Chapter 0220 Lost and found

Mori Kogoro continued: "As for what you two just said, it is actually a cat sterilization operation, but one is male and the other is female."

"Sterilization of male cats is very simple. Usually, the testicles are cut or the vas deferens are ligated. Such an operation only takes a few minutes, and they can be discharged after a day of recuperation in the hospital. However, they usually wear a hood to avoid licking the wound."

The middle-aged man said: "Yes, I remember my cats have worn hoods."

"It's more difficult to sterilize a female cat. It needs a laparotomy and then removes the ovaries and uterus. It's a pretty big operation. It's normal to be hospitalized for seven days. The wound will be sutured and a bandage will be wrapped around the abdomen, wrapping a large circle, and the old lady You said exactly the same."

"So the cat you lost, old lady, is a female cat, and the captain is a male cat. This cat does not belong to you."

Hearing this, the old woman was embarrassed.

She didn't dare to say anything more, so she left in despair, leaving only the middle-aged fat man.

Mori Kogoro patted the captain on the head and said, "Go and find your master."

After the cat understood, it jumped up from the table and landed in the arms of the middle-aged fat man.

The fat man was moved immediately: "Xiao Xu, you really recognized me, ah, ah."

The middle-aged fat man sneezed, hugged the cat and kept bowing to Mori Kogoro to thank him.

"Detective Maori, thank you so much, my wife will be very happy."

He bowed several times before leaving happily.

At this time, Kogoro Mori suddenly saw Xiao Azusa's face was full of reluctance, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Another customer next to him ordered food, Xiao Zi didn't say much, and turned back to the dining table to get busy.

Mori Kogoro frowned, and immediately got up and rushed out the door.

Yako and Yoko wanted to follow, but they soon saw Moori Kogoro stop outside the cafe, and the three girls didn't get up, but just watched through the window glass.

Mori Kogoro caught up with the middle-aged fat man and started talking with him.

The middle-aged fat man's face was first panicked and then hesitant. He handed the cat to Kogoro Mouri and started to make a phone call.

After that, he hung up the phone and started looking at his phone again, with a look of ecstasy.

Then he bowed desperately to Mori Kogoro and nodded, his face full of gratitude again.

In the end, the middle-aged fat man left alone, and Mori Kogoro came back with the three-color cat in his arms.

There were still a lot of customers in the store, and Xiao Zi, who was busy at the dining table, was full of sadness.

She just feels that she has been too unlucky recently. She has encountered so many unfavorable things for no reason. Even the adopted stray cats have been found by their owners, so they can't be with her.

She likes the captain very much, and feels that she has a special connection with him.

Thinking of never seeing it again, Xiao Zi felt a little uncomfortable again.

His little head drooped, and tears welled up in his eyes again.

Mori Kogoro hid the cat behind him and sneaked into the dining table. He waved at Amuro, and the guy retreated knowingly.

"Xiao Zi, don't be sad, take a look at what this is?"


The three-color cat jumped directly onto the dining table in front of Xiao Zi, and Xiao Zi's eyes were filled with surprise: "Captain, why are you back?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "The captain's original owner was actually allergic to cats, so he sneezed as soon as the captain approached."

"Allergies are very dangerous, and can easily lead to shock and death. Their house is actually not suitable for keeping cats, but he doesn't know it."

"I went to remind him and said that he could buy the captain. His wife is also a fan of mine. When she heard that I wanted to buy it, she readily agreed."

"I'm giving you the captain now, and you will be its owner in the future, so treat it well!"

"Meow!" the cat echoed from the side.

After hearing this, Xiao Zi couldn't help bursting into tears.

This girl didn't know how much the captain was worth, but the feeling of getting it back was so great that she couldn't help being excited.

Xiao Azusa couldn't control herself, put her arms around Mouri Kogoro and kissed him.

Belmode, who had been watching Mori Kogoro, saw this scene, and his eyes flickered again.

He also said it was okay, everyone kissed her, and said it was okay.

If it really doesn't matter, how could Mori Kogoro spend so much money to buy you a cat!

Belmode, who had been sitting at the table next to her, could hear what Mori Kogoro said clearly. She knew the preciousness of the three-color cat, and felt a little aggrieved and envious for no reason.

Sensing the warmth on his face, Mouri Kogoro's mouth curled up.

I didn't expect Xiao Zi to be quite predictable. She wears an apron all day and doesn't look too obvious. This should have a C cup, and it's very impressive to squeeze.

After Xiao Azusa kissed Mori Kogoro, she realized what she had done. Taking advantage of not being noticed by other guests, she bounced away instantly, her face blushing again.

There were so many people, Kogoro Moori didn't tease her any more, instead he chuckled and said, "Okay, Xiao Azusa, I'll leave it to you, I haven't had breakfast yet, we need three cups for our table." Hot milk tea and three cakes, I will trouble you."

"Okay, no problem!" Xiao Zi immediately looked full of energy.

Mori Kogoro turned around and walked towards the booth. As soon as he sat back to his original seat, Yazi couldn't help clapping his hands: "It's amazing, you spend a lot of money to win a beautiful smile, Detective Mori, you are really rich."

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