Then the two women went to their own rooms on the first floor.

As the two maids returned to the room, the whole villa fell into an eerie calm.

Su Fanghongzi, who was on the third floor of the West Wing, closed the book, took off her glasses, and put them on the bedside table.

Then the old woman reached for the sleeping pills and drank the water in one gulp.

Su Fanghongzi has been sleeping poorly lately. She needs sleeping pills to fall asleep, and she falls asleep very fast.

After taking the sleeping pills, she turned off the light and lay back on the bed, and soon fell asleep.


The midnight bell in the hall of masks rang, but the bell was only transmitted in the hall, and could not be heard outside.

But then...


But a door in the corridor was pushed open, and the darkness seemed to spread out.

I don't know how long...

Boom! ! !

A thunderous sound sounded, and Conan the Little Devil shuddered, and was immediately woken up by the thunder.

Sweat was dripping down his chest and back.

Conan glanced sideways at the big bed next door. It seemed that Mori Kogoro and the others were sleeping peacefully, and there was no movement at all.

Nothing could be seen in the dark, just an outline.

He felt that the time was almost up, so the little devil got up quietly, slipped off the bed, put on his shoes, gently opened the door, and walked out of the room.

As soon as I walked out of the room, it was completely dark, and I could hardly see my fingers.

Even the sound of the rainstorm was isolated and became extremely subtle.

Conan quickly turned on the flashlight of his watch, just the faint light, and walked forward.

He decided to start searching downstairs first, then go upstairs, and finally went to the hall of masks if he didn't find anything.

The little devil who wanted to die quickly acted.

In the room, Kogoro Mori was also taken aback when he saw Conan get up inexplicably and then leave the room.

He subconsciously crushed a primary psychedelic card and pulled the big bed area into the psychedelic array, so he didn't get noticed.

Chapter 0239

The sound of thunder and rain outside the villa is still going on, and the sound of music inside is still going on.

Mila caressed Xiaolan's skin with her small hands, and felt her body was shaking constantly, so she couldn't help but chuckled and said, "You are really useless, get up quickly."

Xiaolan couldn't help but quibble: "It's obvious that the thunder outside was too loud, which scared me, but this time it doesn't count."

Mira couldn't help being coquettish: "Oh, don't play tricks, we agreed to take turns."

She couldn't help but patted Xiaolan's buttocks with her little hand.

But Xiaolan really couldn't afford to die, she showed her strange power, and turned her head to act like an ostrich.

Mira immediately became angry, and regardless of other things, she rode directly on Xiaolan's soft back, and her little paws grabbed Xiaolan indiscriminately, as if she had used all eighteen kinds of martial arts.

Xiaolan, who was in a super-evolved state again, was defenseless, and her body went limp, and she was directly pushed away by Mira, and she lay limp beside her.

Only then did Mira get what she wanted, and a satisfied smile immediately appeared on her pretty face.

On the other hand, Conan in the corridor is a bit uncomfortable.

As soon as he came to the living room on the first floor of the villa, the flashlight on the watch suddenly broke, and he fell into darkness for an instant.

All the lights in the villa were extinguished, only the various masks on the wall exuded a slight green light, that picture was really permeating.

Conan's heart was a little hairy, and he couldn't help swallowing, but he didn't give up his intention to investigate, and walked to the corridor on the first floor.

There are two people living in the wing room on the first floor on the east side, one is the rock star Aikawa Fuyuya, and the other is the twin sister Shimokasa Mi Naho.

In fact, Conan just felt that the twin maids were a little weird, always talking about some inexplicable rules to scare people.

He just wanted to try what would happen if he didn't obey the rules in this villa.

Conan walked slowly in the corridor on the first floor, his pace getting slower and slower.

The entire corridor was too dark, as if it could swallow people up.

And at some point, Conan could no longer hear the thunderstorm outside.

When Conan touched the wall and walked out of the corridor again and returned to the hall, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Nothing special happened!

But as soon as this thought passed by, the little ghost was horrified to find a blue light flashing on the stairs, like a lantern.

The curious little devil head immediately sneaked after him and came to the back of the stairs.

It was a man walking upstairs with a lantern. The lantern looked like an iron lantern from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with a blue flame shining on it.

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