"Xiao Ai, there's no need to find someone, I'll just wait for the key."

Haibara looked at the palms of the two people who were close together, and couldn't help but frowned, but didn't say anything more.

Takagi Tsutomu on the side also nodded: "Officer Sato, why don't I go back to the hall to get the key back, and then escort him to the headquarters, and then we will investigate this case together."

"No way, Officer Takagi, if someone finds you when you go back, Officer Megure will definitely scold you and ask you to write a report, then you will definitely miss Mr. Higashida's plane, so, for Take the time, this time the investigation can only be done by you alone, and the people in the hall must not find out."

"After all, we police have the right to release innocent suspects before sending them to the Office of Supervision."

At this moment, Miwako Sato commanded every step of the way, completely returning to the true qualities of a capable female policewoman.

"But how can I turn this case over by myself?"

Miwako Sato laughed: "Who says you are alone? Look behind you. These children have helped solve many cases. Look, they are all ready to go!"

Several people in the young detective team showed smug smiles.

Mori Kogoro said: "Officer Takagi, you can take Huiyuan, this kid is very smart, he can often find things that others can't, but you have to watch Conan, this little devil is too naughty, always would spoil the scene."

Hearing this, Conan couldn't help turning out his exclusive dead fish eyes: "You hateful uncle, you don't want to frame me all the time.

Genta and Mitsuhiko on the side laughed when they heard this and pointed at Conan: "Naughty little devil."

Mori Kogoro opened his mouth and cheered Haibara: "Xiao Ai, come on, this time uncle will rely on you to save me!"

"Hi!" Hui Yuan's cold little face showed a fighting spirit that he had never had before.

Officer Takagi could only take a group of children outside with a wry smile: Really, there is no way to solve a case with so many children.

Watching Officer Takagi and his party disappear into the toilet, Kogoro Mori stretched out his hand and unbuttoned his belt.

Miwako Sato panicked and said, "Mori-kun, what are you doing, do you want to go to the toilet?"

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but cast a blank glance at Miwako Sato, then pulled out his belt and tied Mr. Higashida up.

Dong Tian quickly said, "Detective Maori, I won't run away again."

"I don't care if you run or not. You have caused so many things today, so be honest with me. Besides, I don't want to keep looking at you. It's better to tie it up for safety. If you run away, the Sato police officer next to me will I'm going to suffer."

While speaking, Mori Kogoro tied Mr. Higashida's hands to the damaged wooden doorknob.

Mr. Higashida, who was tied up, could only sit in front of the toilet, leaning against the wall of the cubicle, looking dejected. He really wanted to sneak away after Officer Takagi left. After all, a policeman brought a group of children to To reverse the verdict, no matter how you look at it, it feels unreliable.

Miwako Sato was observing Mr. Higashida, but suddenly felt that there was an extra finger on the back of her hand, which was sliding gently on it. Miwako Sato immediately realized that it was Kogoro Mori's hand.

Miwako didn't dare to react too obviously, it's not good to be seen by this Mr. Higashida, but she didn't break free at all.

Mori Kogoro smiled triumphantly, and carefully played with Miwako's delicate little hand. Although she often practiced marksmanship, there were no calluses on it. The palm was very well maintained, smooth and white, soft and soft to the touch, just like It's just like Wen Yu.

Quietly, a blush appeared on Miwako Sato's face, her purple eyes couldn't help but glance at Kogoro Mori, and said softly, "Mori-kun!"

Mori Kogoro pretended not to hear, even if he didn't let go of Sato Miwako's little hand, Sato had no choice but to let him go.

Officer Takagi, who led a group of children out of the Kubato Art Museum, looked determined: Officer Sato, wait, I will definitely find the murderer and rescue you.

When she thought of arresting the murderer, she looked at her with admiration after rescuing Officer Sato, and then took the opportunity to ask her out again, Officer Takagi couldn't help but smile on his face.

Seeing this guy, Hui Yuan couldn't help feeling a little troubled. Is this police officer really reliable?

Chapter 0137 Embarrassment

Takagi and his party brought the Boy Detective Team to the izakaya, and he wore a hat to disguise himself.

Conan asked the izakaya proprietress about the situation that night.

The proprietress said: "Mr. Dongtian was drunk that night, and then he kept saying that he would teach that woman a lesson. I didn't expect that something like that would happen later."

Hui Yuan on the side hurriedly asked: "Then did he go back alone?"

The proprietress shook her head, and said in a low voice, "No, I went back with Mr. Beichuan over there." She motioned to a guest who was holding a newspaper.

That Mr. Beichuan had a mustache and was smoking a cigarette and reading a newspaper.

Officer Takagi lowered his head and said to Conan: "That is the first witness at the scene of the crime. He works in the same company as Mr. Higashida and Ms. Muranishi, because neither Mr. Higashida nor Ms. Muranishi went to the company the next day. So he commissioned the apartment manager to open the door, and that's when the body was discovered."

After listening to Police Officer Takagi's words, Haibara remained calm, and kept asking the proprietress of the izakaya some other details.

At this time, Mr. Beichuan put out his cigarette, put down the newspaper, took out the money from his pocket and put it on the table, and walked out of the izakaya: "Boss, I have already put the money on the table."

Officer Takagi chased after seeing this, holding the police notebook and kept asking: "Mr. Beichuan, I want to ask you two or three questions, can I spare you a little time?"

Bei Chuan lowered his brows, and instead of making eye contact with Takagi, he said impatiently, "I've said everything I need to say in the Metropolitan Police Department. One of my colleagues died and the other was arrested. I'm in a very bad mood right now." Okay, please don't bother me."

After saying that, he left straight away, Conan and Haibara both felt something was wrong when they saw this scene.


In the men's room on the eighth floor of the Kubado Art Museum, Mori Kogoro and Sato Miwako intertwined and sat next to the toilet.

Fortunately, the toilets on the eighth floor have not been used for a long time, and the cleaning staff clean them up every day, so it is very clean and there is no smell at all.

Speaking of the hygienic aspects of the neon public places, it is an exaggeration to say that the cleaning staff even dared to lick their mouths after cleaning the toilets.

Mr. Higashida in front turned his back to the two of them, with his head lowered, looking worried.

Mori Kogoro gently stroked Miwako Sato's little hand with his thumb: "Miwako, Tsukage Island has said that they would ask you to go racing together, but I didn't expect the first date after returning to Tokyo to be in this toilet, and there is a suspect beside me, Sure enough, this is the scene where the police and detectives get together, hehe..."

A hearty laugh came from Mori Kogoro, and he turned to look at Miwako beside him, only to see that Miwako's face was flushed, her brows were tightly furrowed, her purple eyes seemed to be lingering with mist, and she sometimes pinched her two slender thighs .

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