Fortunately, Rum also knew Belmode's special status, so he didn't lose his mind.

Belmore had a hard time explaining it, and confused it.

After putting down the phone, she tore off the disguise mask she had been wearing all day, revealing the beautiful face inside, and she was relieved.The real one is donated to martingale and phoenix, planted to lie down, about to hang, and to play, to play with a broken sword, to smash ┮┬ё evenly to change to 峤獬?/p>

Soon, as if thinking of something, Belmode immediately took off his camouflage clothes and ran towards the bathroom naked.

When she came to the full-length mirror in the bathroom, she looked at herself, and her water green eyes couldn't help shrinking.

The color of the body is one section at a time. As expected, it is normal for the skin of Caucasian people to intersect with the skin of people who pretend to be yellow.

But what about the scars on the chest and stomach?What about the three ugly centipede scars?

Why did it suddenly disappear!

Belmode immediately had a hellish expression, couldn't help lowering his head, and touched the original scar on his chest and abdomen with his small hand, which turned out to be really smooth skin.

She opened her mouth wide, feeling quite bewildered.

What exactly is going on?

Although she hated these three scars to death, it was really unexpected that they disappeared like this.

Belmord frowned, and began to carefully recall everything that happened today.

Scene after scene, the only suspicious thing is the cool and refreshing feeling that goes straight to the bone marrow and soul!

Could it be that Mori Kogoro did it?Was he the one who helped him get rid of the scar?

As a young bird, Belmode was not sure what caused the strange feeling, so she took her mobile phone and started searching on the search engine.

After a long time, her little face revealed a look of sudden realization.

It turns out that it is impossible for the human body to feel as cool as mint for no reason, at most it is just a wave of excitement and heat after adapting.

Belmode confirmed that his scar was indeed related to that strange, cool feeling like mint, and it was indeed Kogoro Mori's hands and feet.

She became more and more surprised: the three scars in the tissue that could not be removed by drugs were easily taken care of by Mori Kogoro, what else could he not do?

[Even these three scars have been removed, so there is no reason for him not to recognize himself?

But not necessarily, right?The bad guy didn't take off his clothes to take a closer look, and more than half a year had passed, and he was in that dilapidated basement before, how could he recognize it?Could it be just a coincidence?

Otherwise, if he recognized his own words, why would he drag himself into the toilet to do those things again?He must have thought I was a donator. ?/p>

No, what did he mean when he said that sentence when we parted?Do you really recognize it?

Or did he think that donating his hip amaranth for a long time is Bo Jun?/p>

Belmore couldn't help picking up his silver hair: Damn, what kind of attitude does that guy have?

The more she thought about it, the more she lost her mind, and the more she thought about it, the more irritable she became, so she simply turned on the hot water next to her, stood under the shower head, and let the water wash herself.

The hot water washed away the colored cream applied on his body, revealing Shengxue's skin inside.

Belmore looked at his blurred self in the mirror, and secretly made a decision: I will go there tomorrow to find out about this matter.

If he didn't figure it out, Belmord might not be able to sleep well.

More than ten minutes later, Belmode, wrapped in a bath towel, walked out of the bathroom and came to his bedroom.

There is a white blackboard in the bedroom, with a picture of Kogoro Mori stuck in the middle.

Looking at the smirking Mori Kogoro in the photo, Belmode picked up the lady's cigarette next to him, lit it, and sat down on the sofa.

As soon as she sat down, she felt that something was wrong, so she stood up silently, walked to the bay window, opened the curtain and looked towards the direction of Maori Detective Agency.

Damn it, my butt hurts so much, I'm afraid I'm going to sleep on my stomach tonight!

Chapter 0215 plump little dill

Mori Kogoro looked at little Mary with a smile on his face. This little loli looked very similar to Haibara, but it was much plump compared to Huibara.

Especially the slight frown between his brows is exactly the same as Hui Yuanzhen.

The two are indeed related by blood, it seems that when they have to recognize each other.

The short white feet of the leading girl can't reach the floor, swinging and swinging, looking very playful and cute.

Mori Kogoro put his big hand on his waist, and once again kissed his lips.

Little Lolita couldn't help but respond, and her green eyes were full of affection.

Then Mori Kogoro put his arms around little Lolita and picked him up.

The little Lolita is only about [-] meters tall, so compared to Mori Kogoro, who is nearly [-] meters tall, she is really incongruous.

She doesn't weigh too much, and Kogoro Mori has a lot of strength, so it's easy for little loli to be hugged around.

Even Mori Kogoro has a way to keep her flying in the sky.

But soon, he let the little loli stand in front of the sink and mirror.

Mary was so short that she had to stand on a small stool, and Mori Kogoro stood behind her with his arms around her slender waist.

Looking at her own expression in the mirror, little Lolita felt shy and unstoppable.

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