Her body broke out in a cold sweat, recalling her divination before going to bed.

'Eye of Abaddon! '

Something's wrong, something's wrong, even if there's a heavy rain and a power outage, it's already late at night, and most of the guests are already asleep, so how could they wake them up and go to the hall of masks to meet up!

This is totally unreasonable!

At this time, the maid outside the door seemed to be aware of the peeping of the cat's eyes.

Her little face with a weird smile came closer, and Nagara Haruka suddenly felt his heart tremble.

The maid's eyes were empty, like a black hole, as if it could absorb everything into it.

Nagara Haruka backed away in fright, and she suddenly found that Nami Shimokasone's smile curve was exactly the same as the smile curve of Schoble's mask she saw in the mask hall today.

She quickly said, "I'm already asleep. If the power goes out, it will go off. It doesn't matter. I want to sleep. Don't bother me."

After saying this, she backed away slowly, still clutching the bottle of well water that Mori Kogoro gave her.

And there was no sound from outside the door anymore!

No footsteps, no answer, no sound of any kind.

And soon, in the bay window behind Nagara Haruka, a blue light slowly emerged.

A figure descended from the sky, drifted down slowly, and hovered outside the window.

Nagara Haruka noticed the blue light, and turned around quickly.

Immediately, her slightly purple pupils trembled continuously, and she couldn't help but gasped with fear.

The person floating outside the window is clearly Nami Shimokasaho.

It's just that she turned her back to him, but there was a face on the back of her head, which was Xiao Bo's fake face.

Nagara Haruka couldn't stop trembling, feeling extremely cold all over, as if being stared at by some horror.

Her upper and lower teeth couldn't stop knocking, and when her leg joints softened, she couldn't help but collapsed backwards.

In an instant, she felt herself falling into an embrace full of heat, and she became more and more frightened, and she screamed in an instant.

The female fortune teller turned her head, and saw a familiar figure, who was none other than Kogoro Mori.

Chapter 0241: Saving the Little Slave

After all, this villa is a bit weird, and Nagara Haruka is his new little slave girl.

For his own women, Mori Kogoro usually sends out ant-man robots to protect him secretly, and Nagara Haruka is no exception.

It's just that the Ant-Man robot's eyes can't see any spirits, only the weird picture of the female fortune-teller talking to the empty door.

Mori Kogoro realized in an instant that Earthbound Spirit had come to her, so he hurriedly beat Mira to the point where she was pissed off, and then he was able to get away.

He put on his bathrobe and activated the Great Teleportation Talisman, and instantly moved to Nagara Haruka's room, and saw the guy with the lantern outside the window.

This earth-bound spirit will find Nagara Haruka, which is also because of the bottle of well water presented by Mori Kogoro.

Even a spirit body with no thoughts knows that the bottle of well water is extremely helpful to him.

Moreover, Nagara Haruka, who just drank a bottle of well water but couldn't fully digest it, and couldn't restrain his energy, was also a piece of fat to this earth-bound spirit, and it would naturally come to him impatiently.

It's just that it didn't dare to enter through the door, what Su Fanghongzi said before was correct.

She had indeed invited a psychic medium, and there was a psychic medium's seal on the door of this villa, and the earth-binding spirit was a little afraid, and did not dare to break in.

Nagara Haruka was still screaming, she didn't believe that Moori Kogoro who appeared here was a real person, and she thought it was a ghost in disguise.

Until Mori Kogoro slammed his big hand on his buttocks: "Shut up!"

Seeing such a bad behavior, Nagara Haruka stopped instead, with a little surprise in his eyes.

She looked at Kogoro Mori's exposed muscular chest muscles, and smelled the strong masculine aura emanating from his body. Then she believed that he was a real person, and quickly hid behind him.

"Maori-kun, it's really you!"

Mori Kogoro looked at the earth-binding spirit floating outside the window, saw its red eyes, and instantly confirmed that it was a bloodthirsty evil spirit.

This fierceness and resentment are very strong, it seems that the rumors are true, many people who got Xiaobu's mask died unexpectedly, all because of this earth-binding spirit!

As for the spirit body playing with Conan in the east wing room, it is just a clone of this evil spirit, no wonder it has no morals.

Su Fang Hongzi, Shimokasaho Nami, and Shimokasaho Naho originally lived in this villa.

However, Su Fang Hongzi was old and frail, so naturally she was not as rich in essence and blood as the two young maids, so this evil spirit possessed the two maids to suck blood.

With a lack of blood, the two maids will naturally encounter misfortune.

When Mori Kogoro was observing it, the evil spirit had already passed through the glass window and appeared in the room. The cold wind picked up and the temperature of the whole room dropped sharply.

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!

The weird inhuman laughter reverberated, making people feel nauseated after hearing it.

Immediately after the lantern in his hand flickered, the faint blue will-o'-the-wisp spread and climbed up the wall in an instant.

It turned into a sea of ​​flames in front of him, but this sea of ​​flames was not hot at all, instead there was a biting chill.

Nagara Haruka was terrified, her soft body pressed against Mori Kogoro's back, trembling constantly: "Maori-kun, what should we do? Are we going to be burned to death?"

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