Hearing this, Mori Kogoro took a step forward, bowed his head, and immediately held hands with the man in front of him.

He could see the fluff on Xiao Zi's face, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly: "Give it back to me, I'm so busy, how can I take care of it?"

Xiao Zi lowered her head, and her voice became softer: "Then how about I raise it for you?"

"My cat, you help me raise it, isn't that good?"

"Then what should I do?" Xiao Zi suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and stood with her feet turned inward.

"Okay, don't get entangled, Xiaozi, as I said, I'll give it to you if I give it to you."

"In my heart, Azusa is much more important than the captain."

Mori Kogoro reached out and rubbed the little waiter's head lightly.

Donate dice and scorpion and rush to play for two times? Shangmu's old overseas Chinese are sick?/p>

"If Xiaozi feels that you will not be rewarded for nothing, then so be it. Next time, show me a bunny girl costume, and you will repay me."


Hearing this, Xiao Zi was a little confused, this request is too shameful.

But since it's Maori-kun's request, it's not impossible.

In fact, donate money to wash Weng     ∥  Ya  oyster ignorant service  Tuon Tuen Mun  spoon  faded and restore the pump business 岣   foundation?/p>

"Okay, you go back to the store, I'm going upstairs to eat too."

Kogoro Mori ran away after flirting, leaving the waiter with a blushing face silently walking towards the cafe.

After [-] o'clock in the evening, after having dinner with his family, Kogoro Mouri drove to Sufang Hongzi's villa in the northern suburbs.

Naturally, the passenger in the passenger seat is his daughter Xiaolan, followed by Mira who has finished handling government affairs, and Conan the little devil who is full of curiosity.Huiyuan heard that Mori Kogoro was going to stay there for one night, so he didn't follow him.

Little Lolita is very lazy, and she is too lazy to move because she has someone at home to accompany her.

As for the rest of the people, they all have their own plans for tomorrow, so they didn't come together.

Only Conan, the little ghost, wanted to stick to Xiaolan's side, like a dog's skin plaster, and he couldn't get rid of it.

If there is no Conan in this line of work, I don't know how happy it is to take the two girls with me.

As soon as Xiaolan left home, she felt a lot more relaxed. She didn't have to worry about being spotted by her mother, and she had a lot more smiles on her face.

Mira in the back seat asked: "Xiao Goro, who is the host of the dinner we are going to attend this time? Why did you choose such a remote place?"

Xiaolan looked at the invitation letter and said: "I know this. The inviter is Ms. Su Fang Hongzi, who used to be known as the Canary of the East. long."

"And she especially likes to do charity. She also founded a charity organization to take care of children who have lost their parents."

"She not only invited Dad to the dinner tonight, but also invited Dad to the charity ceremony next week."

Mira nodded: "Sounds pretty reliable."

At this moment, Mori Kogoro saw a dead tree lying in the middle of the road, and stepped on the brakes to stop the car.

He got out of the car directly, and saw a piece of paper nailed to the dead tree.

Xiao Lan who followed down said, "Who is so bored and put a tree across the road?"

Mira leaned over to look at the words on the paper, and read out: "Don't assist Su Fang Hongzi's charity ceremony, or you will regret it! --The messenger of the curse mask"

Hearing the words 'Cursed Mask', the expressions of the other three changed a little.

Mori Kogoro had expected it a long time ago. He came here for the Curse Mask, wishing that the "Curse Mask" was real.

He went straight forward, kicked the dead tree to the side of the road, and called everyone to get on the car again.

The car restarted and headed towards the destination.

Soon, everyone came to a slightly old villa. Under the dark streetlights, the entire symmetrical villa was a bit eerie.

Xiaolan hugged Maoli Kogoro's arm tightly again, her soft chest was completely pressed against her, and the touch was wonderful: "Father, why don't we go home, this villa feels very bad."

Mira couldn't help but chuckled: "No way, Xiaolan, are you so timid? Are you afraid of ghosts?"

"Who said I'm afraid of ghosts, I'm not afraid!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "You girl always wanted to follow me before, but now I'm afraid, it's too late."

"Okay, what are you afraid of with Dad around?"

"It's already at the door of someone's house. It would be impolite if you don't go in. Get out of the car."

A group of people got out of the car and walked to the front of the villa.

This villa is uniquely designed with two staircases and two main entrances.

At this moment, three taxis stopped behind one after another, and two men and one woman got off respectively.

One is Masaki Katagiri, a well-known photographer with a camera on his chest;

One is the baseball player who hit a home run in the baseball league -- Mamoru Matsudaira;

There is also a long-haired beauty in a black woolen coat, a well-known tarot fortune teller - Nagara Haruka.

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