He also felt relieved, withdrew his mind, and focused on cooperating with little loli Huiyuan's experiment.

Mori Kogoro's right hand is caressing Haibara's little feet, the toes are crystal clear, like gems, it's really hard to put it down.

And his left hand was covering Huiyuan's Ma Pingchuan's chest, the Lightning Control Technique was cast, and tiny electric currents poured into Huiyuan's body unstoppably.

Little Loli couldn't help but tilted her head back, opened her mouth slightly, her blue eyes kept shrinking, and let out a silent cry.

Her whole body was like a big red shrimp, countless pores were opened, sweat leaked out, and her whole body trembled violently.

Huiyuan's little hands couldn't stop grabbing back, as if wanting him to stop.

It's a pity that this arm is too short, no matter how you swing it back, you can't catch Mori Kogoro at all.

It is impossible for Kogoro Mori to stop this experiment.

The frequency of this lightning infusion is exactly the same as the frequency of Mary's treatment before.

In other words, he intends to wash the marrow of Huiyuan Yijing.

The frail little loli Haibara is of course very cute!

But what Kogoro Mori wants more is a healthy and vigorous Lori Ai, so naturally he will not stop easily.

Mori Kogoro bowed his head and softly encouraged Hui Yuan, "Xiao Ai, keep at it, keep at it, it will be over soon."

Haibara, whose face was covered with sweat and whose hair was stained on his forehead, gave Mouri Kogoro a weak look.

[Liar, when you say it will end soon, it will end soon! 】

But Haibara couldn't break free at all, and didn't dare to scream to disturb Eri in the next room, so he could only bury his head in the pillow and endured all this.

Kogoro Mori did not coax Huiyuan this time, after four or five minutes, countless energies and tiny electric currents poured into Huiyuan's body at the same time.

Little Loli couldn't bear it at all, and her body couldn't stop trembling.

She made a gesture to scream, but Kogoro Mori covered her mouth with his big hand, and the scream could only be heard in her throat.

At this moment, what leaked from the countless open pores was no longer sweat, but gray or black human impurities.

This is what Huiyuan has accumulated from eating whole grains for so many years since he was a child, and it exudes the familiar smell of Kogoro Moori.

Smelling the stench, Mori Kogoro was overjoyed.

Sure enough, it was not a coincidence that the body was infused with lightning before, and the marrow was washed by the Book of Changes.

Although Xiao Ai is smelly at the moment, and will soon be covered with a layer of sea mud, Mouri Kogoro doesn't dislike her at all.

His big hands kept patting Hui Yuan's soft back, comforting the trembling little Lolita.

Chapter 0254

Huiyuan was a little dazed at the moment, his azure blue eyes were full of panic, and he felt extremely ashamed.

Although the fireworks blooming just now was very beautiful, but when she came back to her senses, she realized that something was wrong with her body.

I actually ooze out these weird things in front of Mori Kogoro.

Little Lolita became nervous all over: Uncle wouldn't dislike me, would he?

But when she saw the satisfied smile on Mori Kogoro's face, little Lori realized instantly that all of this was caused by Mori Kogoro.

She asked weakly, "Uncle, what's going on?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Little Ai, you're almost turning into a little mud monkey?"

"What's going on?" Little Lolita was a little anxious.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Uncle just gave you thunder and lightning irrigation, and I Ching washes the marrow. The pores discharge all kinds of impurities that are deeply hidden in your body."

"In the future, Xiao Ai will become very healthy, and diseases such as colds will not come to her."

"And the physical strength will also become better. I think Xiao Ai should be able to last longer in the next experiment."

Hearing this, he felt that his body had indeed changed, and seemed to be a little more relaxed, and Huiyuan couldn't help but glow with joy in his eyes.

But she quickly thought of something, and couldn't help asking: "Will that affect my recovery after taking the medicine?"

Mori Kogoro put his big hand on it lightly, and the detection of his healing technique showed that the abnormality in Haibara's body was still not resolved.

"Of course it won't affect you. It's not like you don't understand that APTX acts on genes. The I Ching washes the marrow at most and goes deep into the bone marrow. How can it tamper with your genes?"

"Okay, it's time for Smelly Xiao Ai to take a bath."

Mori Kogoro wrapped up the little Lolita with a quilt, opened the door, and walked quickly to the bathroom.

The moisture in the bathroom hasn't completely dissipated, and it's still a little wet when you step in.

Mori Kogoro moved a small bench and sat down, untied the quilt, and let little Lori stand in front of him.

He tested the water temperature with his big hand. The child's skin is delicate, and the temperature should be a few degrees lower than that of adults.

Mori Kogoro has always been concerned about Haibara's affairs, so he will naturally pay attention to these.

The warm water flowed down from Xiao Ai's head, and the layer of impurities that were as dark as sea mud continued to fall off, revealing the delicate and tender baby-like skin inside.

This snowy skin is white and rosy, almost the same as the little Shikigami Fusang I abducted.

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