Fortunately, there are two beds in this room, and there is a bathroom inside, so it is naturally suitable for living.

Xiaolan and Mira soon entered the bathroom together to wash up.

Conan was sitting on the bed with his head in his head and thinking, while Mori Kogoro was sitting on the chair, sending countless text messages with flying speed.

Meizi, who got first blood today, needs to be comforted, Yoko, who has been in a coma for a whole day, needs to recover, and also needs to explain the current situation to Kiko, Eri, and Ai at home.

With a bang, a thunder flashed!It began to rain heavily outside the window, and the rain suddenly became extremely heavy.

Conan couldn't help asking: "Uncle, do you think this villa is weird?"

"Strange?" Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and shook his head: "It's not like that, didn't you say you were pretending to be a ghost?"

Conan didn't say anything more, and turned over against the pillow.

He always had a premonition.

Soon, Conan closed his eyes, but the subtle smiles of the twin sisters suddenly appeared in his mind, and he trembled in fright, and couldn't help but sit up.

Absolutely wrong!

Conan has already decided, after midnight, he will quietly go out of the room to investigate!

After more than ten minutes, the four people in the room had finished washing.

Because they were staying outside, Xiaolan and Mira didn't wear the cool pajamas at home, but a bathrobe.

Xiaolan stood by the window, looking at the heavy rain outside, she couldn't help but said, "It's so strange, doesn't the weather forecast say it won't rain?"

At this time, a silver lightning flashed across the sky, and thunder rang out.

Xiaolan immediately fell into her father's arms in fear, the softness was amazing!

My precious daughter is still afraid of thunder and lightning after so long.

Xiaolan couldn't help but whispered: "Father, the villa we live in today is so scary, I want to sleep on the same bed with you."

Conan on the side was filled with resentment, why didn't he tell me this?

And Mira also put her arms around Maori Kogoro's arm, and couldn't help but said, "Xiao Lan, you are so deceitful, Kogoro, I'm so scared too, he wants to sleep with you too."

Hearing this, Conan was instantly stunned, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Xiaolan said that she wants to sleep with Uncle Mao Li, it is because they are father and daughter, this is normal.

What's wrong with Mira getting involved?She is not the uncle's daughter, how can she be so close to him.

Could it be?Meera, she likes Uncle Maori?

Thinking of this, Conan instantly imagined Mira and Mori Kogoro as lovers.

Thinking that her face was exactly the same as Xiao Lan's, Conan suddenly felt extremely disobedient, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

Xiaolan couldn't help but said: "Liar, you are not afraid at all, besides, this is my father..."

Before he finished speaking, Kogoro Mori stretched out his hand and patted Xiaolan's buttocks, it felt great.

Conan's eyes were wide open, and he looked at Kogoro Mori angrily.

"Xiao Lan, how did Dad teach you, you can't be too stingy, and you have to be considerate of Mira, besides, this bed is so big, it's more than enough to sleep three people, we can squeeze it together."

After being beaten by her father, Xiaolan calmed down in an instant, and made the bed obediently, ready to be slept together.

What the hell?How did I get left behind?Why do the three of them sleep together, and I'm the only one here?

The little ghost head full of resentment rolled his eyes, thinking about it.

Conan tried his best to pretend to be Zhengtaiyin, got off the bed next door, and flew towards Kogoro Mori's bed: "Uncle, I'm so scared too, let's sleep together tonight!"

Conan, who was flying in mid-air, still had a smile on his face.

At this moment, three legs kicked out from under the blanket at the same time, hitting Conan's head, chest, and abdomen respectively.

The little ghost screamed, and spun back in an instant, hit the wall heavily, and then slid onto the bed, his nose was red, and a stream of blood flowed from his nostrils.

Conan just felt his head buzzing and couldn't think of anything.

Mouri Kogoro's voice came over immediately: "Conan, you are no longer a child of two or three years old, you are already seven years old, and you are a little man."

"As a man, you are not allowed to be afraid. Letting you sleep alone is to cultivate your courage, so that you can become a useful talent for society in the future. You must understand uncle's good intentions!"

"Okay, you leave Guanjin, remember to turn off the lights!"

Hearing this, Conan couldn't help but twitched, and another nosebleed spewed out.

And Mori Kogoro lifted the quilt directly, covering all three of them.

After a while, Conan, who had recovered, got up and turned off the light.

If you don't sleep together, don't sleep together!It will be more convenient for me to get up and investigate later!

Chapter 0238

As soon as the thin quilt was lifted to cover the heads of the three of them, the little angel beside him couldn't help but lean over.

Q bomb pink lips kissed Mori Kogoro's cheek, his little face was slightly red, and his eyes were full of fascination.

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