Hearing this, Yoko couldn't help showing surprise on her small face.

"That's enough, [-] million yuan is enough to buy a house nearby. I didn't expect a cat to be worth so much money."

Yoko was right. Kogoro Mori bought the building next door to the head of the household for just over [-] million yen, which was a premium purchase.

More than [-] million yuan can indeed buy a house nearby.

Yazi beside him was a little surprised when he heard that the three-color cat was so expensive.

The three-color cat is so precious, the three people who were arguing naturally refused to give in, and their voices became louder and louder, which somewhat affected the customers in the store.

Toru Amuro also looked distressed, but he soon saw Kogoro Mori sandwiched between two women on the deck, and he had an idea instantly.

So he turned his head and said to the three of them: "Listen to me, now I can't tell who the owner of this cat is, so I can't give the cat to you."

"But the Maori detective is in our shop now, he will definitely find out the real owner of the cat and let him do justice, how about it?"

Xiao Zi also echoed, "Detective Maori is very good!"

The old woman said, "It's Mori Kogoro who often appears on TV? If it's him, then I can trust him!"

The middle-aged fat man wearing glasses nodded: "I know him too. Whenever there is a reasoning live broadcast, my wife will sit in front of the TV and watch."

Hearing what the other two said, the young man with yellow hair could only nod along.

A group of people walked over to the booth where Mori Kogoro was.

The corner of Yazi's mouth twitched into a chuckle, his face was full of fun.

Pets can't talk, and it's difficult to distinguish such things from one person to another.

As soon as the old lady came, she began to sell miserably.

"Detective Maori, you have to make the decision for me. These two young men bullied the old man and wanted to rob my cat."

Mori Kogoro was speechless for a moment, he made himself look like a blue sky master, what the hell is going on!

He couldn't help but glared at Toru Amuro who was looking for trouble: "I heard what you said, and I will help find out the real owner of this cat."

As soon as Mori Kogoro performed the beast-controlling technique, the cat raised its head instantly, as if it had sensed something.

He hooked his fingers slightly, and the cat in Xiaozi's arms jumped up, fell into Mouri Kogoro's arms and began to act like a spoiled child, looking very obsessive.

Xiao Zi suddenly looked surprised: "Hiss, the captain has always been very cold, how could he be so close to Mao Li-kun?"

Mori Kogoro smiled at Xiao Azusa, stroked the cat's back, and communicated with the three-color cat.

The cat meowed a few times, and he immediately understood its meaning and knew who the owner was.

It's a pity that I can't tell these three people directly what I learned from the beast control technique.

Kogoro Mori asked, "You all say that you are its owner, do you have evidence?"

The old woman took the lead and said, "I have a photo. Although it is a photo from when I was a child, you can see that the black part of the ear is the same."

Saying this, the old woman also put the photo on the table.

It is a group photo of a little girl and a cat when they were young, and the position of the black ears is indeed the same.

"This cat is raised by my granddaughter. My granddaughter is traveling abroad. She let me take care of the cat. Who would have thought that it ran out of the house without paying attention, and then disappeared. I only found it after seeing it in a food magazine. came."

The young man with yellow hair couldn't help but said: "Old man, it's too far-fetched for you to take a picture of a kitten and say that this big cat is yours, and maybe this child is not your granddaughter, this photo is yours." It is also possible to download from the Internet.”

"How can you talk like that?"

Toru Amuro interrupted: "Old man, calm down, but the cat in your photo is too small to be seen, old man, do you have any other evidence?"

The old woman frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I remember my cat went to the pet hospital for surgery. The cat stayed in the hospital for a week before it came out, and it was wrapped in bandages!"

The middle-aged man on the side interjected: "My cat also underwent surgery, but it only stayed in the pet hospital for a day, and I also have photos."

After saying this, the middle-aged man put the photo on the table. The photo is a group photo of a middle-aged woman holding a cat. The cat inside is indeed very similar to the captain.

The young man with yellow hair took a closer look and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you doing? In the end, it's not me. These photos are all downloaded from the Internet!"

"In my opinion, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. The cat has a good memory. The three of us call it separately and see who it will find. Naturally, it is its owner!"

The young man with yellow hair looked confident, and his confidence made Yazi believe that he was the real owner of the cat.

Yazi's beautiful eyes could not help turning to Mori Kogoro beside him, curious how he could tell.

At this time, Kogoro Mori laughed softly: "Young man, it is not advisable to be crooked. Don't think that I don't know if you have the juice crushed from catnip on your body."

Hearing this, the face of the young man with yellow hair froze instantly, and sweat immediately appeared on his forehead.

On the side, Yoko asked curiously, "Kogoro, what is catnip?"

"A herbal plant with a very cool smell is a drug for cats. This smell will make cats very obsessed, and it has hallucinogenic and emetic side effects."

Yaziqiong on the side wrinkled her nose, but she didn't smell any cool smell at all.

"Specially smearing catnip juice on your body, and criticizing other people's photos are downloaded from the Internet, and you can't produce any evidence. You are definitely not the owner of this tricolor cat. If you don't leave, I will sue you for fraud. .”

Scared by Mori Kogoro, the yellow-haired youth bowed and ran away immediately.

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