Before turning off the lights, the light was still shining through the thin quilt, so Mira next to her could see it clearly, she scolded softly: "You two are really perverted."

After receiving it, she was not to be outdone, and followed suit with a kiss.

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt that his left and right cheeks were moist, and the feeling of hugging left and right was really wonderful.

His hands were inserted along the two women's bathrobes, and they were immediately soft.

But then Mori Kogoro also felt that there were two soft little hands on his body, which were constantly churning.

A small hand is a little clumsy, but a small hand is extremely dexterous, and everything it caresses is extremely beneficial.

Sure enough, her own little angel understands herself and is proficient in business!

Immediately afterwards, the two silky and beautiful legs also hung on themselves, passing slowly, which really made people's body numb.

Mori Kogoro listened to the sound of Conan getting up and turning off the lights outside, enjoying the tenderness of the two women.

The three people in the bed did not dare to make any sound, even the slightest sound was covered by the sound of thunder and rain, this feeling was really hidden and exciting.

Although Conan, who was two meters away, was full of resentment, he did not become suspicious.

After wiping the blood from his nose, he turned off the light, and then climbed onto the lonely big bed.

Although Conan planned to check the villa after midnight, he was still a little tired.

As soon as he got on the bed, sleepiness struck immediately, and Conan fell asleep after a while.

The little angel with excellent hearing heard Conan's even breathing beside him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

She turned sideways onto Kogoro Mori, seized the opportunity, and took advantage of the opportunity to lift the quilt off. Naturally, she would not be seen in the dark.

Mira was startled instantly, her blue eyes trembling wildly, and she quickly turned sideways to look in Conan's direction.

Seeing that Conan fell asleep with his back to everyone, Mira breathed a sigh of relief.

But she couldn't help pinching the little angel's waist.

Naturally, the little angel didn't feel any pain, and even smiled triumphantly.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro kissed Mira's pink lips, and Mira immediately responded with his arms around him.

Seeing the two kiss passionately, the little angel was not surprised.

She moved her body directly, and then bit Kogoro Mori with one bite.

hiss! ! !

Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately launched an offensive with his fiery hands.

Soon, a stirring and soul-stirring silent movement sounded.

It's a pity that Conan, who fell into a deep sleep, had no chance to hear it.

On the other side, in the room on the second floor on the west side, someone couldn't sleep.

Nagara Haruka, a straight and long beauty, was taking a bath in the bathroom, leaning her head on the edge of the bathtub, looking up at the ceiling above.

Nagara Haruka couldn't help recalling the scenes that just happened, that magical and evil guy, no, the guy who will be called the master in the future.

Really, it sucks!

Nagara Haruka's eyes were still a little blurred, and his heart was still palpitating when he thought of the electric current, and his body couldn't help shaking a few times.

When she took off her clothes just now, she found that her chest was swollen, and her pants were wet, and she was completely urinated by electricity.

It sucks!

Nagara Haruka cursed someone, but her little face couldn't help but blush.

She felt more and more flustered, so she stopped taking a bath, got up to wipe her body, put on her pajamas and walked out of the bathroom.

But even if he was going to take a bath, Nagara Haruka still held the bottle of well water in his hand, and never left his body for a moment.

After all, this bottle of water full of star power is too precious.Haruka Nagara returned to the bedroom, looked at the heavy rain outside the window, couldn't help frowning, feeling more and more irritable.

Usually at times like this, she would do one thing, which was divination for herself.

She came to the table, spread out the tarot cards, and began to draw cards from them.

Another demon card was drawn, 'Eye of Abaddon'.

This is not a good card. Abaddon is the messenger of the bottomless pit and the demon god of hell. It is said in the Book of Revelation that the hole of hell will open, and the demons led by Bayadon will rush out to torture mankind. Five moon.

This card means that something bad is about to happen.

Nagara Haruka's expression became a little dignified.

I don't know if being a slave girl to Mori Kogoro is a blessing or a curse?

The frail female fortune teller climbed onto the bed, wrapped herself in the quilt, leaned against the wall, and sighed slowly.

On the other side, the Hall of Masks was cleaned up by the twin maids.

The twin sisters stood in the middle of the mask hall, smiled at each other, then turned around at the same time, and walked out of the mask hall at the same time.

This looks like a perfectly symmetrical picture from a distance.

Then the two women closed the door of the hall of masks respectively, took out the key to lock the door, and hung the key on the wall outside the door.

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