Mori Kogoro couldn't help being surprised, could it be that Sato is also a sensitive type.But Mori Kogoro continued to observe, and saw that Sato seemed to be enduring something, with an anxious look on his face, and he immediately understood that Miwako wanted to go to the bathroom!

That's right, the two of them have been in this toilet for more than two hours.

Mori Kogoro saw Mr. Higashida who was an eyesore in front of him, and couldn't help frowning: For Miwako, I can only wrong you.

Mori Kogoro stood up immediately, and whipped his leg directly to Higashida's neck, and Higashida immediately passed out on the ground. Based on Mori Kogoro's understanding of his martial arts, this force was enough to make Higashida sleep for seven or eight hours. .

But Mori Kogoro still felt unsafe, so he spent [-] points to exchange for a Sleeping Amulet from the point mall.

Sleeping Talisman: You can fall into a deep sleep after sticking it on, and you can wake up after taking it off. The time is [-] hours.

Mori Kogoro stuck this talisman on Mr. Higashida's body, and then kicked him, pushing Mr. Higashida and the door panel out of the toilet cubicle.

Miwako Sato couldn't help but exclaimed: "Mori-kun, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I just made Dongtian faint, and it won't hurt him, lest he hear any strange sounds or smell strange smells later! And he's passed out, so I feel more at ease." Kogoro Mori smiled, but Miwako Sato couldn't understand what Mori was saying.

"Besides, I think Mr. Higashida disturbed the solitude between me and Miwako, so I made my own decision, Miwako, you don't mind!" Mori Kogoro raised Sato's left hand and kissed it.

A blush appeared on Miwako Sato's face again.

In fact, Kogoro Mori was not unable to escape. There were too many things that could be exchanged in the system. The reason why he didn’t break the handcuffs was because they were the precious relics of his father, Miwako Sato. However, breaking the thick iron pipe was quite easy.

It's just that he was afraid that something indescribable would be sprayed out if the iron pipe broke, and that would be a sad reminder, so Mori Kogoro suppressed his desire to escape...

I didn't expect to meet such an embarrassing thing with Sato after waiting and waiting. This is really interesting.

"Hey, Miwako, why is your face so red? Do you have a fever?" Mori Kogoro smiled, and put his right hand directly on Miwako's melon-seeded face. This small face was lightly made up, making it beautiful Unprecedented things, it really deserves to be the flower of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Sato's pretty face was a little redder, and heat was constantly escaping from his face.

"Wow, it's really hot, mist is appearing in the eyes, Miwako, why do you look a little uncomfortable!" Mori Kogoro kept teasing the Hana of the Metropolitan Police Department in front of him, and his mood burst into joy.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be reasoning: "Let me speculate, Miwako, you are frowning, you are pressing your belly with one hand, and your legs are clamped from time to time, as I expected, you should want to fuck." Go to the toilet!"

Miwako Sato immediately recalled the "strange sound, strange smell" that Mori Kogoro said just after knocking Higashida unconscious.

She came to her senses, bursting out of shame, her little face was almost purple, and finally couldn't help but give Mouri Kogoro a blank look: "You guy, I haven't seen how good the reasoning case is, but reasoning is very good at it." .”

Mori Kogoro smiled triumphantly: "This case is very simple, there is no need for reasoning! Besides, compared to Miwako, this case is not important at all!"

The gentle and magnetic voice instantly touched Miwako Sato's heartstrings, but when she heard about the case, she tried to calm down and asked quickly, "This case is very simple, how do you say it?"

"If it is true as this guy said, the murder in the secret room was not done by Dongtian, then there are Dongtian's fingerprints on the doorknob, lock, and murder weapon. The only possibility is to frame him, and the person who framed him The most likely person is the person who went drinking with him that night."

"Finding the target and then looking for clues, it will be very simple to turn the case over. After all, there are very few people in this world who can commit perfect cases."

The light of wisdom flashed on Mori Kogoro's face, and Miwako Sato was so fascinated by it that he forgot to urinate, and said, "Mori-kun, you mean that Mr. Beichuan who drank with Mr. Higashida that night was the most Suspected!"

Chapter 0138 Blowing Minor

"I've never met this Mr. Beichuan, but if I were to investigate, I should start here." Mori Kogoro shook his head.

"No, I have to talk to Police Officer Takagi." Miwako Sato quickly took out the phone, "Oops, the phone is out of battery, Mori-kun, lend me your phone."

"I'm really sorry. I accompanied Xiaolan to the martial arts field for training today, but I didn't bring it with me." Otherwise, the beautiful Miyamoto female traffic policeman would have already called several times.

Kogoro Mori looked at Miwako Sato's anxious expression, and couldn't help feeling: This guy really has a sense of justice.

He touched Miwako Sato's head, and said, "Don't worry, trust Officer Takagi and those kids, they will definitely be able to solve the case!"

"I think the two of us are worried about ourselves. I'm afraid we'll have to spend the night here tonight."

Mori Kogoro looked at the already dark night outside, but fortunately Haibara helped turn on the light before leaving, otherwise the toilet would be dark, which would be uncomfortable.

"That's right, now all of this can only be handed over to Officer Takagi." Miwako Sato calmed down, and the urge to urinate came up again.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro smiled badly, and said, "Miwako, let me play a tune for you!"

Master-level singing skills were displayed, and a melodious and moving melody was blown from Kogoro Mori's mouth. If someone heard it, they would definitely stop for a long time to appreciate this moving music.

But the minor key has only one note, and that is—


Miwako Sato blushed involuntarily, full of embarrassment, and stretched out her hand to cover Kogoro Mouri's mouth, but Kogoro Mouri avoided it nimbly.

"Ah, Maori-kun, please stop, shut up!"

Kogoro Mori smiled triumphantly, shaking his head from time to time, and Miwako Sato curled up her legs in desperation, hugging her legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, her body trembling constantly.

"Mori Kogoro, you are really too much!" Sato Miwako was so angry that she even called out Mori Kogoro's full name.

"Hahaha..." Hearty laughter came from the toilet on the eighth floor.


After Conan made the phone call, he asked Dr. Ali to help deceive Ayumi. Genta and Mitsuhiko's parents said that the three children were sleeping at Dr. Ali's house.

Conan murmured, "Fireworks show."

Takagi couldn't help asking: "What firework show?"

"I'm not sure. The doctor said that there will be a firework show tomorrow, what a colorful rainbow, forget it, let's go to the house of the deceased!" Conan gave orders at this moment, and Takagi obeyed obediently.

At the home of the deceased Miss Muranishi, police officer Takagi came in with a group of children. The members of the Detective Boys put on gloves one by one, looking for clues in the room.

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