Mori Kogoro originally wanted everyone to stay here for one more night and go home after dawn, but the little demon Conan would say nothing.

Originally, Conan had gradually calmed down, thinking that he was really having a nightmare and hallucinations.

Unexpectedly, Lanchuan Fuyuya said something redundant. When he came out to fetch water, he heard the sound of someone running in the corridor on the second floor. When he went up to the second floor, he saw Conan running in place. The picture was very frightening.

In fact, this is the scene he saw when he climbed the stairs when he was about to commit a murder. He was terrified at that time.After hearing this, Conan's little face turned purple instantly, and his crying father and mother were quarreling and arguing that they wanted to go home.

Everyone in the West Wing also turned pale with fright, thinking that Conan was bewitched by an evil spirit, and dared not approach him.

In the end, Kogoro Mori was so entangled by the little devil that he couldn't help it, and he still wanted to go home after beating him all over his head.

He also had nothing to do, so he could only let Xiaolan and the others pack their luggage, planning to return to Tokyo overnight.

Mori Kogoro was about to leave, Nagara Haruka naturally didn't want to stay, put his arm around him and whispered, "Master, I want to go back too, can you take me with you?"

This is of course no problem, Mori Kogoro doesn't want to keep the newly recruited little slave girl in this villa.

As for the others, there was no way to leave, they all came here by car.

The car to pick them up won't arrive until tomorrow, so they can only continue to be in fear in this villa for a few hours.

The Lexus was galloping on the dark mountain road. Conan in the passenger seat still had a nervous expression on his face, holding his seat belt with both hands, looking uneasy.

Xiaolan in the back seat looked suspiciously at Nagara Haruka beside her from time to time, thinking that she was another woman who wanted to hook up with her father.

As for Mira, she is just an ordinary person. She had gone through the madness of Mori Kogoro, and she was struggling to see the end of the case. At this moment, she was already too sleepy, and fell asleep in Xiaolan's arms. Woolen cloth.

Mori Kogoro is very energetic, staying up all night is nothing to him.

Forty minutes later, Lexus listened to the guidance and arrived in front of the villa in Mihua Town [-]-chome.

This is the mansion of Liangyao, a beautiful fortune-teller. Unexpectedly, the new slave girl is a rich woman. This well-known fortune-teller is really popular.

Before getting off the car, Nagara Haruka couldn't help but said: "Mori-kun, my Tarot card has told me just now, we will meet again soon, do you believe it?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Of course!"

Nagara Haruka got out of the car with satisfaction, stopped and waved goodbye, and waited until the Lexus drove away before entering her home.

Xiaolan's little hand in the car couldn't help screwing on Kogoro Mouri's arm again: "Something's wrong, there's something wrong, Dad, did something happen between you and that fortune teller?"

Xiaolan's strange power was terrifying, Mori Kogoro couldn't help gasping, and almost couldn't press the steering wheel steadily.

"Hehe, what happened? Dad asked her to use Tarot cards to tell your fortune. She said that your luck is very strong, your love is happy and happy, and all your worries will be resolved smoothly."

"Really?" Xiaolan let go of her little hand in an instant, with a look of joy.

The completely superstitious daughter instantly believed Kogoro Mori's nonsense.

Lexus quickly returned to the detective agency, and Conan relaxed.

Mori Kogoro hugged the sleeping Mira, and the four got out of the car and went upstairs.

The little ghost went to his room on the second floor, and the other three returned to the third floor.

Mori Kogoro just put Mira on Xiaolan's bed and tucked in the quilt.

When he got up, the baby girl jumped up and hung on him: "Dad, I don't want to sleep!"

"I don't want to sleep either!"

Mori Kogoro kissed his precious daughter, and then headed towards the bathroom with his buttocks in his hands...

Chapter 0251 Yingli saw it!

At four o'clock in the morning, it was still dark outside, but the bathroom was bright and warm.

The dense water vapor continued to rise, and the little angel sat in the arms of Mori Kogoro, with a pair of jade arms hanging gently on his shoulders.

Even if she stayed up all night, it did not damage the girl's beauty in the slightest.

Pretty little face, high nose bridge, big watery eyes that seem to be able to speak, and pink lips that can't be kissed enough.

With a white jade neck and a few drops of water hanging on the snowy shoulders, the curves of her body are everywhere beautiful, extremely alluring!

Mori Kogoro gently embraced the little angel, his eyes met, and he could understand each other's thoughts without talking. At this moment, he was quiet and happy.

The little angel Sufinger stroked Moori Kogoro's beard lightly, sometimes pulling it with a smirk.

Mori Kogoro didn't mind either, and endured the girl's mischief.

It wasn't until he was really hurt that he pretended to bite on it.

The little angel laughed immediately, splashing water with her little hand, and made a gesture of resistance that wanted to refuse and welcome.

She pretended to resist, but in fact she was very obedient. In the end, she was bitten all over the place, and her pretty face turned red instantly.

The little angel hugged Mori Kogoro's head, and poured water on his head with his little hand, so that his hair was wet.

There seemed to be a motherly glow about her at the moment, and she looked absolutely beautiful.

Mori Kogoro's fiery big hands kept climbing on the girl's body, ahem, he was just scrubbing the girl!

This is just Japanese etiquette for sharing baths, but Mori Kogoro has always done it very meticulously, and the big hand didn't miss any position.

After a long time, Mori Kogoro let go of the little angel.

The little angel had a tacit understanding, and naturally knew what he should do, so he pulled Mori Kogoro up and began to help him take a bath.

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