Then he got up and took Mira's little hand, and walked out of the mask hall.

Mira couldn't help asking: "You father and daughter are weird, what are you discussing quietly?"

"I won't tell you!"

After the two girls left the mask hall, they went downstairs and returned to their room.

After a while, Conan woke up to Minaho's soft call.

As soon as he saw Minaho's face in front of him, he immediately shouted: "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Saying this, the flustered Conan rolled down from the sofa, and immediately crawled to the side, but unexpectedly bumped into Hoonami's leg.

Suo Nami leaned down and comforted, "Little brother, what's wrong with you?"

Conan raised his head and saw this face exactly like Minaho's, with a smile on his face. He thought it was a ghost changing form, and couldn't help screaming: "Ghost!"

The faces of the people who lived in the west wing just now changed. They all heard the screams of the evil spirit when Kogoro Moori subdued it.

Mori Kogoro went straight up and gave the demon Conan three chestnuts.

Conan's head swelled up with a big red envelope, and he calmed down. He immediately hugged Kogoro Mouri's thigh and hid behind him.

Mori Kogoro resisted the urge to throw Conan's foot away, and comforted him: "Conan, uncle said you were just having a nightmare, there are no ghosts in this world."

"Calm down, now that Ms. Su Fang has been attacked and killed, stop messing around."

When Conan heard that someone was really dead, he looked at the twins, Minaho and Honami, with deep fear lurking in their eyes.

And the twin maids were naturally baffled.

Although Mori Kogoro always bullied Conan, but at critical moments, as long as Conan stood beside Mori Kogoro, he seemed to have a backbone, even if he had any fear in his heart, most of it faded away.

The little devil couldn't help but whispered: "Uncle, this time it's really different!"

At this time, Katagiri Masaki couldn't help but said: "Detective Maori, maybe he was not killed by someone, but by an evil spirit. It's always unlucky to keep Shoble's mask!"

Mamoru Matsudaira and Toya Aikawa on the side also couldn't help but nodded.

Kogoro Mouri opened his eyes and said nonsense: "There are no ghosts in this world. No matter how bizarre the case is, it will eventually come to light. Let's wait for the police to come."

More than half an hour later, the rain outside gradually subsided, Xiaolan and Mira had already returned to the mask hall, and Police Officer Mumu and the others also showed up with a team.

Maybe it was because of the large number of people, seeing the police officers in police uniforms guarding the side, most of the fear in everyone's hearts dissipated, except for Conan the little devil.

Conan became even more terrified after seeing Su Fanghongzi's death. He was in a trance and couldn't analyze anything, let alone reasoning.

Police officer Mu Mu couldn't help frowning after asking everyone's testimony.At [-]:[-] in the morning, there was a shrill ghost howling sound, and everyone in the west wing heard it, but the sound did not seem to be made by a human being. After being frightened, they broke out in a cold sweat. Everyone thought they were having a nightmare , I didn't come out to see what happened.

'After that, at one forty-five in the morning, the phone rang, and the messenger of the Cursed Mask said that the Cursed Mask would drink blood, and made two phone calls. '

What kind of testimony is this, where can I use it?

Evil spirits kill people, it's funny!

But the most troublesome thing for Police Officer Megure was Conan who was hugging his thigh. Kogoro Mori said he wanted to investigate the case, so he threw him over.

Conan stuck to Police Officer Megure like a dog's skin plaster.

Moreover, the little ghost has been whispering beside him, saying that he has encountered a ghost, and that the ghost is the pair of twin maids, so that Police Officer Mumu should be more careful.

Conan was not like this in the past, why has he become so unreliable today.

Seeing that Conan was terrified, and that he had helped solve many cases before, Officer Mumu let the brat hug him.

Xiaolan, who had completely calmed down, was also a little scared, and Mira was with her in the mask hall.

On the contrary, Kogoro Mori's new little slave girl followed him to investigate the case inseparably.

Instead of going to the bedroom of the deceased, they came to the study instead.

The cabinet under the desk is locked, but in front of Mori Kogoro with the Ant-Man robot, the lock is useless.

He quickly pulled out the cabinet, and there were stacks of documents inside.

Mori Kogoro sat on the swivel chair and looked through the documents. Most of these documents were "Charity Auction Planning Book", "Charity Fund Use Report", and what "Orphanage Construction Fund"...

When others saw these documents, they thought that Su Fanghongzi was really a kind person.

But Mori Kogoro could see the clue at a glance.

The most poisonous woman's heart!This guy really is beyond words, no wonder the murderer insisted on killing her even though he was frightened.

Nagara Haruka was playing her tarot cards in this study.

She drew herself a card with a picture of two Madonnas holding a chalice.

Not knowing how Nagara Haruka calculated, he turned and walked towards the west wall, fumbling with his little hands on the wall.

Not long after, she pressed a button hidden behind the wallpaper.

Then there was the sound of the mechanism, and a safe flipped out from the wall behind Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Xiaoyao, with this skill, you can be a divination detective in the future."

Nagara Haruka happily ran to Mouri Kogoro to claim credit, and wrapped her arms around Mouri Kogoro's neck: "Master, am I good?"


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