Mori Kogoro reached out and patted Nagara Haruka's buttocks, let her sit in his arms, and kissed her.

The swivel chair turned, and the two of them turned to the safe.

Kogoro Mori changed his mind, and the Ant-Man shrank extremely small, and got into the digital lock of the safe.

Then his big hand rested directly on the lock, turning a few numbers.

Under Nagara Haruka's adoring eyes, the safe was easily opened.

Naturally, the little slave girl couldn't help offering a sweet kiss.

The things inside are very simple, more than a dozen numbered USB flash drives.

Mori Kogoro randomly picked one and plugged it into the computer on the desk. The computer displayed video files one by one, so he and Nagara Haruka watched them together.

Soon, Nagara Haruka's face turned red instantly, and then Mori Kogoro covered his eyes with his big hands.

0249 - Slave Auction

Nagara Haruka's body was very soft, Mori Kogoro only felt tenderness in his arms and a fragrance in his nose.

After he closed his eyes, he stuck his big hand under the windbreaker and started to play tricks again.

Nagara Haruka suddenly became short of breath, but she didn't want to resist, so she stuck her whole body into Kogoro Mouri's arms.

She blushed, closed her eyes, her curved eyelashes trembled, and endured all this silently.

The computer screen was full of eye-catching images. Kogoro Mori re-downloaded a player from the Internet and opened it up to [-] times to watch it.

In this so-called 'charity auction', the auction items were naked men ranging in age from teens to twenties.

Most of the customers are old and ugly middle-aged women, and a small number of psychopathic male customers.

They went to the auction stand to pick and choose the men in the iron cage, just like picking meat in the market.

In other words, Su Fanghongzi's charity is human trafficking.

All her estates are also in service of this.

The invested orphanages are used to adopt good-looking boys, or entrust gangsters to abduct children and train them to be male prostitutes.

The ones with good quality like Lanchuan Dongya will be sent to the film and television company to be packaged as idols to attract money for themselves;

Or send it to an upper-class club to become a male publicist, Zhou Xuan is among many rich women.

Those of mediocre quality will be sent to the duck house to be sold as duck meat to earn money for skin and meat;

Some disobedient ones are directly trained as male slaves, put necklaces on them, and sell them at the auction. The life they live depends on the master's wishes.

Male prostitutes are more lucrative than female prostitutes.

In this fucking world, rare things are more expensive, ducks are more than three times more expensive than chickens.

Such an astonishing benefit, how could Su Fang Hongzi miss it.

Su Fang Hongzi said that she has been doing charity for fifteen years, but in fact this hookup is far more than fifteen years.

It was only later that she had a protective umbrella, and she thought she was almost innocent, so she dared to surface.

And her secretary Inaba Kazuyo is her accomplice.

Inaba Kazuyo had never been married, but was full of desires, so he vented his animal desires on those male prostitutes.

On average, she has to go to a dozen or so orphanages four or five times a week, which is called "inspection" by the euphemistic name!

Even this woman started to attack a boy who was twelve or thirteen years old and had just entered puberty. She was really cruel.

After finding these video evidences, Kogoro Mori knew what to do next.

He crossed out these videos before saying, "Xiaoyao, you can open your eyes now!"

Nagara Haruka's blue eyes were full of water, she blushed, but couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect Su Fang Hongzi to be such a person."

"Master, such a person deserves to die, so let's not solve the case for her!"

Mori Kogoro rubbed Nagara Haruka lightly with his big hand, and chuckled lightly: "I didn't expect you to be quite cynical, but this case still has to be solved, it just needs to be done in a different way."

After saying this, Mori Kogoro bowed his head and kissed Nagara Haruka's pink lips.

The well-behaved little slave girl gave an 'exhort', and responded enthusiastically and clumsily, and her little hand also penetrated into Kogoro Mori's bathrobe, scratching his chest muscles.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Mori Kogoro really wanted to kill her in one go.The two kissed passionately for more than ten minutes before Mori Kogoro let go of Nagara Haruka's mouth, patted his buttocks to signal him to get up: "Okay, we should go out too, and settle this case."

The little slave girl nodded obediently, but as soon as she stood up, her legs became weak and she almost fell to the ground. Kogoro Moori supported her and laughed lightly.

Soon, the two returned to the hall of masks.

At this time, Kazuyo Inaba, the female secretary who woke up from a hangover, was also called to the mask hall, and she was still a little confused about the situation.

But after hearing the news of Su Fanghongzi's death, her face became very gloomy.

As soon as Mori Kogoro came back, Police Officer Megure couldn't help but greeted him and asked, "Brother Maoli, have you found any clues?"

Mori Kogoro handed a bag of USB flash drives to Police Officer Megure: "This is a big surprise, there are many children who need you to rescue."

Hearing this, Inaba Kazuyo's face changed drastically, and he immediately stepped forward to grab the bag: "Mr. Police Officer, there are a lot of our company's business secrets here, and you can't take them away without authorization."

"What kind of business secrets are all criminal evidence? Human trafficking is huge and takes a long time. It seems that Secretary Inaba is going to go to jail."

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