Inaba Kazuyo's face turned pale in an instant, and he frantically wanted to rush forward to get back the evidence, but Takagi Tsutomu hugged him tightly behind him.

Police officer Mu Mu's face also became extremely serious, and he couldn't help asking: "Brother Maoli, is what you said true?"

"Of course, in the name of charity, Sufang Hongzi and Inaba Kazuyo built a new orphanage to adopt boys, train them into prostitutes, provide them to many clubs, and even held private auctions to auction off the children."

"These evidences were all found in the safe in Su Fanghongzi's study, and the USB flash drive is full of videos."

"Furthermore, Su Fang Hongzi still holds many handles against Inaba and Kazuyo."

"I'm afraid that there was a gap between the two. Inaba and Kazuyo didn't want to be at the mercy of Su Fang Hongzi, but also wanted to control the power of the company. That's why they committed the crime."

"You are talking nonsense, how could I kill the President!"

Mori Kogoro sneered: "What are those things you got on your hands if you didn't kill someone?"

Inaba Kazuyo couldn't help raising his hand, seeing the dried blood on his palm, his pupils shrank sharply.

"No, I didn't kill anyone at all, you framed me, you framed me!"

This is indeed Mori Kogoro setting her up.

Before he kicked the door in, he sent the Ant-Man robot to secretly remove the dagger from the scene of the crime and the key to Su Fanghongzi's bedroom.

The blood-stained dagger was moved, and finally placed in the hands of Kazuyo Inaba, who was sleeping, and the uncoagulated blood was printed on her hands, and her fingerprints were also stained, and then moved to the closet.

As for the key, it is now in Inaba Kazuyo's pocket.

"Whether you were framed or not, you know for yourself, Police Officer Mumu, have you found any murder tools at the scene of the crime?"

Officer Mu Mu naturally shook his head.

"You can go to Ms. Inaba's room and look for it, maybe you will get something, or search her."

"Actually, the case is clear at a glance. All you need to do is find the murder weapon and the key to open the door, and everything will be clear. Those masks are just a cover-up, and I have nothing to do with it."

After saying this, Mori Kogoro returned to his daughter's side and ignored it.

And the yellow-haired Aikawa Toya looked deeply at Kogoro Mori, and quickly turned his head away.

Chapter 0250 Dad, I don't want to sleep!

In fact, Mori Kogoro knew that the real murderer of Su Fang Hongzi was not Inaba Kazuyo, but Aikawa Toya, a rock star who was adopted and assisted by him in name.

Aichuan Fuyuya has been an orphan since his mother passed away, and life has been difficult since then.

No relatives took him in. Instead, Su Fanghongzi called him to an entertainment company as a trainee.

Su Fanghongzi's entertainment company is not a pure entertainment company.

In fact, it is just a more advanced duck house, and it is common for trainees to serve those dignitaries.

Therefore, Lanchuan Fuyuya's entire teenage life was extremely gloomy!

But he was lucky, after working hard, he debuted as a rock singer and became an idol, so there were fewer messes.

But he still didn't have much freedom. When Inaba Kazuyo wanted to take advantage of him while drinking, he couldn't refuse.

After becoming an idol, Aichuan Fuyuya returned to the old house once and saw the suicide note left by his mother.

Only then did he know that the driver of the car accident twenty years ago was Su Fang Hongzi, and his mother was coaxed into taking the blame and was killed in the end.

Knowing that the enemy who killed his mother was actually the president of his company, he couldn't help but take revenge under the new and old hatred, and planned for a long time before carrying out tonight's murder.

Mori Kogoro had already known about all this, so he would say that on the phone.

He felt that Lanchuan Fuyuya was a pitiful person, and it was his duty to take revenge and kill this heinous old woman, so he helped to plant the blame on Kazuyo Inaba.

Anyway, Inaba Kazuyo is too much to write down. The crime of raping a young child is enough for her to eat a pot. If there are too many lice, it will not itch, and if there are too many debts, she will not worry.

Putting all the shit on Inaba and Dai, if the forces run by Su Fang Hongzi want to retaliate in the future, they will only revenge on Inaba and Dai.

What happened afterwards was as Kogoro Mori expected.

The police found the murder weapon in Inaba Kazuyo's room, with her fingerprints on it.

They also found the key to Su Fang Hongzi's room on Inaba Kazuyo.

Inaba Kazuyo was completely flustered, but he could only say that he didn't know.

Police officer Megure found a computer to check the contents of the USB flash drive, and after looking at it for a while, he became furious and furious. He immediately called the Matsumoto Police Department and began to deploy the arrest operation of the entire profit chain.

Seeing Inaba Kazuyo being escorted to the police car by the police, Arikawa Toya's eyes flashed with joy.

But he was more puzzled, he didn't know why the murder weapon and key appeared on Inaba Kazuyo's side.

The person most likely to do something is the Maori detective!

He was the first to enter the scene of the crime, and he was also the one who woke up Kazuyo Inaba. Could it be that he was helping me?

impossible!Why is he helping me?

Lanchuan Fuyuya looked at Mori Kogoro from time to time, but Mori Kogoro didn't respond at all.

I'm afraid Lanchuan Fuyuya will keep this question in his heart for the rest of his life and never be able to solve it.

Afterwards, Officer Megure led the team away, and it was almost four o'clock in the morning.

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