After answering the phone, Yazi said, "I have to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department for a meeting."

But as soon as she stood up, she felt that her legs were still a little weak, and she collapsed into Moori Kogoro's arms again.

Seeing Moori Kogoro with a smirk on his face, Yazi couldn't help complaining: "It's all your fault for laughing, if I make a fool of myself, I won't be able to forgive you."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said nothing, and cast a rejuvenation technique on Yazi.Yazi instantly felt a sense of coolness, and his body recovered quickly.

As a master of fighting, Meizi can naturally perceive her own state, and her beautiful eyes suddenly looked at Kogoro Mori in surprise.

She really didn't know how much Kogoro Mori had.

Soon, the two left the apartment fully dressed, and Mori Kogoro drove her to the Toriya Police Station.

At the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department, Yazi got off the Lexus.

Before she left, she leaned over and kissed Mori Kogoro, who poked his head out of the car window.

On the opposite side of the cat's eye cafe window, the next student who saw this scene was stunned, his brown eyes were completely rounded, and the rag in his hand fell off.

She never thought that she would kill someone with a borrowed knife, and in the end the knife was taken away by Kogoro Mori.

It's only been a few days since Yazi got mixed up with Mori Kogoro, it's incredible!

Seeing Yazi say goodbye to Mori Kogoro and leave with a smile, the anger in Kaishengtong's heart rises, as if some precious thing has been snatched away.


After that, Kogoro Mori didn't stop for a moment, and drove away without even looking at the Maoyan Cafe, and Hitomi became furious instantly.


His little hand grabbed the fat orange cat that happened to pass by, and pinched it frantically, scaring the faces of the guests next to him to pale.

The orange cat with the most weight on the big orange finally struggled away, and immediately fled upstairs.

If Kogoro Mori was here, he would definitely be able to hear the orange cat saying 'Master is crazy! ''Master is crazy! ' and the like.

A regular customer in the cafe couldn't help asking: "The manager, what's wrong with you?"

Laisheng Tong took a deep breath, managed his expression well, and returned to a quiet and beautiful expression, with a polite smile on his face: "It's okay, nothing happened, I'm fine."

After saying this, she went upstairs: Since Yazi is useless, it seems that revenge and painting can only be relied on by herself.

The plan to kill with a borrowed knife failed, Hitomi had no choice but to re-plan using Mori's house as the location, and then stole the "Smile by the Rhine Lake" back.

On the other side, Yoko, who had been in a coma for most of the day, finally woke up from her sleep.

She stretched, Pikachu's eyes widened on her chest.

Immediately afterwards, the sleepy Yoko found herself at home, and it was getting dark outside, her little face instantly pulled down.

why is it like this?Is my date with Kogoro ruined before it even started?

The aggrieved Yoko felt depressed all over his body. At this moment, the mobile phone beside him lit up, and a text message from Mori Kogoro was sent.

"I'm really sorry, Yoko, I failed to protect you and caused you to be knocked out. It's all my fault."

"Because there is still a commission to complete tonight, I can't stay by your side, so I can only send you home first."

"I know Yoko's intentions. Next time, I will make up for Yoko's date. As for the invitation to the show, I also agree. Just tell me the time and place, Yoko, and I will definitely go."

After reading the text message, the corners of Yoko's mouth couldn't stop rising.

hum!Of course it's all your fault, but the apology is quite sincere, so let me forgive you for now!

What would a date, a date, a make-up date be like?

Yoko fell back on the bed with her mobile phone in her arms, rolled happily, and began to fantasize about the scene of the next date in her heart.

Chapter 0231 The Bunny Girl Repays It

Moori Kogoro drove back to the office very quickly, and as soon as he got out of the car, he heard Xiao Azusa's voice.

Xiao Zi kept an eye on the outside, and soon came out of the cafe with the tricolor cat in her arms.

She handed the three-color cat to Mori Kogoro, and said solemnly: "Moori-kun, Amuro-kun has already told me how precious the captain is. I can't take such an expensive gift."

"You'd better return the captain to its original owner and let them refund the money to you. I'm afraid they won't refund it later."

Mori Kogoro didn't take the cat, but instead said, "Xiao Azusa, the captain is not a gift, it's a living life."

"Since it is life, it cannot be measured simply by money."

"Besides, wasn't the captain accompanying you before? Isn't the captain a very important partner to Xiaozi?"

Xiao Zi nodded, looking at the cat with eyes full of reluctance.

Mori Kogoro smiled gently, this smile looked very warm under the setting sun.

"Since we are partners, I think Xiao Zi will be very sad if we send the captain away. I don't want to see Xiao Zi crying again."

Hearing this, I don't know what to do?/p>

She raised her head, looked at the unusually handsome Mori Kogoro, her heart speeded up, and her little face flushed instantly.

What does Mr. Mao Li mean by saying this? He doesn't want to see me sad. Does he really like me?

Donate and add line ┗ afraid of Iraqi play, pray for Ao Mi, rush to play, and Ao Sang  but cleverly hold the net, so choke the scorpion and take the sword ?/p>

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