In Mori Kogoro's view, spells with wind attributes are the most practical in the city, unlike five-element spells that leave traces of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

As soon as the wind blows, it will become invisible, which is really the best choice.

And the little slave girl Chang Liangyao still had an expression of lingering fear, and couldn't help asking: "Maori-kun, what's going on?"

Mori Kogoro caressed his long straight black hair with his big hands, and said with a light smile, "Xiaoyao, did you call me wrong, what should I call me?"

"Lord, Lord!"

Nagara Haruka felt ashamed when she said this title, and couldn't help lowering her head, and then she seemed to see something, and her pupils shrank sharply, and she quickly turned her face away, her face flushed.

Liar, how can it be so big!

Kogoro Moori seemed to have noticed it too, he was eager to save people just now, so he didn't have any scruples about it.

He stretched out his hand to re-tie the belt, and then explained: "The legends I said before are all true. Schoble's mask is indeed a cursed mask, and there are evil spirits attached to it."

"The evil spirit used to possess the twin maids to suck blood, but it seems that it was attracted by you this time and wants to transfer its possession to you."

"I noticed the abnormality, so I used the big teleportation talisman to move here to help you."

"Now that the evil spirit has been subdued by me, and the ghosts it planted have been destroyed, everything has returned to normal. There is no power outage at all, and the rain outside has not stopped, so everything is fine!"

Nagara Haruka couldn't help asking: "What will happen to the twin maids? Will they die like the master who cursed the mask before?"

Mori Kogoro closed his eyes, channeled a thousand paper cranes again, and flew to the first floor of the east and west rooms respectively.

Qian Zhihe entered the room of the two maids and observed the twins sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Although the twin maids looked a little pale, but the evil spirit left, the complexion of the two girls improved instead.

Mori Kogoro opened his eyes and said, "Although they are a bit short of blood, luckily the evil spirits have not been possessed for a long time, at most they will be weak for a while, it's fine, you don't have to worry about them. "

"That's good, that's good!"

Nagara Haruka patted her chest, the white vest couldn't hide her pride at all, trembling, it was a beautiful scene.

Mori Kogoro didn't care about it, he wanted to go back to his room and continue what he just did, this time he just came out to save someone.

"Okay, it's okay, I should go back, Xiaoyao, sleep well!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro took out the big teleportation talisman again.

But just as he was about to drive the talisman back, a pulling force appeared, and a small hand grabbed the hem of his clothes.

"Wait a moment!"

Mori Kogoro turned his head to the side, and saw Nagara Haruka begging and looking around with a worried look on his small face.

Nagara Haruka couldn't help but whispered: "Master, can you not leave, I'm afraid, I always feel that something will jump out."

It is normal for ordinary people to be afraid after seeing a ghost!

Nagara Haruka is only twenty years old. Although he is a psychic fortune-teller, he is actually powerless and only knows how to tell fortunes.

It was also the first time she saw this ghost, so she was naturally terrified.Her legs were still trembling a little now, and when she heard that Moori Kogoro was leaving, she couldn't accept it.

Seeing her like this, Mori Kogoro was nervous and sweating on his forehead, so he couldn't bear to leave her behind.

He sighed: "Hey~, well, then I'll stay with you."

"But I must leave before dawn. The east and west sides of this villa are not connected. If others know it, they can't explain it clearly."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro dragged Nagara Haruka to the bed.

Nagara Haruka blushed suddenly, as if thinking of something, water glistened in her eyes.

Now this female fortune teller has no resistance. If Mori Kogoro wants to do something, she will obediently cooperate.

After all, when she was most afraid just now, it was this man who descended from the sky and subdued the ghost in a devastating manner, saving her life.

But the two were lying on the bed, and Kogoro Mori was very honest this time.

The big hand caressed the shoulder of the little slave girl without any overstepping, as if coaxing her to sleep.

Nonsense, the ammunition is all prepared for my little angel, it's only two hours, it's not enough, how can I give up halfway!

Mori Kogoro just wanted to finish coaxing the little slave girl to sleep, and then go back quickly and continue to have fun.

On the other side, in the corridor outside the east wing, Conan the little devil was still asleep on the floor after being stunned.

And in the room at the end of the corridor, Mira stared at the girl who looked exactly like herself, her little hands were caressing her body, as if she was touching herself.

They are so similar, except that their breasts are one size bigger than their own, they are almost exactly the same.

She is still a little unbelievable until now, and still remembers the moment when she opened the door of her house at six o'clock this morning, the picture of this girl on her man was so crazy and so desperate.

That picture is engraved in my mind, and I can't forget it.

Originally, Mira wanted to make peace between the two in the Cold War, but unexpectedly, the two had already been fighting quietly.

Seeing this scene at first, Mira couldn't accept it at all. The combination of catching rape on the bed and the huge sense of absurdity made her a little split.

It was only later that the girl pulled him over and explained a lot, telling her frankly her own thoughts, her love, and many things that happened in the middle.

Mira was also constantly moved and shed many tears before finally accepting this fact.

She also planned to make mistakes and make mistakes, and make mistakes to the end!

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