She couldn't help struggling, her eyes were full of coldness.

Seeing the little leopard-like bud struggling wildly, Moori Kogoro naturally knew that he couldn't let go at this moment.

He showed all his strange strength and hugged Yazi tightly in his arms, but finally he didn't let her break away.

But since Yazi recognized him, Mouri Kogoro didn't want to hide it anymore, so he opened his mouth to explain.

In this situation, how long can Yazi be angry if she is angry.

Husband and wife fights are always at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, so he is naturally not worried at all.

"That day was originally a duel between me and Maoyan. There was an old grievance between Maoyan and I, but I didn't expect you to suddenly intervene and join forces with Maoyan to deal with me."

"Besides, it's clear that you didn't abide by the morals of the world and used weapons to deal with me first. You didn't take it for granted, right? I'm just punishing you a little. Do you need to mind?"

"Ha ha!"

"It's just that I didn't expect you to come to my door so soon, and you are so smart, you can only find someone with rough skin and tough flesh to blame, so I took you to find Meng Bo."

"I didn't expect that there was a crazy girl in him who would shoot regardless, and that would cause such a big commotion."

"Yazi, for the sake of me blocking bullets for you, please forgive me."

At this moment, Yazi's face was flushed again, her eyes were full of water, her beautiful eyes stared at Kogoro Mouri, she panted heavily but gritted her teeth and said, "Don't even think about it!"

Mori Kogoro smirked, grabbing Yako's wrist with both hands.

"Why don't I call you back later, it's just [-] butts, just bear it and pass."

Hearing this, Meizi couldn't help rolling her eyes, but she couldn't get angry in her heart, and she bit Mouri Kogoro's shoulder directly.

Women tossing and turning are just these tricks, and they don't break their defenses at all.

Maoli Kogoro patted Yazi's soft back with his big hands, and said with a smile: "If you are still angry, I will let you get revenge, and I will leave this more than a hundred catties, and let you ravage me, kill or cut, It's all yours, how about it?"

Yazi bit Kogoro Mori hard, squinted her eyes, and was speechless

"Baby, forgive me?"

"You really don't forgive me?"

With the sound of this movement and Kogoro Mori's constant questioning, time passed slowly.

After another two hours, everything returned to calm, and the silver fox from the Metropolitan Police Department finally forgave Kogoro Mouri.

No way, this threat is too rogue.

Even Yazi, who is very physically fit, couldn't bear it, and then trembled, and in the end almost turned into begging for mercy on his knees.

On the sofa, Yazi was lying on Kogoro Mori's chest, silently sipping the warm water he fed.

It seems that people who have undergone surgery have reversed themselves.

Yazi drank up the warm water in the cup, and felt his mouth became moister, so he couldn't help asking.

"Xiao Wulang, tell me, how did you jump off the roof that day?"

"Also, I've been staring at you today, how did you put that painting in his basement?"

Yazi really has the spirit to break through the casserole and ask the end. He has reached this point and still wants to ask clearly.

Mori Kogoro stroked his long wavy hair lightly with his big hands, and laughed lightly: "Because I can teleport!"

Yazi frowned immediately: "Don't make trouble, Kogoro, tell the truth."

To tell the truth, no one believed it, and Mori Kogoro had no choice.

He pulled Yazi up, came to Yoko's side, squatted down, grabbed Yoko's wrist with one hand, and pulled Yazi with the other.

The Great Teleportation Talisman was cast instantly, and the three of them disappeared from the room.

Looking at this strange room, outside the window is a dozen or so stories high in the sky, Yazi opened her mouth wide, her face full of disbelief.

This place seems to be a star apartment in Mihua City.

Yazi couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, where is this?"

"Yoko's house, we moved from Shinjuku to Mihua City, I said I would teleport, you still don't believe me."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro returned to his boudoir with Yoko in his arms, and settled him down properly.

Huixiang was quite measured, Yoko just passed out, and didn't suffer any more injuries, and she was fine when she woke up.

Looking at Yoko's pretty face, Mori Kogoro felt a little guilty.

Originally, Yoko took the initiative to come to her today, so she should give her a good date, but she didn't expect it to be unsatisfactory.

But there is no other way, I can only wait for the next time to make up for her.

Then Mori Kogoro walked out of Yoko's bedroom, went to the window of the living room, took Yako's little hand, and said, "Okay, it's time for us to go back."

After that, he activated the Great Teleportation Talisman again, and the two returned from Yoko's house to the Maple Leaf Community in Shinjuku.

Meizi still looked at Kogoro Mori with a face full of disbelief.

"Okay, let's go take a shower."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro walked towards the bathroom with his arms around her.

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