Chapter 0229

"What's going on? Why didn't you disappear? Kogoro, where's your wound?"

Yazi's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

His small hands caressed Kogoro Mori's chest, searching for the wound that had just been sutured.

Skin is smooth to the touch!

Immediately afterwards, she also tore off the bandage on Kogoro Mori's abdomen, revealing the neat eight-pack abdominal muscles, full of masculinity.

The three wounds that Yazi helped to suture just now completely disappeared.

Yazi was stunned for a moment, why are the gunshot wounds gone?Could it be that everything that happened before was fake?

Mori Kogoro rubbed Meizi lightly, and explained with a smile: "My body is different from ordinary people, and my recovery ability is very strong. The wound healed itself just after exercising. This is normal, nothing to be surprised about!"

Hearing this, Yazi narrowed his eyes slightly, with a dangerous cold light in his eyes.

"In other words, you already knew that you wouldn't die after being shot!"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Well, I judge that there is a high probability that I can recover by myself, but the knife you cut on my chest did cut my heart, and I almost thought I was going to be killed by you, it's okay Good luck, you survived!"

"That's why I don't want to be sent to the hospital."

"How is it? Yazi, your husband is back to life with full blood, aren't you very happy?"

Seeing the mean smile on Mori Kogoro's face, Yako couldn't help trembling slightly.

"Happy you big headed ghost, you bastard, you have been lying to me."

"Fortunately, I thought you were really going to die. I worried about you for so long and shed so many tears."

"I will listen to you for everything. I will give you whatever you want. I will give myself to you."

The angry Meizi lost his mind in an instant, and he jumped up directly, kneeling directly against Kogoro Mori's crotch, splashing waves of water.

However, her beautiful elastic legs were clamped by Mori Kogoro.

Looking at this angry little female leopard again, Mori Kogoro regretted why he had cast a healing spell on Yazi just now, and it would be nice to continue to apply weakness buffs to her.

"I'll give you what I want. Isn't this the entrustment fee I deserve? Could it be that you, Yazi, wanted to renege on your debt from the very beginning."

"Didn't you find me, 'Master Gentleman'? Right in front of you!"

Yazi didn't want to listen to Mori Kogoro's explanation anymore, twisted her thin waist, and swept her other beautiful leg directly towards his head, causing another splash.

Kogoro Mori stretched out his hand to grab his ankle, and Yazi was suspended in the air. This posture was very unsightly.

But Yazi didn't want to give up, so she exerted force directly from her waist and abdomen, and the ankle that was being held was slippery, and she broke free directly, and then hung it on Mori Kogoro's shoulder.

The other thigh that was caught in it also broke free, and directly hooked Moori Kogoro's waist.

She was hanging on Moori Kogoro's body, and when her two little hands were free, she slammed into his head.

Yazi, whose physical fitness is about three times that of ordinary people, is really fierce in beating people.

Mori Kogoro also felt the slightest bit of pain, but it was within an acceptable range.

Looking at this posture, if she doesn't let Yazi vent her anger, she really can't get out of her depression.

Mori Kogoro didn't resist anymore, and let Meizi explode.

About ten minutes later, Kogoro Moori couldn't help but said, "I don't need to be beaten too much, I've been beating Ning for so long!"

"If you don't plug me in, I'll get angry!"

Yazi didn't stop at all, and his attacks became more and more ruthless.

"Spicy, don't blame me for beating me!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro clasped his hands together, and performed a thousand-year plan.

Yazi, who was destined to be killed like this, leaned back, her eyes widened again, and her small face was full of disbelief.

The effect was outstanding, and Yazi lost his combat power instantly.

Kogoro Mori carried the big white girl to the mirror, and instantly saw his face as a pig that had been beaten out.

His face was black and blue, his cheeks were bloody, his neck was still red with scratches, his ears were both reddened, and his beard was almost pulled off...

The incomparably handsome and charismatic handsome uncle from before has completely disappeared, leaving only a distressed appearance.

The bud hanging from Moori Kogoro chuckled lightly: "Big pervert, let me see how you hook up with the little girl now!"

Hearing this laughter, Mori Kogoro was furious, and he thumped the buttocks of the sprout with his big hand, and then put it down.

"Yazi is still very dancing now, it seems that I have to collect the bill."

"What are you doing, don't mess around, Kogoro!" Seeing Moori Kogoro like this, a trace of panic finally flashed in Meizi's eyes.

Mori Kogoro smiled again, but this smile was so inconsistent on a swollen face.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to collect the commission fee I deserve!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro's big hand started to move around again and again, and soon his hand became soft and greasy.

"What kind of entrustment fee, it's all set up by you, I don't recognize it."

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