Little Loli looked down at her exposed skin with a look of joy. Girls are extremely sensitive to these changes.

Kogoro Mori took some shower gel with his slightly rough hands, and began to bathe the little Lolita.

Up and down, front and back, inside and out...

Huiyuan blushed slightly, but obediently enjoyed it.

Soon, a cute little loli like a porcelain doll appeared in front of Mori Kogoro, making people want to take a few bites just by looking at it.

Mori Kogoro is a pure actionist, and he really did it when he wanted to, which made Haibara scream and laugh constantly, pushing his head with his little hand.

Afterwards, little Loli broke away from Mori Kogoro, pushed a low chair by herself, and stood in front of the sink to look at herself in the mirror.

Like Mary, she had been smug for a while before turning over.

The little loli who looked like a porcelain doll climbed onto Kogoro Mori's lap again, and couldn't help but leaned over and kissed Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and then slowly responded, the kiss was long and gentle.

But Mori Kogoro didn't dare to stay in the bathroom for too long, and Eri was still there, so he had to be careful.

He turned off the shower head, took a big bath towel and gently wiped the little Loli, wiping it clean.

The two of them wrapped in bathrobes left the bathroom.As soon as I came to the living room, the sun happened to rise, and the sun was warm.

Mori Kogoro first went into Xiaolan's room with Huiyuan in his arms, and then went to the rocking chair on the balcony with Little Lolita to watch the sunrise.

The morning light reflected on Huiyuan's exquisite Xiaomeng's face, it was so cute, people couldn't get enough of it!

After a while, little Lolita's face was covered with saliva from Mori Kogoro.

She patted Kogoro Mori's mouth pretending to be disgusted, turned her small face sideways, and her short body was completely lying in Kogoro Mori's arms.

The short arms wrapped around Mori Kogoro's waist, but he couldn't fully hug him no matter what.

Mori Kogoro held the little loli's buttocks to prevent her from slipping.

Hearing the sound of the wind blowing through the bluebells, smelling the fragrance of the little loli, and bathing in the warm sunshine, I really feel very comfortable at this moment, and all the fright I received just now dissipated.

The bedroom door opened, and Xiaolan, who had finally fooled her mother, came out.

She was wearing a white gauze dress, and she couldn't help but wiped her forehead to wipe away the sweat that didn't exist.

To be honest, the scene of my mother holding a knife just now scared her too.

Xiaolan didn't understand why she and her father had put in so much hard work, why this result still appeared after her mother saw it.

She couldn't help but sighed.

Then Xiaolan saw Mori Kogoro and Haibara basking in the sun on the balcony, and couldn't help wrinkling her nose: Why does Xiao Ai feel more like her father's daughter?

But Xiaolan didn't bother them, she knew that her father was really exhausted last night, and she also had something to do!

Soon, Xiaolan brought a basin of water and a rag, and began to wipe the sofa and marble coffee table.

Looking at the puddles of unknown liquid on the marble coffee table, Xiaolan's pretty face soon turned red.

On the other hand, Yingli, who walked out of the bedroom, saw Xiaolan cleaning up, and ignored her.

Instead, he stepped gently into the room on the right, and closed the door behind him.

She looked at the girl sleeping peacefully like an angel on the bed, and a trace of hesitation and complexity flashed in Danfeng's eyes.

Even though they were so close, Eri couldn't be sure if the girl in front of her was his daughter.

She stretched out her hand to lift off the thin quilt on the girl's body, revealing her graceful figure immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Yingri's little hand trembled slightly into the girl's skirt, but the sleeping girl didn't notice it at all.

Her little hand searched for a while, and finally found a small sign in the soft gully.

Yingli took it out and saw that it was the gold medal for avoiding death.

She was truly relieved.

For someone as smart as Eri, even if what Mira said just now was true, she still didn't believe it [-]%.

She remembered the scene of bathing with her daughter before, and there was a small gold medal inseparable on her daughter's chest, so she wanted to come over to make sure.

Seeing the familiar little gold medal now, Eri believed what that 'Mira' just said to him.

And Kogoro Mori, who was on the deck chair on the balcony outside, also let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he thought a little bit more just now, otherwise it would be miserable.

Chapter 0255

Xiaolan was still nervously listening to the abnormal noises in the room.

If Mira is woken up and the lie cannot be fulfilled, it will be miserable!

But soon she heard her mother's footsteps behind the door.

She hurriedly jumped back to the coffee table in three steps and continued to work, pretending that she didn't notice Fei Yingli's abnormality at all.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro returned to the living room with Xiao Ai in his arms.

He put little Lori down, wrapped his arms around Yingli's soft shoulders, and dragged her towards the kitchen.

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