And the maid Hoonami couldn't help screaming;

The rest of the people were even more frightened and took a few steps back.

"You are not allowed in."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro entered the scene first, and he pretended to check the corpse.Then he came out and said, "I'm dead, the body is still warm, it seems that I just died."

"Now I will maintain order, Xiaolan, immediately call Police Officer Megure, everyone else will go to the mask room and wait, no one is allowed to act alone, Su Nami and I will go and wake up everyone else in the villa. "

Everyone was convinced of the detective's order, so they obeyed obediently.

Mori Kogoro walked downstairs with the maid, and the two came to Nagara Haruka's door, and Mori Kogoro knocked on the door directly.

"Xiaoyao, it's me, you can open the door."

Hearing this, Nagara Haruka, who had been terrified inside, immediately opened the door and threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms, squeezing her soft chest desperately, which was wonderful.

"Master, you are finally back. There were so many voices just now, I was really scared to death!"

On the side, Hoonami lowered her head, pretending not to see it.

Nagara Haruka couldn't help but pouted when she saw Hoonami's presence.

Mori Kogoro stroked her soft back and said, "She's fine."

"However, Ms. Su Fang upstairs was killed. You put on your coat first, then let's call Secretary Inaba and go to the Mask Hall to wait for the police."

Hearing that someone had died, Nagara Haruka's face changed slightly.

She obediently went back to the room and found a long windbreaker to put on, then followed Mao Li and his party to the first floor on the west side to call for someone.

However, the three of them knocked on the door of Inaba and Dai for a long time, but there was still no answer from inside.

In the end, Hoonami took out the key and opened the door: "Secretary Inaba was drunk just now, and I escorted her back to the room, she must not have woken up yet."

As soon as the door opened, Inaba Kazuyo was still soundly asleep.

Mori Kogoro ignored her, and returned to the mask hall on the third floor with Nagara Haruka and Hoonami.

In the hall of masks, Minaho had already changed Conan into a pair of shorts and carried him up.

However, he remained unconscious and was placed on the couch.

Minaho kept trying to wake him up.

As for the others, after hearing the news of Su Fanghongzi's death, they all had different expressions.

Katagiri Masaki looked at a photo with a frown;

Baseball player Mamoru Matsudaira biting his thumbnail;

And the yellow-haired rock and roll youth Aichuan Fuyuya sat on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling with a lost look on his face.

While waiting for the police to arrive, Mori Kogoro ignored these people and walked up to his daughter instead.

He took Xiaolan to the seat where Jiaoluo was, and asked her to put both feet on his lap.

Xiaolan's face turned slightly red, and she obediently obeyed.

Mori Kogoro's big hand penetrated from the hem of the bathrobe, and quickly grabbed Xiaolan's injured right leg.

Both hands are silky and smooth to the touch, not slippery, as if they will slip off without a little effort.

He began to massage her gently: "You girl, you got hurt again, Dad knows you are eager to save people, but with me by your side, don't be so impulsive next time."

"Really, I kicked my foot badly, and it's me who feels distressed!"

Xiaolan's long legs are very sensitive. She couldn't help blushing when Kogoro Mouri pressed her, and she obediently responded, "Yeah!"

Mori Kogoro's rejuvenation technique was performed, and the cool spirit of vegetation poured into his legs, and the bruises just now were repaired quickly.

Xiaolan's pretty face was immediately full of useful expressions, and Mira looked a little envious.

After the rejuvenation technique was performed, Kogoro Moori scratched Xiaolan's feet, leaned over and said softly, "I'll go back with Mira later and change clothes. Seeing you wearing these bathrobes without underwear, I always feel uncomfortable." Safety."

Xiaolan's face turned red again.

Chapter 0248

"Don't Dad like it? It's very convenient!"

Xiaolan looked over with bright eyes, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but blush.

"I like it, but I have to do it at home, not outside."

"Oh~ But at home, mom will say something when she sees it. It's not that convenient after all!"

"Hmph, I still miss the time when there were only you and Xiao Ai at home."

Mori Kogoro recalled those few days, when Haibara and Xiaolan had a showdown, it was indeed very happy.

"Ahem! Then next time, let's take time to find a place to go on vacation without bringing other people."

"Hee hee, that's what you said, Dad, I've written it all down."

Xiaolan laughed lightly, and secretly pecked Kogoro Mouri on the cheek.

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