"Since then, I have been an orphan and lived in relatives' homes. Fortunately, with the help of Teacher Su Fang, I was able to grow up smoothly. I want to thank Teacher Su Fang for this."

Female secretary Inaba Kazuyo said with a light smile: "Actually, there are many orphans like Aikawa Toya in our performing arts company, and they are all taken in by President Su Fang."

Su Fang Hongzi chuckled: "Actually, it's just doing my best. Fuyuya's mother and I are good friends, and these are our duties."

After listening to the story, the baseball player Mamoru Matsudaira couldn't help but said, "I'm so touched. I will try my best when the charity ceremony is held next week."

However, Mira's expression changed slightly beside Mori Kogoro. As the queen of a country, she would not be so easily deceived and believed whatever she heard.

On the contrary, Mira thinks that Su Fanghongzi is not a kind person.

The lackluster dinner party passed quickly, and Kogoro Mori was invited by Su Fang Hongzi to enter the study.

As in the original plot, Su Fang Hongzi still entrusts Mori Kogoro to investigate Katagiri Masaki.

After Maori Kogoro finished dealing with her, he returned to the Hall of Masks.

Everyone in the hall of masks is entertaining and killing time.

Katagiri Masaki and Matsudaira were playing billiards, the female secretary Inaba Kazudai took Aikawa Fuyuya to drink and sing, and Conan the Little Ghost looked at the so-called curse mask.

Xiaolan and Mira are playing chess, and there are twin maids standing behind them, which is completely like a mirror image.

As soon as Mori Kogoro came back, the beautiful fortune-teller Ryoharu greeted him with a smile.

"Maori Detective, are you interested in letting me do a divination for you? I'm very curious about Maori Detective's numerology!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned, but naturally he didn't refuse.

He really wanted to see what kind of tricks this woman who had been looking for a chance to get in touch with him played. As for what she said was his fan, Kogoro Moori wouldn't believe it at all.

0234 - The Subdued Female Fortune Teller

The two found the table at Jiao Luo and sat down, and the black, long, straight beauty sat down gracefully in front of Kogoro Mouri.

Nagara Haruka laid out the Tarot cards he carried with him on the table and asked Mori Kogoro to choose three of them.

Kogoro Mori did as he did, and three tarot cards were drawn.

Then Nagara Haruka turned the three tarot cards over on the table, saw the patterns on them, his eyes lighted up slightly, and then he said, "Maori-kun, can you let me see your hand?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Does the Tarot card reader still work part-time as a palm reader?"

Even so, he still put his hand on Nagara Haruka's soft little hand.

As soon as he put his hand on it, Nagara Haruka pressed his other hand impatiently, and his two small hands wrapped around his big one.

A look of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she closed her eyes, as if sensing something.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro realized that the vast sea of ​​spiritual power in his body had been aroused, and then poured into Nagara Haruka's body along his right hand, his face was full of surprise.

Paralyzed!Could it be that this female fortune teller is the bloodthirsty earthbound spirit?

Could it be that she is more powerful than Fusang, she has already completed her body shaping, and she is disguised as a human being?That's not easy to deal with!

No, her hands are warm. If she cultivated into a human body, she would be too deep. In this world where the aura is exhausted, it is impossible for such an existence to exist!

But Nagara Haruka couldn't let Haruka absorb the spiritual energy in his body, so Kogoro Mori withdrew his big hand back.

Nagara Haruka opened his eyes immediately, a hint of purple flashed in the blue eyes, full of reluctance and nostalgia, and then quickly restrained himself.

"Maori-kun, I'm just trying to perceive the thread of fortune in your body, don't get me wrong!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "I didn't misunderstand, but I'm a little curious about what the three tarot cards mean?"

Nagara Haruka began to pick up the Tarot cards and explained: "This 'King's Sword' means: Maori-kun, you have accumulated enough power to create a situation, and your own accumulation is enough to face any storm , is a very good luck card."

"And this piece of 'Forbidden Fruit of Eden' shows that Maori-kun is very lucky, and will attract many girls inadvertently."

Saying this, Nagara Haruka's little finger gently touched Moori Kogoro's big hand.

"However, peach blossoms that transcend taboos may appear, and Mr. Mao Li still needs to pay attention."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro raised his brows, he hit the spot!

His eyes looked at the fortune teller again.

"And the last piece of 'Devil's Horns' shows that there are unspeakable horrors watching you, and it is very likely that someone will secretly harm you."

"But in general, even with the card 'Devil's Horns', the combination of the other two cards has excellent luck."

After listening to Nagara Haruka's divination, Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling that her divination was accurate, but he also knew that Nagara Haruka's was not easy.

Mori Kogoro glanced around, but no one else was paying attention.

Quietly pinch the seal with both hands, mobilize the spiritual power in the body, and outline a formation.

The sealing formation specially designed to deal with the earth-binding spirit fell directly on Nagara Haruka.

No response at all!

It's really not an earth-binding spirit who has cultivated a human body.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and said, "Miss Nagara, I have some private questions and I want to ask you, a fortune-teller, your opinion. Can you come out of the hall with me, and let's talk alone?"

"Of course." Nagara Haruka agreed without hesitation.

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