Mori Kogoro closed his eyes to enjoy the tenderness of his little angel.

Another [-] minutes passed after this wash, and at around five o'clock in the morning, the sky outside was already a bit bright, and the door of the bathroom was opened.

Mori Kogoro came out holding the little angel.

Neither of them planned to go back to the room to rest, so they sat directly on the sofa in the living room.

The girl seemed to be very attached to Kogoro Mori's arms, even if she sat on the sofa, she would not get off his arms.

Her body was pressed against her, Qiong's nose wrinkled, and she made a coquettish nasal sound, charming and cute.

Mori Kogoro couldn't bear it at all, so he also bent his head and gently scratched the girl's nose with his nose.

The corners of the little angel's mouth lifted slightly, and he lowered his head to kiss Mori Kogoro's lips.

This kiss instantly ignited Mori Kogoro's heart fire, he couldn't hold back any longer, he showed his master-level kissing skills, and his big hands started to wreak havoc.

His left hand came to the position of the gold medal for avoiding death, and when he spread it out, he instantly controlled everything.

The right hand continued to climb along the girl's small soft back, and the fingertips twirled gently at the holy vortex.

Not long after, a stirring movement was played from the living room.

And Conan, the little devil in the downstairs room, was lying on the bed rolling from side to side, but couldn't fall asleep.

As soon as he closed his eyes, the faces of the twin maids appeared in front of his eyes.

Holding masks in their hands, they turned into ghosts and kept pounced on them.

The little devil couldn't help but opened his eyes again, panting heavily, cold sweat oozing out.

He couldn't help but think of what Lanchuan Fuyuya said: "I saw you running in place in the corridor at night, boy, even if you are exercising, you can't choose such a late time!"

That's right, there are really ghosts in this world, I'm not dreaming, I'm really being chased by ghosts!

Tonight's experience is completely a process of reinventing himself for Conan.

After being frightened by this female ghost, he transformed from materialism to idealism.

Originally, the only belief in the little devil's heart was logic and science, but now this belief has been shaken, and the theory of gods and ghosts has quietly penetrated into his heart.

Conan couldn't fall asleep at all, and felt that there was something lurking under the bed, in the closet, in the toilet, outside the gate...

He quickly turned on the lights, and the surroundings were filled with light, which made him feel more comfortable.

The troubled little ghost took out his mobile phone and called his friend Hattori Heiji directly.


"who is it?"

Hattori Heiji's sleepy voice rang out from the phone, and the little devil was about to narrate everything that happened tonight in a bamboo tube, completely ignoring Hattori Heiji's words.

"Hey, Kudo, don't you have nightmares? What are you talking nonsense at night, being chased by ghosts, stop making trouble, I have to go to class tomorrow."

Conan became anxious for a moment: "I'm not talking nonsense, Uncle Mao Li doesn't believe me, don't you believe me? When did I lie to you?"

"It's true, I was really hunted down by a female ghost."

Hattori Heiji was a little puzzled: "Kudou, if what you said is true, you really went to that villa tonight, and a homicide happened to happen in the villa, then could you be confused by the murderer's tricks?"

"You also know that Uncle Mao Li is so smart, he doesn't even think there are ghosts, but you alone think that it doesn't make sense."

"Maybe there is no mechanism in that villa. Maybe the guy who said you 'run in place' is a trustee."

"A lot of things can be explained!"

Conan is still very stubborn: "Believe me, it's really a ghost, and I can definitely see through it if it's a mechanism."

Hattori Heiji on the other end of the phone had no choice but to comfort him first: "Okay, okay, okay, I believe you, I will ask my father in the morning to see where there is a mage who can exorcise evil spirits, and find someone to help you." How about exorcising evil spirits?"

"Then I will trouble you, Hattori, you must help me!"

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Okay, I'll help you, hang up first." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

And Conan was a little more relaxed.

On the other side, in Kogoro Mori's room, Eri, who was sleeping in a light gauze pajamas, Haitangchun, seemed to be awakened by something.

Dai Mei frowned, and opened her slightly blurred eyes, and she saw the light coming from the crack of the door at a glance.

Yingli couldn't help but sit up, and lifted the thin quilt on her body, revealing her explosive figure inside.

As soon as the beautiful legs turned over, the bare feet and jade feet lightly landed on the floor.

When she stood up, her fluffy brown hair fell like a waterfall.

Yawning, the whole person exudes a mature charm like a peach.

Stepping forward lightly with bare feet, he soon came to the door, pressed the doorknob with his little hand, the door opened, and the light also shot into the room.

Seeing the scene outside, Yingli froze, her eyes widened, and her pupils shrank sharply. This was a scene she never dreamed of.

how is this possible?how is this possible?

Chapter 0252

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