could no longer be worn by the little Lolita, picked up the shower head to release hot water, bath towels, and shower gel, and began to scrub the little Lolita.

Mary's head was still a little confused, and she didn't know what was going on.

With his knowledge, he didn't understand why these inexplicable things would seep out of his body.

But she felt that she was too ashamed, and she was so flustered that she didn't dare to face Mori Kogoro at all.

How would he think of himself when his own body oozes out these strange things in front of him, and becomes like a little mud monkey!

There must be something wrong with my body.

Mary felt like crying, feeling very inferior, and even thought of moving out of Maori's house, and hid herself.

Mori Kogoro, who is a master of expressions, naturally saw through Mary's mind, so he explained with a chuckle.

"Mary is really lucky, I used qigong to help you heal, and even triggered the very rare I Ching marrow washing!"

"I Ching washing marrow? What do you mean?"

"It means that the human body has accumulated countless impurities since birth. The I Ching marrow washing is to clean and discharge all these impurities hidden in the body surface, meridians, and bone marrow. Mary is in this state just now."

"After going through this process, your body will become very healthy, just like a newborn baby, look!"

Mori Kogoro passed the bath towel across Mary's chest, poking away the filth on the body surface, and the hot water flushed her skin as pink and tender as a baby's.

Seeing this scene, Mary's eyes were filled with joy, and she couldn't help scrubbing herself, all the negative emotions dissipated

Chapter 0214 The little girl who was played badly 2

Looking at the little loli standing on the small stool in front of him, constantly smug in the mirror, Mori Kogoro really wanted to laugh.

But after the I Ching washes the marrow, the skin becomes whiter and tenderer.

This is a force that has never seen the world, so there is no need to be so happy?

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but went forward and hugged Mary up, and he seemed to be able to smell the fragrance from Little Lolita's body.

Mary sat obediently on Mori Kogoro's right arm, and she was still showing off: "I really turned white!"

Having said that, little loli couldn't help kissing Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro had a slight smile on his face, and stared into Mary's eyes with deep eyes.

Only then did Mary realize what she had done, her green eyes glanced at Mori Kogoro's body again, she blushed and turned her head guiltily.

But soon, she remembered the seven or eight times the fireworks bloomed in her mind, and remembered what Kogoro Moori had done to herself in these three treatments, and she instantly gained confidence.

Why are you so guilty, it's this bad guy who is obviously wrong!

She turned her head and looked over, trying to meet Kogoro Mori's eyes.

But as soon as the little loli turned her head, her little mouth was blocked, and her blue eyes instantly widened.

Mori Kogoro kissed up, suddenly felt that the Q ball was like jelly, and his master-level kissing skills were displayed, and the little Lolita was instantly dazzled by the kiss.

And his left hand skillfully moved up and down the little Lolita's soft body.

As expected, it just finished washing the marrow of the Book of Changes, and the feel has become better, smoother than before.

And this bold little blond loli sensed Kogoro Mori's movements.

Instead, she put her arms around Mouri Kogoro's neck directly, and her whole body hung on Mouri Kogoro's body.

Mori Kogoro's right hand was also free, and he sat down with his arms around Little Lolita's slender waist.

The short Mary also sat on Kogoro Mori's lap. His legs were separated but he could not step on the ground, and his white calf was dangling in the air.

The two of them hugged each other face to face, their eyes intertwined.

Mori Kogoro let go of Mary's mouth, looked at her with strange eyes, and a smirk formed on the corner of his mouth.

"Uncle can't help it again? Will Mary allow it?"

The little loli's green eyes full of water charm turned her eyes to Mori Kogoro, and she turned her face sideways, showing another touching shyness with her head bowed.

An almost inaudible snort came out: "Hmm!"

Mori Kogoro smiled very heartily in an instant, and lifted the little loli up.

Soon, a stirring movement began to play.

(More than [-] words omitted here)

In the apartment not far from Maori's house, Belmode had just finished talking on the phone with Rum, and he was quite exhausted.

Rum was like taking gunpowder, igniting and exploding at the slightest touch. This report was extremely difficult, and Rum almost regarded Belmore as an undercover agent.

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