"Shop Condres was a talented engraver, but it ended in tragedy. He was set in a trap by his jealous brother, who robbed him of his wealth and status."

"From then on, he fell into a state of madness, carving these masks without eating or sleeping, and finally killed himself on the bed when he finished two hundred. The blood was scattered on these masks, as if being sucked by the masks."

"It is rumored that after his death, such a mask was passed into the hands of different people, including princes and nobles, as well as ordinary people, but in the end, most of the collectors ended in tragedy, so this mask is also known as the cursed mask."

"I just didn't expect someone to collect these two hundred masks."

After listening to the explanation, Xiaolan became more and more afraid, but Nagara Haruka looked at Mouri Kogoro in surprise, and there seemed to be some admiration in his eyes.

At this time, the applause sounded.

A pale-haired old woman walked in and couldn't help but praised: "As expected, you are Kogoro Mori, you are very knowledgeable, and you can't hide anything from your discerning eyes."

This old woman is Su Fang Hongzi, the owner of the villa, and beside her is a middle-aged woman who is her secretary Kazuyo Inaba.

Chapter 0233 a woman with ulterior motives

Looking at Xiaolan who looked scared, Su Fanghong smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, these masks have been sealed by my psychic, and the curse will not take effect."

psychic?Ha ha!

Conan rolled his eyes speechlessly when he heard this.

In the little ghost's view, this world is purely materialistic, and there are no ghosts at all.

And Mori Kogoro also withdrew his gaze from observing Xiao Bo's mask, but felt a little disappointed in his heart.

After learning witchcraft, he can naturally see the earth binding spirit.

But these two hundred masks are very normal, and there is no weird smell at all.

It seems that the purpose of capturing the earth-binding spirit and refining it into a psychic shikigami this time is in vain.

But Liangyao, the female divination master, couldn't help but bow her head and whispered: "Compared to the so-called curse, it is actually the evil thoughts of human beings that are more terrifying."

The middle-aged female secretary Inaba Kazuyo couldn't help asking: "Why did Miss Nagara say that?"

"In fact, before I came to the villa, I received a threatening letter at home asking me not to help Ms. Su Fang's subsequent charity ceremony."

Saying this, Nagara Haruka took out a threatening letter.

Seeing this, Xiaolan quickly said, "We also saw such threatening letters on the tree trunks blocking the way when we came."

Photographer Masaki Katagiri and baseball player Mamoru Matsudaira hurriedly said, "I also received such a letter!" X2

At this time, a young man's voice suddenly sounded, everyone looked back, and a young man with yellow hair walked in: "Our company has also received a letter."

The person who came was the young rock singer, Aichuan Fuyuya, who was also an artist of Su Fang Hongzi's performing arts company.

The female secretary couldn't help asking: "Fuyuya, why are you here so late?"

"I've been busy with the national tour recently, and it's not bad to catch up with the teacher's banquet, so don't blame me."

Lan Chuan Dong Ya stepped forward and hugged Su Fang Hong Zi, then handed her the envelope in his hand.

Su Fanghongzi tore open the envelope, and saw the colorful characters printed out by the computer inside.

"The Cursed Mask is about to drink blood tonight!"

The old woman's expression didn't change at all, but Matsudaira Mori couldn't help but said, "There are so many threatening letters, it doesn't look like a prank, should you call the police?"

Su Fang Hongzi shook her head and said with a light smile, "Don't worry about it. In fact, since I started doing charity, it has touched the interests of many people, and I have been receiving these threatening letters."

"It's rare for distinguished guests to attend my dinner tonight. Don't spoil everyone's interest. Let's have dinner."

After saying this, Su Fang Hongzi called everyone to go to the table together, and the two twin maids also started to serve the dishes on the table, and the dinner began.

The food for dinner was made by the twin maids. Although it was quite delicious, it was far inferior to Xiaolan's craftsmanship.

Maori and his party had dinner at home before setting off. They couldn't eat enough, and they all had a taste.

But this wine is pretty good. The white wine of St. Pilgrim Sauvignon from France has a fruity and floral aroma. The two girls, Xiaolan and Mira, like it very much.

It's just that this dinner party is not going well!

Inaba Kazuyo at the opposite table not only looks mediocre, but also can't hold alcohol, his face turns red after two or three drinks.

Afterwards, he couldn't control himself, and looked at Mori Kogoro with a look of embarrassment, salivating, which made Xiaolan stare wildly at her.Fortunately, Inaba Kazuyo sensed Xiaolan's murderous intent and shifted his target. Then, he moved his hands and feet to the young rock singer Aikawa Fuyuya beside him, hooked his shoulders and back, rubbed his ears and temples, and persuaded him to drink from time to time. A middle-aged greasy girl who molested young guys. .

Aikawa Touya looked extremely embarrassed, but he didn't dare to offend the celebrities around the president. Fortunately, Inaba Kazuyo didn't go too far, so Aikawa Toya could only bear it silently.

This scene was quite rare, but Su Fang Hongzi who was at the top didn't stop her.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan and Mira couldn't help feeling that the entertainment industry is really messed up.

Everyone ignored Inaba Kazuyo who lost his composure.

The photographer Masaki Katagiri couldn't help asking: "Ms. Su Fang, may I ask why you want to hold a charity ceremony for orphans who lost their parents in a car accident?"

Su Fang Hongzi took a sip of wine and said, "Actually, I started doing charity fifteen years ago. The reason is that the woman who has been taking care of me twenty years ago ran into and escaped."

"Since then, I have not been able to ignore the car accident."

When the female secretary Inaba Kazuyo heard this, she turned to flatter Su Fang Hongzi: "Although the outside world always calls the president for fame, the president is not such a person at all, she is a very good person. "

Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "What happened to the person who ran away?"

"Suicide!" Lanchuan Dongya said, "Actually, that person is my mother."

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