Officer Takagi couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene. This room has already been searched by colleagues from the Metropolitan Police Department. What clues can this group of children find.

Sure enough, it's not that simple to lead a group of children to solve the case. Now I am no different from a nanny.

At this moment, Officer Takagi suddenly heard the exclamation of Ayumi and Mitsuhiko on the balcony, and he hurriedly chased them out.

"This is the golden tiger cactus that the proprietress told Miss Murani that day. The thorns are all broken, so pitiful!" Ayumi whispered, this child is so kind that even the cactus sympathizes.

Takagi couldn't help being pleasantly surprised: "How do you know it was given by the proprietress that day!"

"I just asked, because this is an insignificant detail to the proprietress, so she didn't tell the police." Hui Yuan walked over from the side.

"Haihara-san, did you find anything?" Officer Takagi couldn't help asking.

"Well, there are four suspicious points. First, the quilts, bed sheets, pillows, and curtains are all gray in color, while the other colors in the room are beige. Moreover, the beige bed sheets and curtains have all been sent to the cabinet. Inside, I heard the proprietress of the izakaya once said that Ms. Muranishi likes beige the most."

Conan walked over from the side, holding a calendar in his hand. He didn't want to be compared by Haibara, and said: "The second point is that I found it in the closet. It was originally hung on the wall next to the bed. I don't know why it was taken away. The lost calendar, but it says the full plan for the next month."

A sneer appeared on Huiyuan's face, and then he said: "The third point is that the furniture in the room has been slightly moved, and the person who moved did not find the matchbox under the closet. Ms. Muranishi's marriage application has not been found, so I am afraid that the person who moved the furniture was not Ms. Muranishi!"

Haibara reasoned calmly, and she unfolded the marriage application in the box, and Motota and Mitsuhiko's faces immediately showed admiration: Such a Haibara is really cool!

Huiyuan continued: "The last one is the cactus on the balcony. According to the proprietress, Ms. Muranishi likes cactus very much, and it has been raining since the morning of the incident. How could she put all the cactus on the balcony instead of taking them in?" , all of this seems to have been carefully planned by a mysterious person, not like Ms. Muranishi."

Takagi opened his mouth, looking extremely surprised, so amazing!Even the children of Maori detectives have such powerful reasoning ability, he couldn't help feeling infinite admiration for Maori Kogoro.

Huiyuan said calmly: "Tsk, Mr. Dongtian's room is also in this apartment, why don't you go and see it!"

Gao Mushe came to his senses immediately, with an excited look on his face: Just wait, Officer Sato, I will definitely solve the case and rescue you!

Police officer Takagi couldn't help but went to Mr. Higashida's room with high morale.


In the toilet on the eighth floor of the Kubado Art Museum, Mori Kogoro had already stopped singing the ditty.

On the side, Miwako Sato's face was so red that water dripped out, and the appearance of crying was really pitiful. She couldn't help but cursed in her heart: If I had known earlier, I wouldn't drink so much water at noon.

Mori Kogoro smiled, and stopped teasing Miwako Sato, but spoke softly, and his magnetic voice reached Miwako Sato's ears: "Miwako, you can't help but go to the bathroom here, there just happens to be a toilet, Bearing it is bad for your body."

Miwako Sato gritted her teeth and said, "I don't go to the toilet next to you, a big pervert. Don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

Mori Kogoro waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, okay, Miwako, I promise I will close my eyes and cover my ears so that I don't see or hear, how about it?"

"Tch, you think I'll believe you!" Miwako Sato hesitated for a moment, but still refused.

Mori Kogoro said: "I will bet on my reputation and reputation as a detective. I will never watch or listen to it. How about it? You can rest assured!"

"Really?" Miwako Sato raised her big purple eyes with a look of hesitation.

Mori Kogoro quickly closed his eyes and blocked his ears with his right hand, but his left hand had no choice but to let it go.

Chapter 0139 Distressed Sato

Seeing that Kogoro Moori really closed her eyes, Miwako still hesitated for a while, but the feeling from her lower abdomen made her unable to hold on any longer, she could only stand up tremblingly, and at the same time she stood up, spitting out I took a few breaths of cool air.

Miwako Sato lifted the toilet lid, holding Kogoro Mori's left hand with her right hand, and stood in front of the toilet with difficulty, with her back to Kogoro Mori.

Suddenly, Miwako Sato turned her head, only to see Mori Kogoro's eyes closed and his right hand covering his ears!

Did you really not open your eyes? ? ?

Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing secretly, but his face remained calm.

You must know that with the practice of channeling, Mori Kogoro's physical fitness has already become completely inhuman.

Speed: 38

This item includes the reaction speed, Mouri Kogoro's reaction speed is more than three times that of ordinary people.

Just like a cat teasing a snake, a cat whose reaction speed is seven times faster than a snake will never be bitten by a snake, and the time Miwako Sato turns around is enough for Kogoro Mori to close his eyelids several times.

As for the reputation and credibility of that detective, can you eat it?He has long been thrown across the ocean by Mori Kogoro.

Sensing that there was no line of sight projected on him, Mori Kogoro opened his eyes again, and saw an extremely thrilling scene.

Miwako Sato lifted up the purple suit skirt, and then she pulled off the flesh-colored stockings and panties with her bare hands, and two straight beautiful legs appeared in front of Mori Kogoro.

This scene flashed by, Miwako Sato sat down, she turned around and looked at Kogoro Mori, seeing his face with closed eyes again, she couldn't help feeling relieved.

Seeing Kogoro Mori covering only one ear, Miwako Sato blushed a little more.

No matter what, if you are heard, you will be heard, anyway, you won't lose a few pieces of meat, so the sound of gurgling water roars out!

As the sense of urgency in the abdomen gradually disappeared, the sound of running water gradually stopped.

Miwako Sato breathed a sigh of relief, the expression on her face relaxed, but her eyes were still fixed on Mr. Higashida outside, for fear that he would wake up.

Compared to being seen by Mori Kogoro, Sato Miwako was more afraid of being seen by Mr. Higashida, so there was still a string in her heart, and she didn't dare to relax too much.

But at this moment, Kogoro Mori's big hand touched Miwako Sato's thigh.


"Sure enough, Officer Sato, wait for me, I already know who the real murderer is!" Officer Takagi looked at Mr. Higashida's room excitedly.

The layout of this room is exactly the same as that of Miss Xicun's room. Not only are the furniture placed in the same position, but even the bed sheets, quilts, pillows, and curtains are all changed to gray.

Police officer Takagi's face suddenly became happy. If this is the case, Mr. Higashida was really framed.

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