Mori Kogoro carried the little loli and walked to his bedroom: "It seems that I don't want to teach Xiao Ai a good lesson. I'm afraid you don't know how powerful uncle is."

Little Lolita immediately threatened in a low voice: "Hmph, if I yell again and Aunt Yingli comes out again, I'm afraid you won't be able to explain it clearly, Uncle!"

"Then just tell you not to yell." Saying this, Mori Kogoro picked up the little Lolita, and then kissed Huiyuan's pink lips.

Haibara wrapped his short arms around Mori Kogoro's neck, and couldn't help but respond.

The two entered the room, Kogoro Mori hooked his foot, and the door was gently closed without making any sound.

And in the room on the second floor below, Conan the Devil finally entered a half-dream and half-awake state, and he was about to fall asleep.

But he was woken up by a woman's cry suddenly coming from upstairs.

He thought it was a female ghost chasing him, so he couldn't help but rolled up the quilt, flipped out of bed, and hid under the bed shivering for a long time.

But Conan waited for more than ten minutes, nothing happened.

The fear in his heart gradually subsided, and then he stood up tremblingly, came to the mirror, and looked at himself in the mirror.

His face was pale, his hair was withered and yellow, and he didn't look like himself anymore.

No matter how tired he was, the little devil didn't dare to sleep anymore.

He opened the curtains, looked at the gray sky, and looked forward to the arrival of the sun.


Conan just felt that every minute and every second of tonight was so difficult.

Chapter 0253 the bold Xiaolan

On the bed in the middle bedroom, the bold and unrestrained Xiao Lan was wiping her thighs with a tissue without any scruples.

Seeing this scene, Yingli suddenly felt extremely ashamed.

【Although this person is not my daughter, she looks exactly like Xiaolan. This picture is really unbearable! 】

Xiaolan has completely calmed down at this moment, she said in Mira's tone: "Sister Yingli, tell me, what do you want to ask me?"

Eri couldn't help but said, "Mira, do you know what happened between us and Kogoro?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan chuckled lightly. Fortunately, she and Mira were open and honest yesterday, and they talked a lot to each other, otherwise they would not know how to answer now.

"Of course, it's no big deal."

"Actually, in the royal family of our kingdom, these are very common."

"My father had three wives, but the first wife and the second wife died in a plane crash, and then my mother was left alone."

"Now I am the master of the Kingdom of Visbania, Mr. Maori will go to take over the throne sooner or later. It is normal to have many concubines in the future!"

The pretending Xiaolan said this with arrogance.

Take the throne!

This was too much to say, and it shocked Eri in an instant, making him a little dazed.

It was also the first time for Eri to hear this statement, but she felt happy in an instant.

For a long time, Eri has had a headache for the flirtatious Mori Kogoro.

He has provoked so many girls, what should he do if he gets married in the future? If he doesn't get married, so many girls follow him without a name?Local lover?

Even if those girls don't make trouble, the family behind them may not know how to make trouble.

If you really get married, it is incompatible with the law, and you don't know how many bigamy crimes you will commit.

Moreover, Mori Kogoro is a big celebrity, and if he mishandles it, he will definitely be blamed by thousands of people.

But now that he heard this, Yingli felt that there was another village.

Emigrate directly to the Kingdom of Visbania to inherit the throne.

It is justifiable for a king to have a concubine, so naturally he will not be blamed too much.

In an instant, Yingli let go of one thing in his heart, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he turned to hold Xiaolan's little hand affectionately: "Sister, this is your throne, wouldn't it be good to give it to Kogoro?"

Hearing her mother calling her younger sister, Xiaolan couldn't help laughing secretly.

She continued to speak: "It's okay, after all, my throne was inherited with the help of Kogoro, and I'm willing to give it to Kogoro."

"As for the position of the queen, I think Sister Yingli is very suitable. If I really want to take care of so many sisters, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of them!"

Hearing this, Yingli laughed from ear to ear, and was dizzy from being hit by the big cake under the painting. She even forgot what she wanted to ask before, and was completely led away by Xiaolan.

"How can I be the queen, Mira, this is your family's throne, what's the matter with us!"

"No, no, I can't have it, you should be the queen in the future!"

Xiaolan laughed softly: "Sister Yingli, I feel that I have a special affinity with you when I saw you. In fact, I am very stupid and don't want to take care of things. If I really let me take care of things, there will definitely be a fire in the backyard."

"After thinking about it, I still think that only you are the most suitable, and they all listen to you."

"You look so beautiful, you have such a good temperament, you are so graceful and luxurious, I feel ashamed to stand next to you..."

Anyway, now Xiaolan is wearing someone else's identity, not her own, so she relaxes and flatters her mother wildly, coaxing her into joy.Yingli was poured a pot of ecstasy soup, the buff of the blackened hatchet had long since dissipated, and the whole person began to imagine how to manage other people when she became a queen in the future.

In the next room, Kogoro Mori, who was peeking at the conversation between the mother and daughter, couldn't help admiring his daughter's wrist, and actually fooled her mother so that she couldn't find her.

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