The little slave girl couldn't see clearly, but Mori Kogoro could see clearly.

This is clearly a superficial illusion created by the evil spirits.

This ability is completely inferior to the little shikigami Fusang who has practiced for thousands of years.

He can't even cast spells, and can only scare people with fantasies, which is really too low-level.

Moreover, this evil spirit doesn't seem to have a high IQ, so it doesn't look like Mori Kogoro is powerful, so he approached without fear of death.

Mori Kogoro pinched the seal quickly with both hands, and the lightning control technique was cast instantly.

The lightning outside the window seemed to be captured, the silver snake turned over, passed through the window gap, and finally fell into the hands of Kogoro Mori, turning into two lightning whips.

Lei Fa has a very high restraint effect on evil spirits, especially bloodthirsty evil spirits, which are their natural enemies.

The evil spirit seemed to sense something was wrong, but it was already too late.

A thunder whip struck and wrapped around the evil spirit's wrist that was holding the will-o'-the-wisp lantern, and its wrist was instantly scorched black.Another Thunder Whip hit him, and the Thunder Snake writhed and lingered, completely restraining him in an instant.

Binding Diling received heavy injuries in an instant, and his Qi was much weaker.

It couldn't help screaming, and the avatar playing with Conan in the east wing immediately turned into a black shadow, flew past, and merged into the main body of the Earth Binding Spirit.

The ghost hitting the wall in the corridor of the east wing dissipated instantly.

Conan, who was exhausted, didn't notice it at all. He was about to turn around according to his original memory, but when he turned around, there was no corner.

He was powerless to stop, so he slammed into the wall straight, his head hurt, and he passed out instantly.

The evil spirit suffered such a heavy blow, the phantom naturally couldn't be maintained, and the dark blue sea of ​​flames dissipated in an instant.

Nagara Haruka saw the evil spirit bound by lightning, and couldn't help but look overjoyed.

"Maori-kun, you are too powerful!"

Although the evil spirit and the avatar merged together, and their aura rose, they still couldn't break free from the shackles of Mori Kogoro's thunder.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hands to wrap the two lightning whips together, pressed them under his feet, and then pinched his hands again with his hands.

This time, it was specially designed to subdue the seal of the earth-binding spirit.

Kogoro Mori has mastered this handprint for a long time, and he displayed it very quickly.

The seal formed by the gathering of auras of spiritual energy quickly fell on the body of the earth-binding spirit, and the earth-binding spirit screamed suddenly, and its body continued to shrink, and soon became the size of a fist.

The ghost's shrill voice was extremely shrill, almost as if it came from hell.

Its camouflage was completely broken, and the maid costume disappeared, revealing the dark truth, behind the mask was an extremely ugly rotten face.

Mori Kogoro's face remained unchanged, he pulled out one of his hair, bit his index finger, and the blood gave off a faint fluorescence.

He intends to immediately refine this earth-binding spirit into a life puppet, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Blood oozed from the fingertips, suspended in the void, and a blood-red detention contract was quickly drawn.

"Fang Tianwuwai, for my driving, the incarnation of the wind, go!"

A gust of green wind rushed forward with Kogoro Mori's hair.

The hair swelled in the wind, and turned into a chain, instantly capturing the evil spirit bound by the thunder whip.

Then the chain pulled it and flew towards the blood-red detention contract.

The evil spirit bumped into the contract, and immediately let out another scream.

This time, not only the two people in the room could hear the cry, all the guests staying in the west wing room, as well as the murderer who was committing the crime at the moment, were all frightened, and everyone was terrified.

After the screams, the darkness in Nagara Haruka's room was dispelled, and the light regained in an instant.

A cyan rag doll fell to the floor.

The female fortune-teller blinked her eyes and stared blankly at this scene.

But Mori Kogoro put away the natal doll with a happy face.

Although it was the first time refining, there was nothing wrong.

Moreover, there were no mistakes in the most critical contract writing.

You only need to test the evil spirit in this natal doll a few more times, and then you can sign a contract with your own little Shikigami Fusang.

However, Mori Kogoro's previous wish to subdue many earth-bound spirits and let them serve him as slaves was in vain.

The earth-bound spirits born of resentment are extremely ugly, especially living on human essence and blood. After killing people and killing people, the bloodthirsty earth-bound spirits will become even uglier, more evil and extreme, and insane.

How could they compare to the pure little Shikigami Fusang who has been cultivating by the side of the powerful witch.

Chapter 0242 Mila and Little Angel

In this world, beautiful and female spirit bodies are really rare.

Cute girls like Fusang who seem to jump out of the second dimension are even rarer.

Mori Kogoro could only give up the idea of ​​subduing a lot of beautiful shikigami before.

The natal doll he refined this time is of the wind attribute, and the summoned doll will cast some superficial wind spells.

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