Yoko on the side couldn't help pouting, and her little hands couldn't help pinching Kogoro Mori's waist.

Kogoro Maoli glared at Yazi, who was inflaming the flames, and hurriedly said, "Actually, it didn't cost much, just the price of an ordinary cat. That fat man is allergic to cats, so he is not suitable for keeping cats. His wife is also a cat." My fans."

"I chased him out just to remind him, and he took the initiative to give the cat to me, and then I transferred some money to him as compensation."

"But I can't raise a cat. This cat was adopted by Xiaozi before, so let her continue to take care of it. That's the thing."

Yazi didn't believe it at all, the fat man grinned just now, it was more than a little compensation.

But Yoko and Belmore felt much better when they heard this.

Chapter 0221

After a while, Mori Kogoro left the cafe with the two girls after eating the cake and went upstairs.

There are fewer customers in the cafe, and the leisure time has come down, and the donations are exhausted?/p>

Seeing this scene, Toru Amuro couldn't help but tell her the value of the male three-color cat.

He knew how precious the captain was, so he naturally wanted to remind Xiao Zi to prevent the cat from being stolen by bad guys.

After listening to what he said, do you feel like you're a hero? /p>

Whoa, the captain is so valuable!

Mr. Mao Li bought such a precious cat and gave it to me. Could it be that he, he likes me?

Thinking of this, Xiao Zi's face flushed again, her pale green eyes flicked around, and she soon fell into an indescribable fantasy.

Seeing that donate tanning, ⒉, , protect, , the common emperor, ⒊, ι,  Caiyi, liver, mace, widow, widow ∽ about dry acres?/p>

This girl was taken prisoner by Maori detectives at first glance, and she was completely hopeless!

I really don't understand, just an uncle, how can he have such a great charm?

As for Belmode, she saw that Bourbon was here, and she didn't reveal her identity.

Its water-green eyes stared deeply at the swollen eyes. Excuse me?/p>

Today I can’t beat the donated scorpion. Is it still possible to exchange the scorpion for the scorpion?/p>

There is no one else in the house except little Lolita Marie who catches up on sleep.

Xiaolan and the others go to school when they should go to school, and those who should go to work, Mira and Yukiko, who are free, went to listen to Akiba Reiko's musical together.

The only one left at home is the little girl who fell asleep after two o'clock last night.

Mori Kogoro asked Yoko and Yako to wait at the office, while he went to the second floor next door alone, carrying the breakfast packed from the Polo Cafe in his hand.

Soon, he unscrewed the door of Mary's room.

Little Lolita was still sleeping peacefully, wearing Kogoro Mori's oversized t-shirt.

Her short fair legs protruded from under the t-shirt, delicate and cute.

Under the golden curly hair is a delicate and sweet little face, like a doll.

Mori Kogoro climbed onto the bed, bowed his head and kissed little Lolita's porcelain-white skin, and said in a warm voice, "Mary, it's time to get up, the sun is shining on your ass."

Hearing this sound, little Lolita's curly eyelashes trembled, as if she had just escaped from her dream, but she still felt a little tired and didn't want to wake up.

Mary hadn't slept so soundly in a long time.

In the hotel before, she and Shiliang slept lightly every time.

As soon as someone knocked on the door, they heard it immediately and woke up.

Sometimes it's just simple room service, and sometimes it's really people in the organization who are chasing after them, so they need to run away without stopping.

How can I fall asleep happily like today, without worrying about anything, even if someone gets so close, I don't feel the slightest danger.

Mori Kogoro bowed his head again and kissed the little loli again.

This time I kissed her pink lips: "Mary, if you don't wake up, breakfast will be cold."

Only then did Little Lori try to open her eyes, which were full of confusion, like a kitten.

Seeing that it was Mori Kogoro who woke her up with a warm voice, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

Then her two short hands uncontrollably wrapped around Mouri Kogoro's neck.

Mori Kogoro reached out and hugged the bedridden loli.

Sensing the softness of Mary's paste, Mori Kogoro smirked: "Do you want Uncle to heal Mary again before he is willing to get up like last night?"

"Daba, absolutely not!"

Little Lolita woke up in an instant, she knew how powerful Kogoro Mori was, it lasted for more than four hours, and it would be worth doing it again.

His green eyes couldn't help but cast a coquettish look at Mouri Kogoro, this look was really similar to Xiao Ai.

Mori Kogoro carried Mary to the dining table outside.

Naturally, Mary was not used to being taken care of like a child. She couldn't help but struggled and twisted, trying to get out of Kogoro Mouri's arms.

Afterwards, Kogoro Mori slapped her butt a few times before she calmed down with a blushing face.

In the end, Mary simply resigned to her fate, sitting in Kogoro Mori's arms and eating breakfast with a blushing face, bearing the attack of the big hands behind her from time to time.

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