Saying this, Mori Kogoro under the table put his big hand directly on Yazi's thigh, taking advantage of it.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a policewoman who has been trained for a long time. The feel and elasticity are great.

Belmord, who was in the booth beside him, saw this scene clearly, his green eyes narrowed slightly, flashing a dangerous look, and his little hands creaked.

Sure enough, it's a pervert, and he's hooking up with other girls again!

But Yazi is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and no one has ever taken advantage of her.

This time she was attacked by Kogoro Mori, her heart was furious, but her face remained calm.

As soon as his little hand was turned over, a sharp knife appeared, hanging far away on Kogoro Mouri's crotch, the threat was self-evident.

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt a chill in his tailbone, and the smile on his face froze.

Although he felt that with his inhuman physique, this knife should not be able to hurt himself,

But instinctively felt scared, so naturally he didn't dare to try, so he took his big hand back embarrassingly.

Yoko on the side didn't notice the confrontation under the table between the two at all.

"Officer Yazi is too sensitive, I just want to collect a deposit."

Yazi rolled his eyes at Kogoro Mori, and then his five fingers moved flexibly.

The small knife flipped out on Kogoro Mouri's crotch, and the cold light shot out, making Kogoro Moori's body a little stiff.

Yazi also deliberately said in a gentle voice: "Maori detectives have cooperated with our police so many times, you should understand the credibility of our police, I will definitely not lie to you, what should be given to you is yours!"

Believe me, you bastard, you are very naughty!

Yazi danced for a while before taking the knife back, and then said: "Since you already have clues, big detective, then take me to see that 'gentleman', I miss him very much."

Yoko on the side couldn't help pouted: "Xiao Wulang, are you going to be busy again?" There was no hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Mouri Kogoro then said: "Officer Yazi, you also saw that, I'm busy now, why don't you wait for my call in the afternoon, and I'll take you to find the thief."

Yazi glanced at Mori Kogoro, then at Okino Yoko beside him, and then resolutely refused: "No!"

Her sudden attack this time was because she didn't want to give Mori Kogoro a chance to prepare, so that he would show his feet.

If he left first and came back in the afternoon, the time in between would be enough for the great detective to design, and Yazi would naturally not agree.

Mori Kogoro continued, "Although I have clues, I have to wait until the afternoon to catch the thief, otherwise he won't show up."

Yazi glanced at the clock next to him, chuckled and said, "It's half past nine now, and it's only a few hours until the afternoon. It's okay. I'm taking a day off today. I have plenty of time. I'll wait with Detective Maori until the afternoon. Let's move together again."

Mori Kogoro's smile froze, and told her not to be a light bulb. This little girl insisted on doing it. What else could he do? friend's!"

These words hit Yazi's sore spot in an instant, Qimei couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mori, then turned his head sideways, crossed his arms and stopped looking at him.

Belmord on the side saw that Mori Kogoro was deflated and unable to have sex with that girl idol, so he couldn't help but feel a little happier, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

At this time, the door of the cafe opened again, and Toru Amuro, who was wearing the overalls of the cafe, walked in surrounded by three people.

One is a grandma in her sixties or seventies, one is a young man with yellow hair, and the other is a middle-aged fat man wearing glasses.

The three kept talking: "You are the clerk of Polo Cafe, right? That stray cat belongs to me, return it to me quickly."

"What's yours? The cat clearly belongs to my family. What's the matter with you people? Why are you throwing away other people's cats?"

"Stop arguing, stop arguing, take the cat out, it will definitely know which one belongs to its owner."

The three of them kept arguing, while Toru Amuro looked dazed, he hadn't been in the cafe for a while, so he didn't even know what to do./p>

Donate martingale, sullen, boring, craftsman, chisel, sakura, saddle, ⑴, bear, pry, animal husbandry, heir, Qiao Yizhao, where is the invasion of locusts?

The young man with yellow hair took out a gourmet magazine and pointed to the photo on it: "It's this tricolor cat. I found it after looking at the photos. It's exactly the same as the cat I smuggled before."

"Young man, be careful what you say, this is my cat."

"What's the matter with you two, it belongs to my family!"

The three of them started a new round of quarreling, and Toru Amuro was a little nervous, so he ordered, "Xiao Azusa, go home and bring the cat here!"

Donate martingale, resentment and resentment, Zhao Jun forgive?/p>

Chapter 0219

After a while, I donated the dice to the school.

The body of this cat is divided into three colors: yellow, white and black. Xiao Zi takes good care of it. It is white and fat, cute and cute.

As soon as the three-color cat appeared, the three people who claimed to be its owners quarreled again.

Yoko Okino was quite puzzled, and asked while putting her arm around Kogoro Mori's arm.

The soft chest was squeezed, and the face of Pikachu printed on the clothes was a little distorted.

"Xiao Goro, why are so many people fighting for this cat?"

Mori Kogoro rubbed Yoko's little hand gently with his big hand, and explained in a warm voice, "That should be a tom cat!"

"Because of the difference in chromosomes, the probability of three-color male cats appearing is extremely low, and there is only one in a few thousand."

"The number is extremely rare, so this rare cat is also regarded as the prototype of a lucky cat, and its value naturally rises."

"I remember a three-color male cat was sold for [-] million yen, so it is normal for so many people to compete."

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